

27 Aug


Originally posted by JDaySept

Will you guys also be at Gamescom this Saturday or is that a mistake on the schedule?

It's an interview, don't expect any trailers or a big news reveal.

21 Aug


Originally posted by LittleGayDragon

How long should it take to be contacted about the Levante Prize emblem?

Make sure you have your profile available as a reply to your tweet and it should arrive in the next week or so.


Originally posted by Krakyn

/u/Cozmo23 as a newer player, I am getting some serious FOMO with the raids being vaulted. I don't understand why Bungie is locking away their best content, forever. Can you please tell the community whether raids being vaulted means that they will never return, or whether there is currently a plan for vaulted raids (and their associated loot & triumphs) to return in Year 4/5/6 on a rotating schedule? In my opinion, Bungie hasn't made their intentions clear enough.

Heading into the future, I would love to see one of each of the vaulted raids (including D2 raids such as Leviathan, not only D1 raids) return for a few seasons each. For example, it could look something like this:

Season 12: 3 core raids staying in the game

Season 13: 3 core raids + VoG

Season 14: 3 core raids + Leviathan

Season 15: 3 core raids + Crota's End

Season 16: 3 core raids + Scourge


If you haven't already make sure you read our first article on the DCV.

"Content that goes into the Destiny Content Vault may return in the future, altered (if necessary) to fit the new state of the universe. Furthermore, we consider all Destiny 1 and 2 destinations and activities part of the new DCV and we’re going to be pulling from that archive – revisiting some of the most interesting places in Destiny’s history – from now onwards. It’s why the original Destiny 1 Raid – the Vault of Glass – will be returning to Destiny 2 in Year 4."

20 Aug


Originally posted by Torbadajorno

You need a raise

I'll pass this feedback along to the team.


Originally posted by Coohippo

Some good info this week.

Still, the most important question remains:

Regarding Transmog, will we be able to pull armor from collections or do we need to have the actual armor piece in our inventory to use for transmogrification?

/u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04

No new info on Transmog for a while as it's a ways out. We'll share more when we can.


Originally posted by WestbrookIsAwesome

Will Y3 ornaments apply to Y4 armor

Yes all Universal Ornaments will apply to Y4 armor.


Originally posted by ForcadoUALG

/u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04 is the second MOTW correct? The same one was present in last week's TWAB.

Yea that's on me. Didn't see that DMG gave it to them last week. We will give out an extra one next week.


Originally posted by therealpatchy

Itll be incredibly disappointing if the raid exotics can just be purchased with an exotic cipher. Its nice that they won't be unobtainable, but there should atleast be a quest to complete x raids or something. Players getting the raid exotics without ever having touched a raid seems like a really poor design choice.

Itll be incredibly disappointing if the raid exotics can just be purchased with an exotic cipher.

Never said this. :)

We'll share more on the kiosk in the future.


Originally posted by Project__Z

Yeah, they said that for the ones regarding Faction Rally ones too. How long did that take them?

I wouldn't expect new ways to get these catalysts till year 5.

Currently targeting having the Catalysts available to earn again by Season 13 or Season 14. It definitely won't be as long a wait as the last time we had some sources of Catalysts removed.


Originally posted by T-Doobie

Good to see where your priorities are.

Sorry, I was just going down the list.


Originally posted by mattster42

/u/Cozmo23 and /u/dmg04, what will the status be for raid exotics like Anarchy and Tarrabah? Will they be available through the kiosk process or shelved like Whisper and Outbreak?

Going on the memorial kiosk.


Originally posted by TheOneTrueDargus

What do the asterisks next to Momentum Control and Team Scorched mean?

Thanks for calling this out. Our note didn't make it over when I was hacking in those pretty tables.

"Note: Expect Momentum Control and Scorched to return from the DCV at some time during Year 4. "


Originally posted by Leave-A-Note

What kind of currency exchange can we expect to claim some of these?

We will share more on how the kiosk will work in the future.


Originally posted by skyguy1291

What about planetary materials? Will they also be vaulted alongside the planets and will that currency we’ve accumulated thus become useless?

(Maybe this is mentioned here and I missed it?)

We've definitely got some more questions like this to answer about currencies and economy things. We will share more before the end of the season.

I'd obviously hang on to them for now. :)


Originally posted by Destiny_Flavor_Text

He was claimed by the Vault. His armor and myth are all that remain.

Good to have you back old friend.


Originally posted by SCB360

" We still want new and existing players to be able to earn these legacy Exotics, so starting in Year 4, any Exotic tied to a quest that has been Vaulted (like those listed above) will now become available through a new Memorial kiosk situated among the Vault kiosks in the Tower."

Theres 2 Missing Exotics here:

  • Anarchy
  • Tarrabah

Will these be part of the Kiosk at all? Or will they be vaulted until these Raids come back?

Those will be on the memorial kiosk as well. They were just drops and didn't have a Quest associated.

18 Aug


Originally posted by Zeiban

Wait, did Bungie say they are supposed give bright dust?

We are currently working with analytics to gather up all of the players who turned in bounties during week 1 of Solstice of Heroes and will send out a Bright Dust out as soon as we can, hopefully by Friday.

After the fix goes out and Bright Dust is restored on the bounties, which we are targeting for Thursday, we will then have a second wave of Bright Dust go out to cover any additional missing dust.

We are doing two waves so we can get you the first week of dust as soon as possible without waiting until the fix goes live to get things started.

14 Aug


Damn it, I should really put this in my calendar.


Originally posted by Richiieee

Yes all Universal Ornaments will be able to be applied to Year 4 gear as well. We are going to change that string next season since it's a little misleading.

13 Aug


Originally posted by DooceBigalo

Known issue: Titan mains don't get the buff.


We just issued a fix. Let us know if you are still experiencing the issue.

UPDATE: This issue has been resolved. Players will now receive the correct progression multipliers when completing Magnificent Solstice armor sets across multiple characters.

All classes will also have their progression multiplied for objectives on the Renewed Solstice armor set