

13 Aug


Originally posted by Jaytalvapes

Hey u/Cozmo23, what's up with the "more communication" thing you guys promised? 4 weeks of literally nothing at all.

Edit: Finally got a Bungie response, and it's literally the most ironically painful thing I've ever read.

We'll share more as soon as we can.


Originally posted by sfgiants3943

Sounds like they won't be able to fix it this week. Might as well complete them now.

Yea go ahead and turn them in.

12 Aug


Originally posted by fokusfocus

Aside from the joke, do you know if it will be fixed at some point? I'm trying to decide if I should wait for a fix, or just power through (already done on my Titan).

They are looking into it. No info on a fix yet.


Originally posted by Ramstine

They're Titans.



Originally posted by KlausHeisler

heard multiple reports that doing it on your titan first does not give the multiplier to other characters btw

Yea we are seeing that too and looking into it. That is a bug.


Originally posted by sturgboski

What is the over under on this being fixed before the bright dust thing? Like is this going to be the "well its a simple server switch" logic to turn off this benefit?

It’s not a bug and we won’t be changing it.

11 Aug


Originally posted by jellybeanmm

Can you also explain why the ship is in eververse and not for completing all 3 characters. I understand nothing is official until in the game but this literally goes against past years and trying to earn loot from playing the game.

We saw a lot of feedback last year that the Sparrow offered for upgrading armor sets on all three characters didn't feel worth the effort. We elected to not include it this year and added the earnable glows instead.


Originally posted by nervousmelon

So is it bugged?

Or is this just a way to get us to shut up about it?


Lamps is still to this day one of my fravorite encounters.

We can give feedback to the team asking if they could consider pulling Crota's End out of the DCV sometime in the future as a Dungeon experience.

Seems like the bridge would require some reworking for that but it's a cool idea to consider.


Originally posted by HxnSolo

We're looking into it. Thanks.

07 Aug


I made an error in the TWAB yesterday. I just corrected it but wanted to call out what was changed for clarification.

  • You don’t need to complete the final 5 listed objectives to upgrade from Majestic to Magnificent.
  • Those final objectives are only to unlock the glows on the Magnificent set.
  • You do need to upgrade from the Majestic to Magnificent set during the Solstice of Heroes event.
  • You can continue to do the final objectives on the Magnificent set to unlock the Glows even after the event ends.

06 Aug


Originally posted by Envaze458

Bungie for real, its time to be extremely clear about last year's glows. I dont understand why we have had to wait this long to hear about why they aren't universal ornaments and why the set we got during shadowkeep was horribly rolled and no seasonal mod slot making them effectively useless after shadowkeep launched.

We concentrated on improving the armor and ornament experience for current and future Solstice of Heroes events, but we have no plans to return to make changes to the old armor at this time.


Originally posted by Glamdring804

There will hopefully be more info in the TWAB.

I bet there will be. :)

02 Aug


As soon as we can share a solid yes or no on this we will let you all know. We don’t want to make any promises that could result in players dismantling items until we are ready. Thanks for being patient.

23 Jul


Originally posted by o8Stu

later in 2021.

Is that a typo?



Originally posted by Acer1096xxx

Does this include Xbox Game Pass for PC as well?

Edit: Confirmed no PC for now, but planned for 2021.

We will have news for PC Game Pass members later in 2021.

22 Jul


It's has been mentioned, but we can let the team know it's still being asked for.


Originally posted by Puppy-love-420

Is there a single aspect of this game that you don't try to monetize further? Just one?

15 Jul