

02 Nov


Originally posted by ClownFundamentals

/u/caenen_ I feel like I've been seeing you correct everyone, including Rioters, lately that it's never done 1 true damage, and has always done 0 damage (different from doing no damage).


Is that right? Honestly I would believe it, interesting. Appreciate the fact!


Originally posted by sanketower

Is this the reason why you can technically steal a buff with Bard's R?

Bard's R can proc damaging item effects like Night Harvester so I assume this is related to that.


Originally posted by loitermaster

And it's an auto attack reset

A classic, one of Master Yi's most important mechanics! Shoutout to Cowsep for teaching me this fact :D


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Is it proximity based?

I've always found it wild how I can wall someone off without hitting them with it and I still get the assist

I don't know specifically with Anivia and Trundle, but I would not be surprised, especially because Trundle's Pillar has the slow field around it which would also count. I know for sure some abilities are, such as Veigar E which doesnt actually have to touch you (it just has to be close enough to you) to grant him an assist.


Originally posted by shrubs311

thanks for the tech!

Your winrate is skyrocketing as we speak!


Originally posted by thwospfneka

I believe this is because it does 1 damage, same as trundle pillar

It used to do that as a workaround, but now we have the tech to make it count as an assist or stack for electrocute, Phase Rush, etc. regardless of whether it deals damage or not.


Originally posted by Fabiocean

You can use Samira's passive dash on turrets that get tp'd on, since they apparently count as hard ccd during channel.

Another Samira one: You cant Q while ulting as Samira, but you can use EQ together without stopping your ult


When Master Yi is meditating he gains stacks of his passive double strike AND halts the duration of his E and R

28 Oct


We appreciate the positive acknowledgement, it means a lot!

21 Oct


This was something that we did a preliminary investigation into after the last time this was discussed on reddit, but we ended up deciding against doing it. If I can find a writeup of the reasoning I will post a summary here.

20 Oct


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

Why buff the Q? Right now her QEW max order is rising as her best skill order already. EQW as the 2nd best. Buffing the Q max just enhances that and the QE becomes one of the most stupid combos once she has a bit of AS because it becomes nearly undodgeable.

Q max is still very far from optimal and Q is a spell that heavily drops off in satisfaction and usefulness as game time increases.


Originally posted by Orvvadasz

Can you ellaborate on what you guys meant that you dont feel that your characters have overloaded kits overall? As you may have noticed the community doesnt quite feel the same way.

Its all subjective, so opinions will always vary. I will say that its quite often that the prevalent opinion on reddit is not indicative of the overall opinion of the community.


Originally posted by Rooxstart

I really like the portals, but Summoners Rift itself doesn't feel like it changes all that much -in appearance- in comparison with the current dragons. There's rain, wind, fire and a bunch of other particles and effects with the current 4 dragons, and with this one we only have the portals. The torches that are scattered around SR don't have a special particle that indicates this elemental rift as the others do. The map really needs a coat of fresh paint with this dragon honestly.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll pass it on


Originally posted by Roblox_Morty

I can’t seem to spawn the new dragons in the practice tool nor get their terrain to spawn.

Appreciate the report! We've got this one tracked and noted


Originally posted by BestRemusInMyHouse

The Hextech and Chemtech dragons don't seem to spawn the terrain in the practice tool and their souls also don't work.

Thanks for the report! I will pass this on! To clarify, the souls not working is also just on practice tool is that correct?

19 Oct


Originally posted by TrundleTop1

No alcove portal sadge super epic tho

Oh man we tried that, it was so powerful though and definitely extremely game warping. But we had fun using the "pac man" portal as we named it.


Originally posted by FaithlessnessSea6166

you are so cringe

Why thank you :)


Originally posted by AwsomeMice

I actually think this is the biggest buff Xayah has got in the last 10 buffs or so. Yes 5 MS is way more valuable than R CD fite me. Rip my Conq Xayah build tho :c

Xayah Buffs lets GOOOOOO

08 Oct


Originally posted by bz6

The revive soul is really dumb. What makes Sion’s passive unique now? These changes just inflate things that should be rooted in champion identity.

Well I am sorry to hear you feel that way but that's just how game design is a lot of the time. We can only create so many unique and interesting mechanics within the boundaries and rules of the game that are balanceable and feel healthy. There are countless examples. GA and Zilean Ult are literally the exact same thing.


Originally posted by Flyntloch

Ignoring the soul talk; I do actually have a question on Hextechs portal system. Mostly if they’ll be static (Portal A -> Portal B) or change each game but still signify where they go (Portal A -> Portal B one game, Portal A -> Portal C the next), didn’t get a good tell in the video.

Same thing every game, same as every other soul.