

22 Mar


Originally posted by raphelmadeira


Hello! Is there a team just to solve bugs?

I already reported an audio bug in a Fiddle skin that is completely buggy mixing audio that shouldn't be there, over a year ago, but it still has problems.

Is there a right place to submit these bugs?


Each individual team has its own dedicated QA that would own bugs relative to that team (so Champions Team QA would own Champion-specific bugs for Example). Usually the best place to submit bugs would be the bug megathread that's posted here on reddit, at least for my and Champions' team visibility. You can also post it here and I can pass it along, though its worth noting there's no guarantee we will get it fixed but I can guarantee you'll get our eyes on it at the least.

21 Mar


Originally posted by CosmoJones07

That one I think is specific to Azir and something with his turret (only had that happen once), but yeah that sucks too.

It is indeed specific to Azir


Originally posted by hclarke15

The bug fix section is great as always

Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing Sion’s R to be interrupted by ally CC.


Blastcone, among some of the other comments here

18 Mar


Originally posted by BlackTecno

Woah there, at 0.01%, to impact a million players, you'd need to have 10,000,000,000 active players, which honestly would be really impressive.

But I do get what you mean, 1-5% would impact a large amount of players, and good on you guys for waiting this long to roll that out.

The number was bigger than .01% lol


Originally posted by drmirage809

I'm honestly kinda surprised that they still ship a 32 bit executable. Like they said: 0.01% of their players are affected by them dropping it. They literally waited until basically everyone dropped it before they made the jump.

Good riddance too. Gets rid of a bunch of legacy code that might do more harm than good.

Worth noting that because of the sheer number of people that play League even a small percentage of the playerbase using a certain spec usually means hundreds of thousands if not millions of people impacted when we no longer support that spec

08 Mar


Originally posted by yastie

what happened to your riot flair?

Accidentally removed it when I went to change my other flair from Yasuo to Orianna LMAO itll be back


oh hey its Phreak


We need to establish a court system in order to appeal if you feel you were not pardoned accordingly. We can then establish the Supreme Court of League of Legends with elected judges


Originally posted by sebnanchaster

Thank you so much for the interest, really appreciate your time looking into these bugs. Would also love any insight you have on the visual E bug, I just have no idea if it was intentional or some random buggy occurrence, the old version for sure looked better and was more clear for gameplay purposes IMO.

My best guess based on the context in your post is that it was intentional, though I could very well be wrong. I'll ask around


Originally posted by sebnanchaster

Hey, thanks so much! In the post u/Caenen_ mentioned some of the potential causes behind the gameplay and visual bugs, so he probably knows quite a bit.

Caenen tends to be quite knowledgeable about these things

07 Mar


Hmm I'll take a look at the Q bug.


Originally posted by Proxnite

An Auto’s an Auto, No Matter the Code: Steelcaps now looks for all auto attacks for its damage reduction rather than auto attacks tagged with just auto attack and nothing else.

So what’s getting added, just auto-enhancers like Trundle and Nasus Q’s or does it also now include spells that act like autos such as Ez Q’s?

Includes spells that act like autos as well. Yasuo Q Ezreal Q etc

06 Mar


Originally posted by RiotAxes

Still figuring out the best format for these, seems like this one went pretty well though.

Haiku format next pls

05 Mar


Originally posted by johnnyxmas16

Hi GalaxySmash, any update on the emporium? I feel like it's one of the only big things that hasn't been addressed yet

No update but it has not been forgotten.


Originally posted by BeOPtX8

Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can still go higher than 999k essence. I've seen some other posts in the past about this and usually the answer is that the client won't show you have more than 999k but the game itself remembers.

Thats right, highest number that will display is 999K but the actual number is stored safely.


I disscussed this with the team, this was intentionally removed when we updated smite but we will likely bee adding it back.

04 Mar

27 Feb


Originally posted by RiotPhlox

It's funny timing, I put these changes in Friday but they only came out on PBE today cause of the weekend.

Glad T1 cares <3

What a beast. My favorite dev, Phloxzon

23 Feb


Originally posted by AlicopterNA

Don't report it to the officials.

Please man let me out of the basement its been so long