

08 Aug


Originally posted by renecotyfanboy

Hi Auberaun, do you think that I could apply to a production api key ?

I have no product to sell or propose beside this kind of post

No idea, but worst that could happen is they say no so no harm applying


It fixes the distribution making the meaning of ranks more comparable to other competitive games, makes players happier to see their rank recalibrate up, and leaves Diamond+ slightly more exclusive than it was before which was being complained about. Should be a win/win for you and us?

07 Aug


Hello yes here to confirm there's no loser's/winner's queue or eomm

20 Jul


Originally posted by Sandalman3000

I didn't think so but it wouldn't completely surprise me. Probably intended to maybe have experienced people play with new people. u/Auberaun I was wondering if you might know this one?

No, bot games are warm body matchmaking. There's not much of an advantage trying to put together a team of similar skill vs. getting people into game fast for that mode.


This was a bug - fix has already been deployed. Your MMR wasn't affected, so you'll still be playing with/against the same people you would've otherwise and you'll rocket back up the ladder.


What server are you on and what game mode are you queuing for?


Originally posted by ShunpoMyLantern

I was wondering if riot ever gonna consider longer break between the splits, 1 day is nothing and some people tend to grind at the end, so a week or 2 of break would feel much better (especially if new event such as 2v2 is coming out)

We talked about it, but adding more time into the year where ranked is inactive isn't something that we thought would be too exciting for folks, a lot of people prefer to have something to progress in when playing League.

19 Jul


For NA it is 12pm PST.


Originally posted by Etat-Werdna


The restriction on duoing in Ranked Solo/Duo with an MMR of Masters or above is disabled until patch 13.15. Note that duo restrictions based on visible rank are still active, so a player who reaches Master or above will not be able to duo.

But I still am unable to duo with my friend after reset (I was Chall, she Master MMR)? Wtf...

Must we first play 1 game of placement for duo to be available, or is it completely cooked?

/u/auberaun Sorry for tagging but any Rioter can confirm?

Hey, what region are you playing in? You might also need to play the one placement game.


Hey yeah we're aware of issues with missing data in the Split End modal, and past ranks on your profile will be distributed as part of split rewards in the coming weeks. This normally isn't an issue because in the past we've always been able to get rewards out in preseason before the next season started, but that wasn't possible this year with a 1 day break.


Yeah chiming in to confirm what a few other people have said: the past rank on your profile is distributed as part of the split reward package which will be in the coming weeks.

18 Jul


Originally posted by PowerPulser

How is it supposed to impact his lane presence exactly?

Nerfs his early game all-in, along with this line

E Mana Restoration on Enemy Takedown: 15/25/35/45/55 ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50

Nerfing the amount of lane Qs he gets in particular where the mana restoration from minions is a greater source of his mana than in the jungle where he gets bonus mana regen from the jungle item.


Originally posted by IAmInsideeee

Karthus' Q deals TWO less damage at rank one. Man, they really gutted my boy.

this is like when we take base AD off of an ad champ which is really impactful for what it's worth


Originally posted by gregorio02

Any time between November and 2079

any time between July* and 2079

14 Jul

28 Jun


Originally posted by Maxplosive

Is the reset based on mmr or rank? I'm p1 but was playing with Master and D1 players before failing promos 3 times :')

We look at both and have a formula that makes sure we don't punish you with resets just for playing less, so if you're a Masters player who starts placements in Plat and then doesn't play until the next reset, we don't then drop you into Gold.


Originally posted by bz6

Why does the community and Dev team on Valorant take competitive integrity more serious? For exmaple, alternate, more casual modes, are seen as warm ups to comp play. Whereas for League the narrative is always "omfg Arena is coming I finally I don't have to play Summoners Rift." Why does Valorant treat comp more serious?


Warming up or aim training is just a cultural norm that exists in tac shooters that isn't really a thing for MOBAs as far as I know.


Originally posted by kruzader7

Is it possible for your rank to go up?

It is not, sorry


Originally posted by ieatcheesecakes

What about masters+ will the start be emerald 1 instead of plat now?


27 Jun


Originally posted by Grainis01

I have a question, will ranked rewards be adjusted or still gold?

The ranked rewards framework will remain the same for Split 2: Silver and below need 1600 SP, Gold and above need 80 SP