Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

28 Jan


We have already flagged this for further investigation.


Did you already try to restart the game? What feat are you referring to exactly?

27 Jan


Originally posted by Short-Newspaper

Did you get a chance to take a look for me?

You should be sorted now.


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

If anybody was locked out recently and the update has resolved the issue, please let us know. We want to make sure there’s no additional cases where players can’t log in. Thanks!

Thanks for the messages. Look like the fix worked. We’ll review how many were affected and next steps tomorrow. Thank you again for the responses!


If anybody was locked out recently and the update has resolved the issue, please let us know. We want to make sure there’s no additional cases where players can’t log in. Thanks!

24 Jan


We are working with Apple to get this resolved as soon as possible. It is an issue with the Apple AppStore.


We are actively looking into this. So far it appears it is happening for iOS only and not limited to SWGoH.


Are all of you on the iPhone 11?

We checked and had no issues loading the game on several devices (iOS and Android).


If you already completed the event once and collected the shards you won't be able to get a reward again. This is intended and not a bug.

If you missed shards as first-time rewards, PM me your ally code and I can have a look.


Thanks for raising this. We already have flagged this as a bug.


If you are still missing Wat Tambor shards from any of the Territory Battles, please send a PM to EA_Mindtricks on Answer HQ,

Direct link to PM

23 Jan


Thanks for reporting this. We have flagged this for review now.

22 Jan

21 Jan


Hi all,

We have flagged this for review now.

20 Jan


We are aware and are still working on it.

16 Jan

15 Jan


PM me your ally code, so that I can have a look. Thanks!