

07 Apr


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

The goal of these changes is to broaden the jungle pool

What's your guy's stance on Re-Buffing Sylas JG? He was VERY popular JG and anytime I see you guys do these specific kind of JG changes (pushing Morg, Darius, Zed, etc into JG) I always see tons of comments and tweets asking to Re-Buff Sylas JG. Is there no way for him to JG without being either OP or UP?

Can't speak on the team's stance on it, but I can give my personal opinion here. I think bringing Sylas jungle back could be not too bad, but the struggle with making these champions junglers is what we want to do it without buffing their lane. There will always be overlap to some degree, but minimizing that overlap as much as possible is always a goal. Something I feel we also tend to want to avoid is introducing junglers that will just be clear gods AND scale absurdly well, and thus they are incentivized to just powerfarm in the jungle until they scale to late game. This is part of the reason you don't see marksman among the champions we are trying to introduce into the jungle. Also caveat here that of course some champions like this already exist (looking at your Karthus), but they are in the minority and them existing to some degree adds some healthy variety, we just want to avoid that being the overwhelming strategy of junglers.


Originally posted by KingWalf

Because they want laners to be like “oh, my champ can jungle now? Let’s try it out!” Because jungle is really unpopular

This sentiment is mostly correct, in general we are looking to increase the popularity of jungle across the board by introducing traditionally popular champions, especially in lower elos.

06 Apr


Originally posted by Virtuoso229

Damn, I hope he's still viable. I've been playing a lot of jungle Mundo, but damn is he overpowered in low elo.

We aren't looking to remove his jungle viability, so I would expect him to stay viable at the worst, and likely still be a competitive pick.


Originally posted by HorrowLP

Can't say I'd be happy to see this.

Mundo top is a joke. But ever played against one that managed to get ahead? Its miserable. Q lets him run you down and always kill when he's ahead.

Ironically I feel like this is the problem with his jungle, he powerfarms to get ahead and just runs you down, with little opportunity to stop him from scaling.


Originally posted by Maloonyy

"Dr. Mundo (Jungle > Top)" How do you read this? Do they want to nerf jungle ´Mundo and buff top Mundo?

Edit: Seems like it means they want to move him from Jungle to Top, a shame considering jungle Mundo is a nice pick for people to learn jungle.

Correct, the change is meant to nerf jungle and buff top lane.

04 Apr


Originally posted by VG_Crimson

Convince them to lighten Gwen's jungle cap to 15(+30% AP) if you want the role to be popular with a new champ 🥺 I'll smash galaxies for you if that's what it takes.

Always a fan of smashing galaxies <3. We don't really want to forcibly enable Gwen jungle, we are fine with it existing but she is primarily a top laner and secondarily a mid laner. Viego can hopefully sustain junglers' desires for a new champion for awhile! He's awesome :D


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

Yup. Riot most definitely doesn't push broken numbers to live.

Memes aside, I'm worried as f**k that Darius and Morgana won't be tuned down. What's even the reasoning to buff Darius? He's a toplaner, and he's already strong there. He doesn't need the ability to take Dragon at level 1, or these buffs that let him walk into the enemy jungle between waves for free krugs/gromp.

Haha all that is not to say we don't push broken numbers to live, mistakes happen regardless. The goal of these changes is to broaden the jungle pool by giving champion that are more broadly popular in all elos (especially lower elos) the ability to exist as junglers. Expect these numbers to be tuned as necessary, we want these champions to be playable in the jungle, but won't force them to be S tier.


Originally posted by semenbakedcookies

Isn't PBE basically whats going to be on live apart from fixing bugs?

Not quite. Often content that goes to PBE is completely ready to go to live (think art, assets, etc.) but their tuning states are not necessarily there. To my knowledge we don't use PBE data to tune because the data is very very far off reliable, but the tuning numbers are often not final on item/champion changes by the time they get pushed to PBE.

18 Mar


Originally posted by darkacesp

/u/GalaxySmash can you give any context if this bug is being tracked internally at all? Only when you have time to spare of course

Fix for this should be in for 11.7!

