

27 Jun


Originally posted by claptrap23

So how many divisions will we drop again? Is it still 5?

It's going to vary by tier, since most players will have a new spot to climb to. So for example Plat players aren't going to drop much at all from where they're currently at, but that's because they'll now be climbing to Emerald. Diamond+ players will drop closer to the usual amount.

23 Jun


Originally posted by CabbageCZ

Actually u/auberaun can we get a primary source on this? For future threads like this :)

This isn't used in League, I know Valorant uses encounter MMR.

22 Jun


It should always work at 15 now. If you have examples of games where it doesn't that's a bug and a link to a match history would be great.

19 Jun


Originally posted by Adventurous-Cry7839

Didnt League have something like this many years ago? I remember there was a mode where u selected ur role & champion and there was a captain or something (?)

Yeah it was called Teambuilder! It had some problems we're trying to solve with Quick Play, such as being able to deny teammates and no kind of autofill mechanism.

18 Jun


Originally posted by F0RGERY

They rolled out something on a few minor regions back in April, ran into issues with queue times being broken. Then PBE had a similar issue with queues being broken with the new TFT set.

If I had to guess, I think Quickplay is delayed because there's something messed up with queues in the backend, and they need to solve that first.

We fixed the issues with the matchmaking test within a day of launching, the results were really positive after that. We were hoping to get Quick Play out before the midyear patch but weren't quite able to finish before we had to pivot to Emerald and other ranked Split 2 stuff, so we'll be picking it back up shortly and plan to get it out later this year.

17 Jun


Originally posted by HungPongLa

There is nothing special about matchmaking in promo series. They're also being removed for Split 2 this year.

When I hit promos around 70%+ of the time I tend to land a role that is NOT my preferred one, on 1 out of 3 games. So maybe there is something a bit special there? Or is just a coincidence? I think you should always land your preferred role on promos so you can fight your best, but it is too late now since it'll be removed.

Thanks for removing the promos, I think they just make it harder for your mmr to equalize with your visual rank since you gain/lose 0 LP with it. In dota2 you have a certain mmr that you can always see on your profile page, and your visual rank. You land a certain mmr range, you have that rank. No funny +18 -29 business.

Thanks for clarifying a lot of info.

It'd just be a coincidence. I think we do actually prevent you from being autofilled (neither of your selected roles) in promos. I like the primary only in promos idea but yeah they're gonezo now


Originally posted by Jaibamon

For my understanding the Champion Mastery Rating also depends on the role you picked. So if you're a great Teemo player, it's relatively easy to get an S Rank if you go Support instead of Top. Of course you have to be good in your role, tho.

Ah yeah you're right!

16 Jun


Originally posted by kkias

Wow. Thank you for the official clarification.

Regarding demotion, so is it possible to get closer and closer to demotion even when at non-zero LP at divison IV of a rank since MMR is behind the scenes to the visible rank then losing just one game after 0LP suddently demotes? Or does it have to be multiple consecutive losses after dropping to divsion IV 0LP.

Also, while I have you, (since apparently the other commenters find this bit more intriguing)- Is there a short answer or a simple reason why in my case I am overall still winning more games and gaining division (gaining visible rank) but my net LP gain-to-loss (indicating lower MMR than my visible rank) is about -2 to -5? Is this normal?

Anyway, overall this means that that Riot page has falsely claimed that "MMR is a secret". Because by your explanation MMR is basically just derived from win/loss, it is not that much of any sort of a secret.. (with miscellaneous supplementary measures to increase a...

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Regarding demotion, so is it possible to get closer and closer to demotion even when at non-zero LP at divison IV of a rank since MMR is behind the scenes to the visible rank then losing just one game after 0LP suddently demotes? Or does it have to be multiple consecutive losses after dropping to divsion IV 0LP.

Could be either, it's really case-by-case. But we try to avoid demotion if we can since we know it's pretty stressful.

MMR being a secret is mostly that we don't show you your MMR value.


How are match rating calculated? (do those stats you see in your profile matter at all?

Are you talking about the champion mastery ratings, like C through S? They're based on performance on your champ compared to others' performance on the same champ (I think it looks at stats like K/D/A and a few other things).

How are MMRs calculated?

If you win it goes up and if you lose it goes down. Purely win/loss based. The amount depends on the MMRs of the other players in your game (if yours is lower than the other players you'd gain more for a win and lose less for a loss and vice versa).

Are match rating influential to MMR or part of MMR's calculations? e.g. Do KDA players overall gain more MMR even if decisions they make lose more games, compared to teamplayers who sacrifice their KDA to win a few more games?

No, performance is not part of MMRs calculations right now...

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14 Jun

12 Jun


Originally posted by cartercr

This. Riot doesn’t care because it makes them look good. They don’t give a shit about the rest of us.

If I could flip a switch and remove all bots right now forever I'd flip it without a second thought, anything like player count (which also isn't that useful in this context without also looking at game hours, we don't get extra cookies for counting 2 accounts playing 30 minutes as 2x 1 account playing 1 hour) and skin sales aren't factors to be clear.

09 Jun


Originally posted by MaximumShady

yeah its weird. i think their intention was to let us know diamond wont suddenly be filled with plat players or something like that

Yeah sorry for any confusion, we're basically aiming for something closer to end of 2022's size for Diamond+ which is a little smaller than this Split's, but did want to be clear that that skill range isn't getting any new folks pushed into it from below because of the redistribution.

08 Jun


Originally posted by OmegaExorcist

What about decay? Will it only be diamond+ or will it extend to emerald? I kinda found it dumb that plat got decay removed, I think it should be back for emerald at the least.

It'll stay the same as it is today, Diamond+ only.


Originally posted by RobDaGinger

Adding another GREEN tier is so funny. Visual clarity when.

Plat is getting a visual update too!


Originally posted by turnktail

Just need to be gold by the end of the split/season I believe

Yup! Gold will stay the low-points-requirement for Split 2 too.


Originally posted by EnemySaimo

Are honor requirement still needed for victorious skin? Got bit too silly one game and got from honor 5 to 0

Yes the honor requirement is still in place. We're trying to get an update into the client tooltip to make this clear before the end of the split.


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

I really want master tier to be more prestigious again.

I basically gave up try harding ranked because it was not much of a challenge to stay in it as an old master tier player but impossible to get into grandmaster

It's not explicitly stated in the article but you can see it in the graph bars, the intention is for Master tier to be smaller than it is today in the next split, closer to last year's size at least. Diamond should be slightly smaller too but not by as much.


Originally posted by Piercingforce

So what happens are 0 lp between divisions? Is it just instant demotion?

Demotion shields are still in place. Getting promoted into immediately demoted is a pretty bad experience we can avoid while maintaining integrity, if you really aren't cut out for a rank you achieved you won't hold it long term.


Originally posted by Nicky-Santoro

/u/auberaun thank you for removing promotions.

Did you also remove or nerf demotion shields as well? This would, in my opinion, force players to take ranking down more seriously and improve the game quality of games close to ranking up / down.

Hiya, demotion shields are still in place. Getting promoted into immediately demoted is a pretty bad experience we can avoid while maintaining integrity, if you really aren't cut out for a rank you achieved you won't hold it long term.