

22 Apr


Originally posted by lssjbro1y

The game is designed to craft unique/strong builds. Have “bounties” be a place for players to utilize them. How about complete X strike in under X time. Or defeat a gambit boss in less then X time. Right now players aren’t motivated to win at gambit. Just to complete whatever bounty requires them to play gambit. Same with strikes. They run them only to get X kills in X way during a strike. Give players a reason to build strong unique builds.

Or defeat a gambit boss in less then X time

This is an interesting idea. There is already a lot of team social friction in Gambit, do you think this would add more to that if a blueberry wasn't dpsing the boss properly in time on top of taking 15 motes through the invasion portal?


Originally posted by Battle_Rifle

do our jobs for us

I really hope you didn't take that one comment on that thread seriously. There was a reason it was nuked and downvoted into oblivion.

I've seen it made a few times and just wanted to assure everyone that is not our intention. :)


Thanks for the feedback. I'll let the team know that super kills in Rumble make for a poor experience and can incentivize quitting out of matches early.


Appreciate the feedback, I know there is a lot of bounty fatigue right now and many players feel like too much of the game is dependent on bounties and many bounties don't feel fun to complete.

As far as quest steps and bounties, you mentioned "Get X many kills (Y way) (with Z) (at W destination)" can get repititive and feel tedious after a while. What are some steps that you do enjoy or think we should consider for the future?

Please don't take this as "do our jobs for us." just hoping to get some additional feedback if anyone wants to share. :)


We totally agree. Starting with tomorrow's TWAB, we plan on addressing a major topic of feedback in the community each week for the rest of the season. Tomorrow, we are going to talk about Trials of Osiris as well as cheating. We know there are are a lot of players not currently happy with the state of the game and we want to discuss what actions we are taking to continue improving it.

21 Apr


Originally posted by Phorrum

I don't think the "Void Feast" bounty is working right. I just did all my weekly Moon bounties, clearing out basically each lost sector while devour was active the entire time. Sometimes letting it run out so I can reup it after killing 20 targets, and also running it constantly while doing the moon sorrow event. But I've made absolutely zero progress.

/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23

Thanks for the report. We are currently investigating this.


Originally posted by religiousjedi

Fixed an issue in which casting Nova Bomb did not consume your melee ability (Attunement of Hunger).

I’m sorry, what? It’s supposed to consume your melee?!

Looks like a stray edit was made. Sorry about that. It should read:

Fixed an issue in which casting Nova Bomb consumed your melee ability (Attunement of Hunger).

I updated the notes, should be changed soon.

15 Apr


Hit me up with what maps you would like to see removed from 6 player activities and I'll share with the team.

10 Apr


Originally posted by LaPiscinaDeLaMuerte

Tagging u/dmg04 and u/Cozmo23 to see if they have any insight to this error.

Thanks guys.

We're currently working on it. We'll share any details when we know more.


Originally posted by DrNick1221

since some players may utilize it

Why the heck would people want glimmer from the season pass, when the spider is a thing? Plus you just get glimmer from playing the game.

The season pass should only be giving out bright dust, as that is a resource that is much harder to come by for everyone.

This response kind of approaches "Sense of pride and accomplishment" territory, cosmo.

Sorry about that. I was just trying to say that we could just leave the glimmer on there as well instead of take it off. But I’m happy to give the feedback that it should be removed and replaced with Bright Dust instead of just adding Bright Dust to it.


I don’t think we should necessarily replace glimmer on the pass since some players may utilize it, but I will share you feedback with the team on adding more Bright Dust to the pass.

09 Apr


Originally posted by Dat_Friendly_Guy

Is contest mode going away similar to crown and garden.

I expect not to keep the title rare and desirable.

No, it will stay.


Originally posted by theultrafan25

/u/dmg04 /u/cosmo23 Greetings again on behalf of /r/FightingLion. With upcoming patch notes being teased in TWAB's, we Lioners are a little worried that this patch may not address the issues of Fighting Lion that was pointed out and acknowledged in a previous comment (blast radius and blast damage roughly half of what it was, along with a slower reload). We would like assurance that this is being addressed and fixed in the upcoming patch if possible. It would make many of us Lioners happy and give us something to look forward to! This currently is holding myself, and many others, of taking our Lion to the Lighthouse! Thank you in advance.

We have a fix for it coming in the next update.


Originally posted by ViiTactiiCZz

Is grandmaster going 1050 or 1060? since the TWAB and in-game powers are different



Originally posted by vitfall

Limiting the Conqueror title to basically a month is a bad call, especially considering how many are already checked out this season and aren't likely to bother with it.

Should be a top-tier PvE title, not just a one-off. It just feeds into the whole "you had to be there" thing being more of a bad thing (FOMO) than a good thing (the stars aligned and we got a special treat).

Edit: Ignore all this, title is returning next season. See Cozmo's reply.

It will be available again next season similar to the Flawless title.


Originally posted by [deleted]

but players didn't mind it going away after it was finished.

Really? Because I certainly did.

Sorry I should have qualified that with “most.” There’s almost always going to be players on both sides of any change or decision.

Also feel free to challenge the premise with this thread that “most” players were ok with the queens performance going away. I don’t remember there being a lot of complaints around this but let me know if my memory is fuzzy.


Originally posted by slimflip

Cozmo, I've faced a cheater on every single trials run this weekend, it's demoralizing. Why aren't you guys addressing this? Thanks

We are. We're currently issuing bans and also working on anti-cheat improvements. If you haven't got a chance yet, we talked about it in last week's TWAB.


I can't speak to DIM since it's completely community created. They do an excellent job and their app is amazing. One of the devs over there is a long time friend and clanmate of mine.

As for our mobile app and website, it's much safer to make changes and add features there than the actual game client. We have to be careful when we add any sorting options or really anything to do with item management that it doesn't break anything or affect performance.

I'm not trying to give excuses here and say there is no way we could ever make any changes, but I do want to answer OP's question. In the past, we have avoided sharing because we don't want to be seen as saying "making games is hard."

Let us know what changes you would like us to prioritize and we'll share that with the team to see what they can do in future updates.


Originally posted by Raggou

Hopefully /u/cozmo23 and the team @Bungie see this.

Here is a example of when you did it "right"

Yea this is a good example we can point to. It was an ongoing character performance that wasn't static in the game forever but players didn't mind it going away after it was finished.

Always appreciate when you give feedback on things you like and want more of as well as what you didn't like and would like less of or made better.

08 Apr


Originally posted by Xaolin99

/u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04

Please send this evidence to your dev team

I sent it to them to investigate. They were already looking into the first case of it blowing up in your face when you are looking down.
