

06 Dec


Originally posted by DanielDKXD

Fixed a bug that caused Program Camille’s VOs to play globally for allies and enemies if she was outside of the Fog of War

Thanks for finally fixing this, having camille in my team was driving me insane. It was only one of her skins and not all? felt like it was every game.

Fixed a bug where Skarner’s W would reset an in-progress basic attack

Would be really really nice if they do the same for Orianna, her auto reset's when the ball return. Here is a clip of it happening, forcing orianna to use W to not lose the cs

My god thank you for pointing this out, I was the only person I have ever seen report the Orianna issue and I thought I was going insane.

18 Nov


Originally posted by PowrOfFriendship_

Does this include the temporary stacks from new Ravenous Hydra, too?

It should yep


Originally posted by crownpuff

Is the patch delayed? And if so, do you know when the new date is supposed to be?


Originally posted by papu16

If its not secret - how is this possible. Isn't current chemtech drake entirely new?

The drake is a but a few champions had leftover special casing (specifically the ones with death-related passives such as Sion, Karthus, and Kog'Maw) that would allow them to still have their old Chemtech Death state + their passives. The special casing just essentially ran a check for if you have Chemtech soul, which technically, they did.


Originally posted by 22Alex22

That was it, thank you!

No worries, I had to check myself!

17 Nov


Originally posted by crownpuff

When is 12.22b going live?

Later today.


Originally posted by imShirtpants

I’ve got the replay if that helps at all!

We have the fix already ready so that shouldn't be necessary, Thank you though!


Originally posted by papu16

Server: EUWType of Bug : In-game/Champion

Description - Karthus diec, proced passive and then resurrected on same place where he died(but almost without HP/mana).He was under new soul and had ROA+ Seraphs.

Video/ / Screenshot:

A remnant of the old chemtech soul. We will be removing these ASAP.


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

Riot like "Oh, we forgot to disable the code for the zombie revives."



Originally posted by Kchortu

  • Server: NA
  • Type of Bug: Champion
  • Description: Heimerdinger’s turret count icon on his passive is almost always 1 turret higher than it should be.
  • Steps to reproduce: Play Heimer. Have three turrets. Place a turret on the ground.
  • Expected result: Icon showing how many turrets he has to place should show 2 turrets.
  • Observed result: Icon shows 3 turrets still, but with the cooldown ticking (because it’s actually 2 turrets and is recharging). The number of floating gears around Heimer’s model is still correct (2).
  • Reproduction rate: Very high.
  • System specs: N/A, reported on friends’ machines too

This is a known and tracked issue.


Originally posted by Weasel-Warrior

Server: NA

Type of bug: In-game/Minimap

Description: Rift Herald icon on the minimap at 31 minutes with Baron alive.

Screenshot: Map

Steps to reproduce: Unsure if reproducible.

Expected result: Minimap would show baron icon when it is alive.

Observed result: Rift Herald Icon on minimap far past when it was killed/despawned and the Baron spawned.

Reproduction rate: Only noticed in 1 of my 4 last games.

System Specs: Apple M1 Chip, macOS Monterey 12.6

This is a tracked issue. Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by PowrOfFriendship_

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: Gameplay

Description: Bonus AD and AP from Titanic Hydra, Sterak's Gage and Demonic Embrace don't count towards Kai'Sa's evolutions.


Steps to Reproduce:

​1. Play Kai'Sa

  1. Buy Demonic Embrace, Sterak's Gage and/or Titanic Hydra.

  2. Have enough bonus health that DE or TH would give you the stats to evolve, or enough AD that the extra AD from Sterak's would give the evolve.

Expected Result: Q/W can be evolved.

Observed Result: Bonus stats from Demonic Embrace, Sterak's Gage, and Titanic Hydra don't count towards Q/W evolves, while they do from other items (like Muramana).

Reproduction Rate: 100%

System Specs: Intel...

Read more

This is fixed for 12.23, should also work on new items such as Rod of Ages


Originally posted by StrwbryAcaiPanda

The only place I saw to disable the jungle path recommendations was to the left of the minimap, but you have to do this every game. Is there a spot in the settings to permanently disable this?

Settings-> Game -> Gameplay -> Display Recommended Jungle path


Originally posted by Jaibamon

Now I am surprised about how you were able to replicate this. Did you managed to detect the issue by simply looking at the video or did you had to make a couple of tests using the same team comp?

I was able to pull the replay so I was watching it intently. I just had to narrow down the possible causes which generally were only the new items that were added this patch. I didn't even see the Radiant Virtue until I eliminated the other new items as possible causes, and then I talked it through with the designer to see where it possibly could have happened in the scripts of the item, which is where we discovered the cause.


Originally posted by Shadowofthedragon

I flashed the items in the video towards the end which probably helped (if he doesn't respond).

So it would partly be process of elimination. New mythic was one of the few things that had changed in that match.

yeah flashing the items and the cooldowns was a massive help, great video!


Originally posted by KLINKOV

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: In Game Bug

• Description: W ksante doesnt trigger mundo passive 90% of the time

• Steps to reproduce: use w with ksante on mundo, if you tap w there is a chance to trigger mundo passive but if you hold W there is no way to trigger mundo passive

• Expected result: mundo should lose his passive

• Observed result: mundo doesnt lose his passive

• Reproduction rate: 99% of the time

Tracked. Thanks for the report


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Oh dear this is a big one. We have nailed down the cause and will be shipping out a fix ASAP.

In case you are curious what is happening is that you (Illaoi) are getting cleansed of the bonus effects of your Nautilus' Radiant Virtue without ever actually benefitting from it. This is due to an extremely unlucky combination of you walking perfectly into range of his Radiant Virtue at a perfect timing, a sort of perfect storm of problems. This should be fixed very soon.


Originally posted by 22Alex22

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: In Game Bug

• Description: Jungler with companion is not receiving 75 bonus experience per large jungle monster. Instead it is 60 experience like in the previous patch.

• Video / Screenshot: Dont have any

• Steps to reproduce: Buy the jungle item, kill a few monsters.

• Expected result: Get 75 bonus experience per large jungle monster.

• Observed result: Got 60 bonus experience per large jungle monster.

• Reproduction rate: 10/10

• System specs: Don't matter

So I assume that whats happening is that you are seeing the experience amount gained and getting confused why its the same as last patch. What happened is that all jungle monsters lost 15 experience on kill, but the jungle item gained 15 experience. So at level 1 a buff now is worth 95 experience instead of 110. However junglers now get 75 xp instead of 60. Junglers will still get the same xp for a buff at level 1 (170) but laners will get 15 less (95 instead of 110)


Originally posted by 0MrMan0

Iceborn Gauntlet not applying AOE damage in frost field. Only main target is damaged. 100% repo.

The intent is that only the slow is applied in an AOE, not the damage.


Originally posted by Shadowofthedragon

Server: NA

Type of Bug: in game bug

Description: my cooldowns on illoai randomly increased mid game.


Steps to reproduce: Honestly I don't know. I didn't die, sylas didn't take my ult. Happened after I leveled to 13. I had 50 ability haste, 33% cdr.

Expected result: my cooldowns don't randomly get nerfed.

Observed result: Suddenly I was playing An F tier champion with randomly longer cooldowns, roughly doubled in length.

Reproduction rate: I played 1 game and it happened, unknown cause.

System specs: 2070, i5

Oh dear this is a big one. We have nailed down the cause and will be shipping out a fix ASAP.