Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

02 Jan


PM me your ally code, so that we can have a look. Thanks!


Nice catch! We have flagged this for review now.


We are aware of this and looking into possible improvement options.

31 Dec


Can you PM me the ally codes of both accounts and the date and time of the battles, please? Thank you!


If you stay a few seconds on the character detail screen, the animation will come up (given the character has one, of course).
Is Darth Revans lightsaber always missing? You may have a corrupted or missing asset file, so consider a fresh and clean reinstall. That should fix it.

30 Dec


PM me your ally code and I have a look.


If everything froze as you've described it could be that your game simply crashed (for a number of reasons). If you experience this more often try a fresh and clean reinstall and make sure you got enough space on your device. More troubleshooting steps can be found here: iOS ...

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We are aware of it and are already investigating possible improvement options.

27 Dec


Sorry about that mistake. No character shards were included in this bundle.


That message is usually coming up when your game client is out of sync with the server. A restart should fix that.

23 Dec


Originally posted by Robinzhil

Since you are in charge of the issues, as suggested by your flair, I have a question for you.

My issue is a severe lack in communication. Didn’t you guys hire a new community manager? Does he get to use the holy laptop in the new year? Would be awesome to have at least some form of communication.

We sure did: CG_SBCrumb


Originally posted by Jewycob

Yeah, and when I click on gear in the rewards screen it takes ages to load then crashes again!

What device are you playing on?

Can you PM me your ally code and the date and time it happened, so that we can have a look? Thanks!


We already flagged this as a bug.


Nice catch! We have flagged this for review now.


We are aware of some cases where the game is not performing optimal on some devices and are already working on some improvements.