Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

19 Feb


This can happen if the game is unable to fetch the prices due to a poor connection.


Originally posted by PreservedInCarbonite

I can see the YouTuber video titles now: "Crumb Confirms- Finalizer will NOT have synergy with FO ships!"

18 Feb


I came in this morning thinking "That's weird, the synergy suggestions are all wrong." Good work giving me a double take

14 Feb


We have flagged this as a bug now. FYI: It is only happening when called in by Raddus' ability "Holdo Maneuver".

13 Feb


Hi, if you are having issues transferring your account from iOS to Android you can contact our customer support team on for further assistance and they should be able to guide you through this process. But first check out this help article: ...

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Originally posted by Momoshiggens7

FWIW this happened to me also but it was two raids ago so not sure if there's still logs from that.

With the same or a different team? If you PM me your ally code and the date and time, I can have a look too.


It is indeed already flagged as a bug but wasn't fixed with the update on February 12th (Patch notes)


Can you PM me your ally code and the time it happened, so that I can have a look at our logs? thank you!

12 Feb


Thanks for the report. We have already flagged this as a bug.

11 Feb


Originally posted by A-S-C-E-N-S-I-O-N

I waited a bit to reply to this so you wouldn’t have to fight harassment, but does this flag mean anything beyond, “it’s on the list”?

Can we expect a fix, or is it going to get lost for a while?

Edit: Also, thank you for the response.

It means that it is on the list. The decision as to how and when it gets fixed lies with other people within the studio and depends on many criteria.


Please report him to CG_LucifersDaddy on the official forum: LINK

10 Feb


The button is usually missing when your account is set to an underaged account.

If you did that by mistake, please get in touch with our Customer Support, they should be able to assist.


Are you referring to Darth Vader's basic attack "Terrifying Swing"? This one hits usually very low and is more useful to apply Ability Block rather than dealing damage.

We've run a check on it and it is working as intended.


We flagged this as a bug a while ago.


We've checked our logs, and it appears you've missed joining the currently running event.

07 Feb


We've tested this today and it is still working as intended.


We have flagged this for correction now.

05 Feb


Thanks for reporting this. We've flagged it for review now.