

03 Oct


Originally posted by Caenen_

What's the primary issue, the detection of Samira W or the line after which the Jhin W should exclude targets?

I don't know the exact specifics but essentially Yasuo W creates and destroys minions very fast when it interacts with Jhin W in order to simulate the projectile. Samira W would have to do that in a circle, while moving dynamically which just... isn't as feasible. We would likely have to come up with a new solution.


Originally posted by FrigidFlames

It's designed to be treated as a projectile in every way, even though it's technically coded as hitscan. Yasuo's wind wall was hardcoded to block it.

And then, uhh, Samira came out and they just forgot to do the same with hers? And never bothered to since? I don't think it was a legitimate design decision, just an oversight or maybe some weird technical issue.

This is a known bug but the fix is extremely difficult. That's no excuse, but this is something that we would like to fix eventually. To put it simply, the way Yasuo's Windwall interacts with Jhin W is easier because it is a straight line, while Samira's is a lot more difficult because it is a circle and moves with her.

29 Sep


Originally posted by ColdBeing

Have you ever thought that maybe Amumu has a high win rate because of Sunfire Aegis? Since amumu has more sticking power now with his 2 Q's, he's able to apply the Sunfire's damage passive consistently.

Just something to think about...

Yeah we look at winrate by item data, Sunfire doesn't seem to be ringing any particular alarm bells as extremely strong on Amumu.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Genuine sentiment, but what's the go with always using internal data if players can't hold anyone to a specific point, because external sites will always be different to internal ones? I know it's not really the point of the framework it's just odd.

This is a tough one, external websites use our API so they have the same data we do, its just a matter of what filters they are showing it to you through. For example all of OP.GG's data is only for Plat+ in Korea. For us, we splice our data up based on elo brackets (and also we lock holistically of course). Theres technically nothing stopping websites from doing the same thing, they just don't so we end up with seemingly mismatched data. Realistically even the slightest change in how you look at data will change almost everything, so its hard for exact alignment here.


Originally posted by Indercarnive

I don't envy the balance team. The system changes designed around reducing his low elo skew (giving him more early power at the cost of scaling power) are the same system changes that grant more power to support role (strong base power).

Maybe transfer some of his base power from his Q to his E? His E is invaluable for jungling since it's the clear ability while in support it's basically just a bit of burst in your all in.

We don't really have a problem with Amumu support honestly. The main reason we remove a champion from a role is when it is excessively skewed or generally unhealthy in what it does. Amumu doesn't really have those problems, so as long as his winrate isn't excessive (which it currently is) then we have no problem with him existing there.

28 Sep


Originally posted by hewasgameboy

Irelias winrate in master+ is around 52% in both top and mid, wheres in platinum+ it only hugs 50%, I don't see the purpose of nerfing a skill reliant champion that is performing okay at middling elos and decently at higher elos. Do you guys no agree that skillfull champions that are well executed by the player deserve an above average win rate?

Regardless of winrate her banrate is also very high which is another metric we take into account, though I think internal data suggests she is OP off winrate alone regardless.


Originally posted by bz6


I just love the fact that for once you added skill expression as a change and not dumbed down the game. I love the 2Q change, im f**king Spider-Man 😅

Need more skill expressive changes.

Glad you liked it! All credit goes to the designer AzuBK!


Originally posted by Adarkes01

I wish they’d just admit the 2Q change was a mistake and find something else to do.

The 2Q change was an objective success in the goals or reducing low elo skew on the champion. He’s currently sitting a tad too high in winrate so just looking to tap that down for both jungle and support.


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

I wonder if the Amumu nerfs are jungler-focused or support-focused...

Both, but support is stronger so looking to tone that down more.

14 Sep


Originally posted by popegonzo

Orianna legit has tons of great skins. TPA Ori is great. Both dark stars, heartseeker, obviously bladecraft & winter wonder ("Winter Winter?" <3)... she's just a great champ for skins.

