Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

15 Jan


PM me your ally code, please. Thanks!


What device and OS are you playing on? Can you PM me your ally code, so that I can have a look at our logs too?

More troubleshooting steps can be found here: iOS and Android

14 Jan


Hey, thanks for the report. We've now flagged this for review.


The current season for the Grand Arena Championship is being finalized. Once completed your rank should update correctly.


We are aware of this and are looking into it.

13 Jan


Thanks for the report. We flagged this for review.


We are aware of this and have flagged it as a bug.


Looking at your screenshots it looks like you are missing 1 "normal" ship (not a Capital ship) since it appears that you only have 2 ships available.

There was a bug in the past where you were able to enter the battle with just 2 normal ships since the Capital ship was counting towards the required ships, but that was fixed a while back.

10 Jan


Hey, sorry to hear you've ran into this issue. Have you already tried to reinstall the game? If you haven't please give it a try and if you still have the same issue after reinstall if you can send me a PM with your Ally Code so I can look into it.



Originally posted by Jammer_k

After reading this I went to check if I can complete any events, but Ive done all of the events and I do not have the characters starred for the remaining events, yet it still shows a red dot with "2". Additionally, the malak event seems to have a pulsating ring around it. I have not been able to figure out what that means.

u/Jammer_k Can you please send me a PM with your Ally Code so I can check which events you have available to complete?


Hi there, can you please send me your Customer Support ticket number(s) and your Ally Code via private message so we can look into it?


08 Jan


Hi all, thanks for the report. We flagged this for review already as it's confusing in the current state.

As mentioned in the other comments, that red dot in Events is because you have events available to complete in the Journey Guide. You can check it in Quests -> Journey Guide -> Tap on the characters which are grayed out

Hope this helps and happy new year!

07 Jan


PM me your ally code and the date and time it happened, please, so that I can have a look. On a side-note: Can you confirm that it was a case of missing ability buttons and not a game crash/freeze?


Sorry to hear that! You can always post this type of issue on the official Answer HQ Bug report forum which is the main place for Bug reports:

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do for you now, but we will make sure it is being looked into.

06 Jan


Can you PM me your ally code pls, so that we can have a look? Thanks!

02 Jan


This message usually comes up when your game is out of sync with the server. A complete restart should fix that.


Hey, can you PM your Ally Code please so we can have a look?
