

15 Jun


Originally posted by MizterF

/u/Cozmo23 and /u/dmg04 can you guys at least acknowledge this question (even if you can’t answer it) so we don’t have to keep seeing threads reposted each day? It’s an important issue that needs an answer when you can give it (and before Beyond Light launches and shit gets vaulted)

Sure thing, Transmog is still a ways out so we aren't confirming any specifics of how the feature will work yet. But I will let the team know that this is something you would like to find out as soon as possible to know how to prioritize what you keep in your vault.

12 Jun


Looking into this, thanks for reporting.


Originally posted by GrizzyIy


Thanks Xur you asshole.


Originally posted by SmashEffect

Does no SBMM include iron banner? u/cozmo23 u/dmg04

Yes, Iron Banner will also not factor in skill in Matchmaking.


We’re making some under-the-hood changes to how activities function when Season 12 launches (which we hope results in no noticeable changes in the activities themselves). Unfortunately, that change means our newest pinnacle activity - Prophecy – may have to take a season off before it returns. We're working to bring it back as quickly as we can.

10 Jun


Originally posted by bugme143

So when is Bungie going to nut up and admit they lied when they said that D2 was being totally rewritten from the ground up?

What comment are you referring to?

09 Jun


Originally posted by swiftstorm86

Yes, if we can go ahead and get this feedback in through /u/Cozmo23 and /u/dmg04 that the addition of champions - in their current form - to Vault of Glass will be a mostly unpopular addition. Champions as they stand dictate a loadout forcefully in order to deal with them, which is simply an unenjoyable experience all around.

There have been a few threads popping up about alternatives to champions’ current functionality, please speak with the relevant teams about the community’s feelings about the matter!

(Edit: forgot how to grammar for a moment.)

I'll give that feedback about the Champions, thanks. Let us know if you would like these experiences to stay as close to the original as possible, or if you think there should be more changes to make them feel updated and fresh.


We're looking into this now.


Originally posted by tortoisemeyer

u/cozmo23 no mention of Xur random rolls? Was that just missed or is that a future patch?

Looks like it was just missed in the notes. It shows as being fixed in this release. Hit me up on Friday if Xur is still being stubborn.


Originally posted by Azurephoenix99

Hey /u/Cozmo23, when you say exotics from old destinations will be moved to different places so they're still earnable, does that mean cosmetics too?

Sagira's Shell? A Thousand Wings? Luxorious Toast? That Sparrow from Mars? Will those be moved to different loot pools as well?

Also, what's going to happen regarding titles that involve those destinations? Wayfarer will be unearnable come september, so will Shadow. How will the Gambit Changes affect earning Dredgen and Reckoner? Will the Gambit Prime Bonuses still be in effect in this new Hybrid game mode, or are they going the way of the dodo? What does this mean for Reckoning?

We just gave you a pretty high-level look at the future. We are going to answering a lot of the more detailed questions over the summer.


From all of the teams busting their asses to make this happen. Thank you.


Originally posted by RobertdBanks

u/cozmo23 u/dmg04

Will there be a physical edition of “Beyond Light” to preorder? Seeing it on the Xbox store, but I am physical edition type of person.

CE and Stranger Edition are the only physical editions.


Originally posted by ChartsUI

We finally did it bois, we got rid of Mercury

No more flashpoints on Mercury.


Originally posted by rbsh123

It says including campaigns.

This is gonna be a disaster for new players (as if New Light wasn’t confusing enough already). I hope they know what they’re doing

(as if New Light wasn’t confusing enough already)

We're reworking new player experience along with the addition of Cosmodrome to help with this.

08 Jun


Originally posted by ZeoVGM

Thank you for looking into it, /u/Cozmo23 !

Hoping it can get changed back tonight so I can get that Triumph. :(


Originally posted by ZeoVGM

/u/Cozmo23 Please. :(

I'll look into it. Thanks.

05 Jun


Originally posted by JDaySept

This needs clarification. Will we be able to stay in an old tower instance, or we will have to join exactly when reset happens?

You should be fine even if your Tower instance was created before reset.


Originally posted by hydruxo

Unknown Artifact is actually Denzel Washington confirmed


Originally posted by Suis3i

For the people strangely against hoarding:

Armor is literally getting sunset, hoarding allows players who spend quite a bit of time grinding nightfalls for exotics, and masterworking multiple sets (whether it be on one or multiple characters) to be able to save up enough resources so they don’t have to continuously grind every season or in this case, grind far more in the fall, just to masterwork their ideal armor. Also there’s nothing wrong with hoarding, we hoard glimmer, legendary shards, bright dust, planet mats, tokens, etc all the time. Why should shards and prisms be treated any differently.

I'll bring the feedback back up with the team. The new context around Max Power Levels you bring up is a good point.


The Margarine is better than butter. There I said it.