

19 Jul


Originally posted by azgx00

Fixed a bug where the ranked game count on the end-of-game screen wasn’t reset with ranked resets. This will go into effect when Split 2 begins.

It only took them a whole split!

This was a devil of a thing to track down. Sorry that happened and that it persisted so long.

18 Jul

11 Jul


f*cking cyoot.

30 Jun


These features were cut for time.

When faced with getting it out at all versus adding additional features we biased towards shipping. We are investigating what it would take to allow larger party sizes, customs, as well as adding challenges, mastery, and other things from our several miles long todo list.

Not likely for the first run, but something we will strongly consider for future runs of the mode. Obviously if we were to make it permanent we would want to support social play here. We have friends too!!!! (I mean I don’t but I assume other rioters do.)

27 Jun


Originally posted by Pupulasers

And the potential of infinite subsequent weeks if this shit is like, totally lit.

And for what it's worth, we think that Arena has every potential to be totally lit.

lol hi Pu.


Originally posted by Ssuuushi

Wood tier I love it

Wood tier rise up.


Originally posted by SamiraSimp

do you think those challenges are gone, or is this event designed to not be necessary on the missions service?

i understand if you don't want to answer!

The event still uses missions. All events do!

I would say it’s more that we improved the set of services that power missions and also learned a bit about how and when to deploy what amount to whom. The idea is that future events are more stable than previous.

But I’m not an engineer so if I go into too much detail I will say something very wrong.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

The client wouldn't give progress towards the characters from playing. Eventually they just handed everyone the rewards since it was bugged. It wasn't the VN itself, but the reward system. It seemed more like a server side issue. Which could absolutely happen for this new one too, tbf

This was based on challenges we faced within the missions service powering the event.


Originally posted by EngleTheBert

Also a lot of money doesn't guarantee that development will be successful. For instance they've been talking about the 2v2v2v2 mode for a bit, but there's a chance it never see production because they can't get it to work right. Also seems to me they've been working on fixing a lot of tech debt with some client fixes and upgrades.

edit: apparently the 2v2v2v2 mode is further along than I thought. I was just using it as an example

Oh no, it’s 100% through production. PBE this week iirc.

25 Jun

23 Jun


Originally posted by KinglyO

not sure if this is your lane, but thought you might know who to ask if not. Was there a particular reason why the new report-in-game button displaced the mute button, instead of just placing it below and not moving the mute button? I know this isn’t directly related to arenas, but been wanting to ask someone.

It is my lane!

Previously, there were 3 mute buttons that sat above each row on the scoreboard. They were silly small and we were never particularly happy with how they worked. We took the opportunity w...

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Large missed opportunity to slip "better ingredients = better pizza" into that final bit, but otherwise top tier.


Gonna add mastery 8, 9 and 10 to destroy this person's life.

But in all seriousness HOLY MACARONI friend! This is an incredible achievement challenge.


Originally posted by RiotAxes

...and now I can't either. Thanks for that.

Good news,

Scoo-be-do-be-do is 5 syllables where are you gets you to 8
Two vee Two ve Two ve Two is 7 syllables

You are free.


Originally posted by Batfan610

Can we get mastery points (not tokens just points) and eternals progress in this mode? This looks amazing and I’ve been waiting for a new primary game mode, but part of what held me back from investing in previous modes is not being able to progress in those areas.


Unfortunately, for the initial run of the Arena game mode we not able to integrate Champion Mastery, Eternals, or Challenges.

The mode works differently enough from Smmoner's RIft that we need to change our approach to these systems a bit if we want them to work well. If we want to grant points, the way we do that today is very similar to the way we grant tokens: Evaluating the skillfulness of the player for that specific game.

In terms of recognizing skill, the mode will have its own rating system.

In future runs and with future modes, we do plan to make sure our systems are well integrated. Hope this helps and down to answer more questions if you have them!

14 Jun


You can always blame me, personally. I am here for you, stealing the LP from your pocket.

13 Jun


Originally posted by DanielDKXD


Magic Damage: 250/350/450 (+90% AP) ⇒ 250/400/550 (+95% AP)

Okay cya in 13.22 when they buff it too 250/425/600 (+100% AP)

This is an Phroxon buff.


Originally posted by ElisePlayer222

why is no one talking about the biggest change here?

We've added a slider to repeatedly purchasable items (e.g., Key Fragments, Blue Essence) in the Event Token Shop.

I fully expect the client to implode next patch

still need sliders for other things like mass disenchanting

Glad you enjoyed. We plan to continue adding improvements like this in the future.

Mass disenchanting is currently in pre-production, which means the design is complete and we are figuring out what it would take to build it :)


Howdy! Sorry that you're having a bad time with matchmaking. Agree we can improve here.

MMR disconnects & Smurfing are things we take pretty seriously and are constantly looking to improve, but are a challenging problem space.

What OP most likely experienced were intense disconnects between MMR and display rank, which can happen with newer accounts who win often enough.

We used to matchmake on both display rank and MMR, but this led to pockets of disconnected (in the ranked terminology) players playing together, which ended up being called smurf queue. -- This also negatively impacted players moving through those pockets even if they themselves were not smurfs. Most often this happened when a player returned to League after an absence.

Here are some of the future plans we have for these systems:

  • Looking into some holistic improvements to the MMR system itself that will help get folks into the correct position something li...
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