

22 Jul


We’ll investigate why that happened. Games in progress are supposed to be protected when a new patch goes out.

10 Jul


Originally posted by Rohbo

I guess your experience must represent everyone's.

I went just over 9 years before I got my first and only punishment. A char restriction where the only log a game where someone flamed everyone and made racist remarks towards my teammates. I got punished for saying "racist and sexist, a good look on you."

Support told me, after, that it was justified because I ruined his experience in that game.

Also, your anecdote being true doesn't mean that the anecdotes of everyone with a different experience are false. You shouldn't have to be either silent or a shining rainbow swimming through sludge to not be punished. Thankfully in my case I am almost always an overly positive person so I got back to honor 4 quickly and still earned my end of season ranked rewards for what little they're worth in Plat, but it doesn't sting any less that that mark is on mt account, now, after years of being a positive community member and being punished for calling out a racist (and n...

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As I said before, our current implementation. If that was your experience, that sucks. That's not the experience we're trying to have happen in the game. I'm hoping the improvements in flight for those systems help address that.

I know that my anecdote doesn't negate others experiences. There are failings in the current system. There are exceptions that we hope are kept a minimum. I think the system currently is failing more in catching people being abusive in chat regularly in a way that automation can't easily catch much more than players are incorrectly getting restricted. It absolutely happens, but the rate is very low.


Originally posted by Fi3nd7

I've been called the N word over audio and reported them but didn't get a succeed notification. Im curious how you guys handle audio/voice reports and if they're at all effective?

Reporting is definitely recommended. In voice cases, we often have to rely on either videos sent via player support or pattern of reports on that player from the in game reporting. It's definitely an area we're working on more tooling to be able catch this more accurately and more quickly to remove those players. It's not where we currently want it to be.


Originally posted by Rohbo

I don't expect any automated system to be perfect. What I do expect is that support staff be willing to fairly assess it on a case-by-case when appeals are made rather than spinning every angle they can to defend the restriction despite it being a miss by the system.

It's a priority to impove these systems:

It'll be great if they do, but this has been going on for quite a while and Riot has a habit of saying they're working on something and then it falling by the wayside. Here's hoping this isn't one such example in the future. That said, again, there are problems beyond the automated systems.

That being said, not getting a restriction in chat is fully in one's control.

Yes. You can mute all and not chat at all...

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I'm just saying engaging with people trying to troll is never going to end well. It'll just get you more upset.

I don't think calling something out as inappropriate in chat is worthy of punishment. I do think there are constructive comments and unconstructive comments. I also think people often think their comments are innocuous or constructive when they're not.

I've played league for 11 years with all chat on and have thusfar avoided restrictions and, last i checked, any reports. My approach in comms is i'm saying something tactical/useful for team info or calling out positive moments in the game for teammates. If the chat's not helping the team with valuable info or not lifting someone up, it's probably not worth typing.


Originally posted by Rohbo

There are scenarios with some combos where the player responding to the negative group of players with strong swear words can create more weight to the reports in the auto chat restrictions. It can happen. That's the getting baited into a chat ban I was referring to.

I'm not referring to people getting baited. If I'm getting harassed and troll reported by a premade, and I say "f**k" after I stupidly facecheck a bush, that's not getting baited. But does your system detect the swearing is unrelated to the people 4x (or more, if they manage to goad the enemy team into doing) reported by a premade?

Or is swearing entirely a punishable offense? I admit, maybe it is and I just never realized it.

Hell, apparently even calling people racist, sexist, or homophobic is enough to be caught by the automatic chat restrictions when you get mass reported? Sorry, but if you think calling someone racist before muting them, or even suggesting other m...

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Our system is not perfect. People who want to really effectively troll and game the system can happen. We want to remove those players, and we want that system to not impact players who are positive in their interactions in chat.

I don't think the scenario where one's getting harassed and then has an innocuous swear unrelated to that is a high use case. In general, I don't recommend using potentially offensive words in a solo queue environment or directing aggressive chat back at harassers. There is some automation in our chat restrictions, so it's possible you get restricted more quickly than that troll. It will feel less fair--and probably is in a lot of cases. Those same auto restrictions do capture a lot of very toxic players, though, and do so quickly.

