Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Originally posted by garrettgibbons

This was my noon energy.

Hi there,

Can you PM me your ally code, please, so that I can have a look? Thanks!


Did you try to collect that energy during the update last night by any chance?


Did you try to collect it during the update last night by any chance?

04 Feb


What iPhone are you using?


Did the game become completely unresponsive? Sounds like it crashed, which can happen for a variety of reasons. PM me your ally code and the date and time when it happened, so that I can have a look.


Did you restart your game already? That should fix this.

03 Feb


Originally posted by StoneCharm

Yes it did

Awesome, glad to hear that!


Originally posted by rymas1

Will it be added to the Trello bug tracker anytime soon? I would like to follow the status on it as it progresses towards a solution.

FYI: Not every bug is being added to the Trello bug tracker. Rest assured that we've pushed the priority because of the impact and that the team is already looking into it.


Did a restart fix it for you? If not, PM me your ally code, with that I can have a look. Thanks!

31 Jan


Originally posted by rymas1

Thank you. I checked Trello and it was not listed with a status. The ticket response I got made it sound like it wasn't being explored

No worries, that's what I am here for =) Glad we clarified it.

30 Jan


Originally posted by Pantriar

That did work. Thanks! I was hesitant to try that since I’ve had other games delete my data, but I had no issues once I re-downloaded it

Glad to hear and good to have you back!


Hi all,

We have flagged this for review now.



This can have several reasons and is one of the more generic error codes. Can you try to reinstall as a first step, please? Make sure you have a strong and stable internet connection when doing so.

29 Jan


It has nothing to do with SWGoH, so I would strongly recommend denying access.


Originally posted by iyawtmyomod

Did you have either of those toons in leader rolls? I have no clue why it seems to work for some people (folks in my guild have reported no problems), but not others?

Yeah, I was running Maul lead.


PM me your ally-code and the date and time this happened, so I can have a look.


Have you checked your in-game sound settings as well?

28 Jan


The shard drop chance is always the same and doesn't change at all.


Originally posted by iyawtmyomod

Brothers in Arms requires win a “GA battle with team containing Darth Maul and Savage Opress.” And yes, I’ve restart the game several times.

Weird....I just completed that feat without any issue.