

08 Sep


Originally posted by Redfou

if their playrate is just low due to people perceiving them as bad

Ok but that makes no sense for Yone because his playrate is literally among the highest in the game:

And all his other stats are completely fine so this buff is entirely unwarranted. But this patch is for Worlds so yeah....they just want him to be played at Worlds i guess.

An explicit goal of many of these buffs is that we want these champions to be picked at worlds.


Originally posted by THESuperStuntMan

Like most of the buffs this patch, it's because they want him to be picked in worlds. It's not bigger because he's already doing well.

This is correct. Yone is balanced (neither OP nor UP) but he is on the lower side of that band, so we figured we could do a low-risk pro facing buff. We looked at Yasuo as well but he, while also balanced, is on the higher end of balanced so we figured it was not worth the risk.


Originally posted by Phenergan_boy

They are really hesitant to put the Rengar rework on live server huh?

Rengar was put to PBE with the intent to gather feedback and not to ship immediatly. This was something that was being tried, and not the normal process we go through.


Originally posted by blacksocksonly

idk if 25% extra dmg to jg is worth losing some of the auto aim on Q for Qiyana. Also losing 10 dmg all rank on her E. Seems like a straight nerf

That change is not meant to be because of her jungling, it was an independent decision.


Originally posted by fedesan99

Holy shit, thank god they didnt go with the original design. Having a champion that can double the range of any projectile is insane.

The same thing that doubled the range of allied projectiles also used to half the speed of enemy projectiles, it was wild

01 Sep


Originally posted by FNC_Luzh

Thresh is extremely resilient to nerfs

Or maybe, maybe, the nerfs are way too soft.

Its possible. Looking at similar changes to other champs, those nerfs have had more of an effect on winrate, but Thresh could just be more unique in how certain changes to his abilities effect him.


Originally posted by firstbishop125

He had a high presence in LPL i think.

Yup, pro play in general


Originally posted by hanton44

5th thresh nerf in a row. Nice

Thresh is extremely resilient to nerfs, it is rather impressive. No matter what we change about him he doesn't seem to be affected.


Originally posted by Miudmon

Bloody hell, i am a goddamn PROPHET with those exact gangplank changes.


Wow thats crazy, well done! We toyed with a few changes, mainly more hp/lvl, but we landed exactly as you predicted, crazy


Originally posted by pm_your_karma_lass

Is the duration of mf r increased? Or do the waves fire faster now? Would be huge if they fire faster

Waves fire faster


Originally posted by SirSharkPlantagenet

Okay, I have to kinda jump in on the opportunity. Any chances of looking into Brand and Zyra jungle rather than the Zed Talon etc we are seeing?

Rather than? Unlikely. In the future? Possibly. Opening up new champions to the jungle is something we have explored a lot this season, and its possible more champions get looked at in the future to be added as junglers.


Originally posted by AcceptableQuality0

The new patches are confusing, rumble is on the buff list and yet u guys remove his attackspeed on overheat wich made him good in duelling... Also talon is on buff list but hes gets gutted for lane 4th time in a row ( another midlane nerf) why that?

New post should show those changes that are not just straight buffs as adjustments now.

31 Aug


Originally posted by weebwindman

Will you do any compensation nerds or what to call it?

Draven, no matter how bad he feels with new items, is currently pretty strong according to win rates. Just straight up buffing him when he is already a strong pick will make perma ban, no?

Perhaps some base damage is lowered or cool down on ult?

I love Draven more than any other champ, played since some weeks after his release, with you know, real passive and all. Managed to get D1 Draven only some seasons back. So I am very happy and excited to see this. But also afraid to see him gutted after it.

Winrates are an extremely fickle thing. This change likely does not do much in most normal (non-pro) League of Legends games, but is a non-trivial amount of power. Ideally, this change does almost nothing to buff him in non-pro, and encourages pro players to pick him more. We don't anticipate the change to be enough of a buff to warrant compensation nerfs currently, and doing compensation nerfs would also hurt his chances of showing up in pro. We would of course nerf him still if we determined he was strong enough that these changes would push him over the power threshold that we determine him to be overpowered.


Originally posted by prowness

Yo real talk, that Draven buff seems legit.

  • It helps him kill if he’s been playing properly (getting stacks and not dying).

  • It doesn’t help a Draven get more ahead (since his stacks reset to 0 upon a kill).

  • it isn’t a mechanic that’s too powerful when behind (he loses half stacks on death, compared to how useful Viego’s passive is when he’s behind).

That’s a perfect example of a wildly experimental change that doesn’t seem oppressive in pro play on paper and can likely be balanced with buffs and nerfs (I.e. reduce ult ratio, or make it so that half stacks is the threshold, etc.).

In the rare cases we see Draven in pro, he often ends up with a huge amount of stacks and the game ends up often being decided on if he cashes in or not. This change aims to help give pro Draven who saved up an additional way to cash out and be rewarded for stacking up huge.

28 Aug

24 Aug


Originally posted by catseye013

Hasn't mid lucian been dogshit in soloq since forever? he's been at the very bottom of winrates for months now even among players that are experienced lucian players

Lucian in both bot and mid has been consistently weak for quite awhile, with pickrates between the two lanes being very similar. In pro however he was still very consistently picked almost exclusively in mid lane.


Originally posted by Samintosh

Rengar mini-rework is next patch I suppose? Damn I was so hyped

There was not a ship date for the Rengar changes, they were released to PBE only to gather feedback to inform how players feel about them before we move forward.


Congrats to our new communications specialist Ahrisoo for her first patch notes!!!

22 Aug


Originally posted by Ozaiko

Can't you just make a mini-rework like Irelia one ? Adjusting a lot of numbers to shift the power of her kit. Aurelion and Taliyah really need something... They have been in a weird spot forever...

We have tried Irelia and Xin-Zhao esque reworks to her in the part but they haven't found as much success unfortunately. I agree they do need something its just a matter of finding the time and resources.


Originally posted by Hector_01

Then we have Swain with .4% pickrate Midlane. You know the 'midlaner' that's been mini reworked twice to get him back there and into higher elos, but ended being a crappy cheese support in very low elo and a kinda pretty successful APC (only with certain supports) but a very low pickrate.

Swain is in a pretty similar spot as Taliyah. Very unpopular but one of the highest winrates in the game so that limits us on what we can do. Likely would also need larger-scope work to have a chance at making significant pickrate and satisfaction gains.