It's a priority to impove these systems: ...

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Originally posted by Rohbo

This definitely happens in LoL, yes. Which was the assertion. Maybe it's because the report trains combine with the oversensitive chat detection system, I don't know, but it happens.

I don't have any experience, anecdotal or otherwise, to say so for Valorant. But it's still Riot.

There are scenarios with some combos where the player responding to the negative group of players with strong swear words can create more weight to the reports in the auto chat restrictions. It can happen. That's the getting baited into a chat ban I was referring to.

The best thing to do is not respond to toxic teammates. Obviously we want to catch the people provoking and being jerks. It's important that players don't respond to toxicity with toxicity. It doesn't solve the issue in the game.

Players who don't respond with harsh chat and are being trolled won't get any restrictions from a troll group of premades.


Originally posted by 2ndnamewtf

I know you get a message if you report a cheater and that cheater gets banned letting you know your actions helped. But do you also get one if you have a super toxic teammate over voice comms that they got chat banned or mic banned? (If the latter is even a thing I’ve been working too much to keep up) because I had a player last night that just started talking shit to me right when we entered agent select and was like that the whole game. And he was in a 4 stack with the rest of my team so I know I’m the only one that reported him. Thank god for the mute button but every time I unmuted him he was talking shit to me. I hope this game doesn’t become a toxic cesspool

Currently, the implementation is specifically on the cheats side. We do want to improve the feedback for players on toxicity reports in the future, and this is one of the things that's been discussed as a potential solution.


Originally posted by Rohbo

Yea, that's the lie Riot tells for LoL too.

What's the lie? Is your assertion that completely innocent players are getting chat restricted after a game or two of reports from premades?

09 Jul


Originally posted by DidHeJustSayThat_

I've been wanting to ask a question directed to riot personnel, hopefully to understand what to do in a said situation:

When i started the game in the public beta, i was not doing great, in fact, i was doing terrible, mostly due to me being new to tactical shooters. A teammate starts voice/chat flaming and i decide to text "Mutted" and proceed to mute him. About a round or two later, another teammate of mine says in all chat to please report me for flaming and intentionally inting, which confused me a lot because i had not interacted with anyone apart from the mute comment. This is where my doubts come in, many friends queue up together frequently, but i myself play alone, if i find myself in a situation again where the whole premade squad decides to report me for invalid reasons: me actually being bad rather than inting, what can i do?

I'm not the only one who has encountered this situation, many of my friends have too, in which a 4 man team flames and asks the oth...

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It's very unlikely you would get a ban from that. If you're getting harassed by folks in the game (especially if it's causing you to mute them), using the report function yourself for those players is a good idea. It's likely it's not the only match they're that way. Cumulative reports are what trigger restrictions--patterns of behavior. Text chat is accessible in reports we get, so we would see it in review.

Sorry you're running into those types of players! It's not an easy game to learn and get better at, and those types of players don't help. Glad you're enjoying the game!


Originally posted by JohnBrownWasGood

Imagine banning people for standing up for themselves

We don't. We add restrictions (chat, etc) to accounts that have a pattern over multiple games of exhibiting negative chat behavior. Standing up for yourself doesn't have to include responding to toxic players with equal levels of toxicity or negativity. We want to catch those toxic players, it's important not to stoop to their level.


Originally posted by Ryguzlol

Hope you respond to this. I've been chat banned twice already and both games are DIRECTLY after games with a 4 stack where I was "baiting" and "not playing with the team"

I hope what you are saying is true, but from my experience it does not seem like it. Also, just feedback in general, getting chat restricted hurts my team more than it hurts me. I solo queued yesterday into another 4 stack and they proceeded to flame me for "not having a mic" even though I do, but I am just voice chat and chat banned so I can't say anything.

The system is clearly broken from what it seems.

