Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

20 Jan


We are aware and are still working on it.

16 Jan

Server Update complete
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains some minor server changes. There is nothing publicly changing with today's update. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

15 Jan


PM me your ally code, so that I can have a look. Thanks!


PM me your ally code, please. Thanks!


What device and OS are you playing on? Can you PM me your ally code, so that I can have a look at our logs too?

More troubleshooting steps can be found here: iOS and Android

14 Jan


Hey, thanks for the report. We've now flagged this for review.


The current season for the Grand Arena Championship is being finalized. Once completed your rank should update correctly.


We are aware of this and are looking into it.

13 Jan


Thanks for the report. We flagged this for review.


We are aware of this and have flagged it as a bug.


Looking at your screenshots it looks like you are missing 1 "normal" ship (not a Capital ship) since it appears that you only have 2 ships available.

There was a bug in the past where you were able to enter the battle with just 2 normal ships since the Capital ship was counting towards the required ships, but that was fixed a while back.

10 Jan


QoL: ship squads preloads, please!!! someday near?

and Mod management, can there be additional improvements that wont break the game? filtering and instant upgrade/sell ?

Fleet Management is high up in our QoL backlog and we are exploring the UI designs and engineering implications of it (taking care of reinforcements, capital ships, etc.)

We're actively exploring priorities and opportunities for the mod experience to be improved too.

2019 saw a relatively low amount of new, unique content. Do you have plans for 2020 to have more fresh concepts to introduce to the game instead of rehashing existing game modes?

Hey CubsFan! As the lead feature designer for the game, we're working on systems to build new game modes that I couldn't be more excited about. We're doing it right, so I can't go into any details, but we want to have fun, fresh things for players to do in-game.

How was your holiday break? Do anything cool that is worth sharing? I hope you had a nice holiday season! Thanks for all you do to bring us this game.

Thanks for asking! I got to fly home and make more than 300 Swedish meatballs, lounge with my dog by a fire, and enjoy time with family. Hope you had a nice holiday season! Oh, I also caught a shiny Magikarp that evolved into a shiny red Gyarados. That was fun.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Our monthly Q&A is today at 12:20 PM Pacific! You can submit us questions beforehand or respond to the thread during the Q&A and we will get through as many questions as we can.
TOPIC: Galactic Legends

Q: Can we confirm if the Galactic Versions are the final versions of each character? Being the last movie it would be kind of a let down if we didn't get Kylo and Rey as they are at the end of the movie
[*] A: Tophat - Tricky to answer... I think the answer is "cannot confirm". When we look at building/designing characters we often look for specific snapshots of characters (breakers of this rule are C-3PO and R2 for example) to design around. The versions of the Kylo and Rey that we have planned are not the versions from the end of the movie.

Q: Can we please have some additional information about Galactic Legends events?
[*] A: Tophat - We have alot of planned information forthcoming. Our hope is to start the information rolling near the end of the month (finger's crossed).

Q: How will the galac... Read more
TOPIC: Quality of Life