@Darknessoft Hi there, I hope I can clear this up.
You're not actually losing levels or progress, what's happening here is that your Match Summary screen is bugged and is telling you that you earned more progress than you actually did.
In your case the match summary is working on the incorrect assertion that you were at 8/10 stars towards your next BP level, regardless of how many stars you actually had.
You can test this yourself between matches by checking how many stars you have on the BP/Quest tracker page, then manually add the stars you earn in a match. You'll see that progress is being correctly tracked. You...
@twoold2bplayn Hey there, this is a mixup, the final reward for the Tracker is just the Holospray. The Apex pack is earned at the 1000 point mark of the tracker, and there's no badge, I believe the icon between the holospray and apex pack is to indicate that you can earn stars towards BP progression.
Sorry for the confusion, but I hope this helps.
Hey, we'll throw this one up as a sticky for the duration of the event.
Also Mako made a summary post for anyone coming in late.
One other thing, a reminder that we have Twitch Drops for those that watch on the official channel on the finals day, ...
Hey there, unfortunately with how our patching cycles fall, this won't get fixed before the event finishes. Progress can still be made in BR, so you can treat it as a BR-focused event to fill the tracker.
Sorry about that.
We'll mark this as solved for visibilty, and because there's not any further info from you guys.