It's hard to say. While those being the games where the reports potentially triggered it, it's unlikely you received a chat restriction 2 times from literally one game each...the system does not typically work that way.

Getting chat restricted can impact tactical callouts, it's true. The majority of players getting chat restricted are probably not utilizing chat in the most positive and constructive way, so I would wager it helps other players in most cases. With any tech and with nuance of human interaction, there are definitely narrow scenarios where a completely innocent person gets a's just rare.


Originally posted by freshleebaked

yeah... i get baited hard sometimes :(

Especially in the heat of the moment, it's hard to not want to respond to someone who's out of line. I know they also want that muting them's been my best option. Avoid giving them the satisfaction that they got to me by just calling out tactical stuff and not hearing them back.


Originally posted by freshleebaked

I feel like i'm not the only one who's had an unlucky run of running into 3 - 4 stacks who are very toxic and report if they don't like how you play. I'm glad it's not one just one game but there's still a good chance that these types of players can get someone restricted in this way. I'm guessing there's nothing to lower the priority of peoples reports at the moment then if they're false reporting?

I'm sure there are cases where players do get unlucky running into a toxic combo of players when solo queuing. Unless that player's getting baited into saying stuff that would trigger a chat ban, just being reported by a group in a couple games over a decent period of time won't result in restrictions.


Originally posted by freshleebaked

Hey just curious if there will eventually be something implemented to stop stacks 3 - 4 stacks from getting people restricted by reporting them. Will people who consistently report for no reason or just getting angry at people for playing poorly as a 3 - 4 stack have their reports not automatically trigger chat restrictions if there are enough false reports that they make?

A single game with only reports from a stack of players won't generally restrict players. Most restrictions are over a course of games unless the person hit the hate speech/racist word auto restrictions.

25 Jun


We're aware of the issue and are currently investigating. Appears to be impacting other riot games too. I process of rebooting the chat service for recovery.

24 Jun


It's definitely something we've discussed and see some potential value. There are a number of factors we have to prioritize and understand the experience we'd need to deliver:

  • How many players do we build for? What region? Can we consistently get players in for decent experience? Should we have servers for good we have enough people to get matches where that matters?
  • How do we get feedback? Do we need forums? Do we need to hire folks to translate and watch the other regional ones?
  • If we're just in one region? Do we use xp boosts or other things to motivate? Is that fair? Does it promote good testing?
  • How far out do we deploy stuff? Do we test services way in advance of complete user experience? Do we need to have extra testing to scrub content we're not ready to reveal?
  • Do we want feedback on that character early?--we're gonna get it-- Is the playerbase diverse enough where it nets good insights or are we responding to a...
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23 Jun


Originally posted by ITCHYxAQUA

Does this mean that ranked will roll out in 3 hours then???

No, ranked timing is unconfirmed yet. We still need to wrap all of the regional patches. EU's will wrap sometime 10pm-midnight pdt tonight (~8 hours from now). We'll evaluate stability and make sure bugs that impact compet integrity are taken care of through out today. We'll annouce it's start timing with that being clear.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Probably not. If everyone was doing it, it's unlikely that it generated reports, and unless people made video and followed up on it showing really clear negative're more than likely fine. We're not looking to ban swaths of players trying out something we let in there. It's more for clear cut, you're using it to ruin a game or exploit multiple games in a row to a winning advantage.


Originally posted by Unitedraccoon57

Is it possible to get banned if u used this bug in game?even if it was by accident?

No, it would be incredibly unlikely. We’re only planning to action on a very narrow subset, where it’s clearly trying to ruin other people’s games.


Originally posted by sektret

Some friends and I used it in probably 4 games but we lost all of them because we were just hopping out of the ground in front of them to have fun. Would we still be punished for doing this?

Probably not. We're not going through and doing a massive review and trying to overly punish. Scenarios with player reports where it's clearly ruining someone else's game is probably the razor we'll use.

Like ten rounds of teleporting the bomb to site before round start in a game...probably that realm. Generally if goofing off and it doesn't impact the game experience of the team your playing against in a negative way...we're not going to seek that out or act on it.