Its true, shes the perfect champ both for gameplay AND skins


Originally posted by 2th

How you gonna disrespect Darkstar like that? I mean your name is GalaxySmash, shouldn't you prefer the skin that uses a galaxy as it's weapon?

Theres this tangent I always go on about how her auto attacks have two feels based on the skin, basically crunchy and smooth. Classic, Bladecraft, and Winter Wonder are all crunchy (basically all the old skins too) but a lot of the new ones like Dark Star are smooth, and I am a crunchy Orianna auto attacker or bust


Originally posted by Whats_Up4444

My mans knows whats up.

But you have to admit Gothic is her best skin in wild rift.



Originally posted by Pissyellowknight

Orianna!! Hope they release a cool skin for her this year

Orianna’s best skins are Bladecraft and Winter Winter and I will die on that hill


Originally posted by TuxSH


How about fixing her bugs first (Q targeting invis, E "true slow")?

We are doing this

11 Sep


Originally posted by CptRankstrail956

PBE is become one of the most uselles thing I ever see. It should be a testing server, for new champs, bugs or glitch, instead is just a shit show of low elo players that play there just for having free skins, while youtubers instead of doing something good just do customs to create their new "OMG (insert new champ here)IS THE MOST BROKEN THING, RITO WTF".

So Riot gets no info on how really strong a champ is, and we have to test champs for the first 2 week on the main server. They should just change it for good

We do not use PBE to guage how strong a champion is, any balance changes that are made after a champion hits PBE are based on our own internal testing, not PBE data.


Originally posted by CountMordrek

The question is why Yasuo’s windwall didn’t slow projectiles instead of making your grand play disappear completely on a relatively short cd. I mean, windwall in its current iteration is so unfun to play against, even when the Yasuo isn’t throwing them up perfectly to counter skill shots coming from no vision over terrain…

I get the feeling your comment was not asked in earnest but I'll give an earnest answer anyway. The fact is that relative to basic abilities Yasuo windwall has a very long CD, one of the highest in the game. I can believe the ability is unfun but melee characters often need a defensive spell in order to makeup for them being outranged by ranged characters. These defensive spells, whether in the form of pure defensiveness like Windwall, or in the form of CC, might feel frustrating to some players, but they are necessary for these characters to function. One of the primary ways of skill expression in League is also playing around cooldowns, and that can be expressed through playing around when these cooldowns, and punishing the champion when they are down. If you are feeling particularly frustrated, try engaging in this counterplay


Originally posted by super_intellectual49

Oh damn I thought that Vex could only increase the range of one projectile at a time after reading her champion insights. If that effect is also tied to this ability then its way stronger no questions asked. Imagine a poke comp with Vex, Varus, Jayce and Nidalee throwing abilities at you from two screens away.

Oh trust me we imagined


Originally posted by super_intellectual49

This somehow feels even worse than windwall. And it's not even stronger than windwall

In our testing I felt pretty stronger that it was much stronger than windwall. Slowed projectiles were effectively destroyed, as skillshots are often extremely reliant on exact timing and positioning, as well as the fact that this ability also had offensive output in that it extended the range of not only her projectiles, but her allies. Using this in a teamfight essentially meant putting up a wall that destroyed all enemy projectiles and doubled the range and effectiveness of your allies' projectiles.


Originally posted by sarsvesh

Holy shit this is so cool! Does he show off stuff like this often?

Showing stuff like this off is hard because often what is getting tested could be anywhere from being right before release, to earliest iterations of a champion or change that might ship for another year+. Sometimes you get lucky and you can find clips that are from tests where a change was tested in isolation, but even then you have to be extremely careful because you never know what little things might still be visible!


Haha thats me on Orianna! That is a hilarious clip that we always like to revisit for the laughs. I remember we theorized that since Orianna Q is a projectile that interaction would work like that, but we never saw it in action until this clip where we had completely forgotten about it!