

09 Apr

07 Apr


There's definitely some bug happening to you - try logging out and logging back in, or at worst reinstalling.

05 Apr


Fixes are now live in EUN and deploying to OC and RU - there were three pretty impactful issues that would affect queue times as well as causing people to get stuck in infinite queues. Will see how it's going after a few hours of the fixes being out.


Originally posted by LurkingParticipant

From my experience on OCE, it looked like the queue wasn't even working. It would never go into champ select and if you tried to remove yourself from the queue, the "x" button wouldn't work, and I had to restart the client.

Yep, this is part of what we're fixing.

04 Apr


Do you have any steps to reproduce this? We've seen a handful of reports and have looked into it but haven't had any luck repro'ing.

03 Apr


Originally posted by MartinNakov

idk, it still shows 9

this person is level 101

23 Mar


Originally posted by THESuperStuntMan

It's likely due to everyone wanting to play the new support champ.

Yeah, probably. Role select rates always swing pretty heavily towards what new content is released.


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

It's based on MMR as well stopping people duoing.

To have it happen you must have extremely low masters MMR and you probably had a long queue time to start having ~d2 MMR duo thrown in

We lowered the MMR threshold this patch to make it harder for this to happen, since we did see some examples of duoing accounts that looked like they should've been cut off earlier. If anyone sees more examples after the most recent patch I'm happy to take a look.

EDIT: Got the timing wrong, it will probably go live next Wednesday, but anyways yeah we're being stricter on this.

16 Mar


player count doesn't matter, it's about percentages and if all roles aren't at 20% select rate you're going to need autofill. if 25% people want to mid and 15% want to jungle but you need 1 person in each role to start a game, you're going to need offroled players unfortunately.

14 Mar


Originally posted by yo_sup_dude

but shouldn't the game be seeing that the account is challenger rank/iron MMR and give the account less gains as a result?

or is this effect outweighed by the effect you mentioned where since he is playing vs silver MMR as an iron MMR, his gains are increased?

u/Auberaun can you chime in here? should an iron MMR account with challenger LP see less LP gains?

I mean there's a minimum LP gain amount that's set, but it's not too relevant in this case because these people are all getting banned anyway


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

do you regret removing smurf queue now the sentiment is going back to complaining about smurfs in every game.

Grouping 9-10 smurfs and the occasional late player to ranked kept the average game integrity higher compared to spreading those 10 smurfs out into other games

No, because the way it was implemented was making the experience pretty unreasonable for any of those late returners. There are other tactics we should use to improve game integrity that don't have those other painful effects.

13 Mar


Originally posted by chadwicke619

Hey Auberaun! Thanks for chiming in! So am I correct to infer from your statement that there was no separate and distinct "smurf queue", and that what people refer to as "smurf queue" is actually just the experience of having a disjointed MMR/rank, whether you're actually "smurfing" or not?

Yes that's correct. An oversimplified way of how matchmaking worked was to find players within X MMR and Y LP difference of each other. Those start out pretty tight, but if no full group can be formed, expand X and Y by some amount every Z seconds.

So it's just a consequence of that that you have the groups of people whose MMR and LP were close together (the bulk engaged players who'd been participating since the season began) and those who aren't (the everyone-else group already identified). If for some reason anyone in those groups had to wait an excessively long time to the extent that their search envelopes would overlap, they could still be put together, that was just pretty unlikely given the tuning.


Originally posted by Kabkip

Yes, smurf queue was a thing, but it has been removed. The video kind of summarizes the history of it's implementation and removal In the part where they say "Visible rank is no longer used as matchmaking criteria, only MMR (Note: this was implemented in patch 12.23)", that's them removing the checking of how disjointed your MMR and visual rank were.

For some more context, grouping smurfs was a secondary benefit, the primary goal of using visible rank in matchmaking was to improve sentiment around fairness of matches for most players, stuff like "why is this Silver in my Gold game". Problem was the population who was in that bucket of disjointed MMR and visual rank: smurfs, decayed Diamond+ players, and people starting their season climb later than everyone else (returning players, new players). It was a pretty poor experience for that segment and most of those groups besides the smurfs are just going to go play a game or mode that isn't going to do that to them.


Originally posted by KDSWE

/u/Auberaun hopefully this guy gets permabanned banned as well since he's exploiting. Is this going to be fixed along with the brazilian solo q issues?


12 Mar


Originally posted by LowRezDragon

You're awesome! Thank you for the speedy action and response.

Sure, it's what you should expect and it's not cool that stuff like this is possible.

edit: to clarify you should expect speedy action when something illegitimate is actually happening because league's competitive integrity is really important, not necessarily public responses in cases like this


Originally posted by Mafros99

Holy f**king shit, the LP system breaking down because the nickname has too many characters might just be the single most unholy spaghetti bug I've ever seen. Istg, League is built on duct tape and hope lol

Anyway, letting /u/auberaun know might be helpful

They're gone and we'll look at what's going on.

01 Mar


Originally posted by FantsE

Can we at least get a dev blog as why this is a hardship? I also work with legacy software so I understand the hardships. The dev blogs/post mortems of this type of shit is always appreciated.

When we resolve it I can see what's shareable, it's unlikely it'll warrant a whole blog post though :P


Originally posted by 13pipez

What about Match History showing 21 games instead of the usual 20, is that one harder than we would expect as well?

buy 20 matches get 1 free


It has not been forgotten, it's one of those bugs that seems like it should be simple to resolve but actually isn't unfortunately

28 Feb


Originally posted by BatJanz

So this is something I was wondering when the increased lp gains were announced but didn't see confirmed.

Let's say in the old system, you started having net negative lp gains once your lp was 100 points higher than your mmr.

Before, that would mean it'd take roughly 100/15 = 6 or 7 games until you lose more than you gain.

With the new system, does it still take that same amount of games, or does it now only take 100/22 = 5ish games?

Something like the latter, it'll happen faster