14 Mar


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Yeah that can definitely be a shame at times. I feel like we saw a similar experience happening to a handful of champions up until recently.

With that said the balance and design team are doing good work in bringing in more of these tiny reworks to help these champions out. Like Xin Zhao, Akali and the upcoming Rammus rework. So that's nice.

Thanks for the chat :)

Yeah really liking what we got coming down the pipeline, I worked closely with Truexy the designer for the Xin Zhao update so I feel extra confident on that. Ofc thanks for the chat as well :)


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

That's nice to know! I've been told by a few rioters due to Sylas being pushed back she was pushed through production quicker to get a champion released.

Its nice to hear that it can be seen by some she's not fully realised. I do love her don't get me wrong, but she does a feel a bit 3/4ths done. Particularly her visuals don't feel as solidly appealing as they could be and her kit feels a bit TOO basic.

Indeed, I think there is also this unforunate scenario where a champ that is function and even good design wise like Neeko gets overshadowed by champions that more desperately need work done to keep them up to bar.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Do you feel that if Neeko wasn't forcibly rushed out of production she may of ended up a bit differently?

Or would you say she's as "neeko" as she could be?

I wasn't here for Neeko's dev cycle so I can't speak on it personally. I doubt she was rushed out of production because we have a high bar for quality, though she was released a long time ago and things were likely different in a variety of ways back then. As far as being as "Neeko" as she can be, the identity of a champ is hard to speak on because realistically they are who they are, whether thats for the best or not. I personally do not believe Neeko as a design is fully realized, though thats not to say I think its a poor design. I personally love the design, and I also think the champ could also be so much more. A lot of where I think we could advance her further (mainly her W) stems from areas where we likely just didn't have the tech to do what we can do now with champions.


Originally posted by doglightning

I'm not sure if the HoB is working as intended. As neeko if I pretend to be nunu and I have HoB it shows HoB below my feet for enemy to see. Another more obvious example is with Omnistone. WHen you use passive the enemy sees omnistone next to health bar so its really obvious. Also on that note when you use neeko close omnistone doesnt show on clone so its really obv which is real neeko.

I was told it is intended, and while I disagree and don't feel it matches my expectations, I don't feel strongly enough to challenge that call.

12 Mar


Alright did some digging:

There is a mix here of bugs that are being tracked and worked on being fixed, some new things uncovered that I have reported, as well as some here that are working as intended.

Some specifics- the hitbox thing feels off, I will look into it and see what I can but no promises.

Comet/HoB being visual when disguised is working as intended. I believe the bug is when they DON'T show when disguised.

Skin bugs are outside the realm of where I can help unfortunately.

Biggest thing I can say here is Neeko's HP not showing while disguised is known and being tracked.


Originally posted by Capek95

I appreciate the work, but I wonder, why does it always take a social media outrage to get stuff fixed in the game?

It really doesn't, me responding here is just very visual and thus skews bias. Theres literally countless bugs we report on and fix that you don't see. At the same time, we also can't fix bugs that we don't know about, so things like this help us get visualization into those problems.


Originally posted by G2KEKLESS

"Surely I can end in 20 min right?. Win lane, take herald, push lanes, they will ff 15 100%. Alright lets do this!"

First Blood!

Enemy Double kill!

Every time...


Originally posted by Beethoven0316

Hope this will raise some awareness =(

I'll look into it and see what I can do. A few of these seem like easy fixes while others seem difficult, but maybe. Best I can do is get eyes on it which I will do for ya. Neeko is best decision :)


Originally posted by kitiny

Last one I saw just said we had to finish the game quick cause he had a meeting to go to.

Too real

10 Mar


Originally posted by CyberRyter

Essentially so. So many dps mages default to Liandry's. They're trying to make Liandry's less of a staple on those champs (adjusting it for its intended niche as a tank buster mythic), and make Luden's more appealing.


06 Mar


Originally posted by Colton147147

Yone is a very mechanically intensive champion and has a high skill cap.

They hated him because he spoke the truth