Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

23 Dec


This one is still work in progress.


Takes a while to load once you tap on a shipment for the first time, but doesn't crash. Have you already done the usual troubleshooting?

iOS Android

20 Dec

19 Dec


Hi all, can you please send me a PM with your Ally Codes to check your account?


18 Dec


Hey, thanks for the report. We flagged this for review now. Also cheers for the suggested translation!


Thanks for the report and all the information provided. We've now flagged this as a bug. At the moment it seems to only affect the interaction between Phoenix and Nightsisters but we will look more into it.

17 Dec


Hey, sorry to hear you accidentally sold the wrong mods. Can you please send me a PM with your Ally Code so I can look into it?



Originally posted by Unkempt24

Mod Challenges don't, Mod Battles count towards the Hard Won progress, I used that when I ran out of hard node farms to make sure I got my dailies in. Specifically when farming Tier 9 of the Mod Battles.

Thanks for the clarification. We have this flagged for review with the game team.


Originally posted by Jonbol54

Hi, didn’t play the game for a few days until today and the problem is no longer present.

Ok, thanks for the confirmation and glad to hear the issue is no longer present. Have a great weekend!


Hey, I tested the game today on 2 different iPhone 7 devices, OS 11.2.6 and 12.1.4 on both updated clients and fresh reinstalls and didn't encounter any issue.

What I can suggest in this situation is to also try using a different internet connection, logout and log back in to your Game Center account, make sure you don't have any other apps running in the background. If that doesn't do the trick, please send me a PM with your Ally Code so I can check your account.



Thanks for the report, good catch! And the screenshot was key to reproduce the issue as this is an edge case scenario. We've now flagged it as a bug.


Hey there, we've already flagged this as a bug. The reason the red dot notification appears in Events is because you have events available to complete in the Journey Guide. To see these go to Objectives -> Journey Guide -> Select a grayed out character -> Activity.

16 Dec


Hey, we are not seeing this issue in game. Are you seeing the same thing after restarting the game/device?


Thanks for the screenshot. We've now flagged this as an art bug.


We are aware of this issue and have flagged it as a bug. Apologies for the inconvenience meanwhile.


We are aware of this issue and have flagged it as a bug. Apologies for the inconvenience meanwhile.


Hey there, thanks for the report. We've already flagged the red dot notification in Events as a bug. This is basically due to having events available to complete in the Journey Guide (which cannot be seen in the Events section). One can see what are the available events to complete by going to Objectives -> Journey Guide then scrolling through the characters which are grayed out. Simply select a character, go to "Activity" and check if you have the event available to complete.

13 Dec


There is currently an issue with the correct calculation of the ship GP which has TOP priority for us.

12 Dec


Originally posted by Master_Dean

I’ve literally posted the link to the other guild. Confirmed players listed in their guild have the same name as the players who have defenses set up. It’s a 270 million GP guild. There’s absolutely no way it’s a 90 mil.

The link you've posted is a different guild. Your guild was matched against "Альфа Прайд".


Hey there,

I checked this and I'm not seeing the behavior you described. I SIM-ed a bunch of Mod Challenges and it didn't count any progress towards the "Hard Won" (Finish 5 Hard battles) daily activity, nor towards the "Hard Battles" guild activity. It only counted progress towards the "Mod Energy" (Finish 3 battles using Mod Energy) daily activity.

Let me know if I misunderstood your post and checked the wrong thing.

Thank you.