

22 Aug


Originally posted by TheBluestMan


I'm joking but this is probably more ratio buffs somewhere on their kit.

Will not be buffing Orianna R this time I promise lol

16 Aug


M'am are you aware you were doing 1700 in a 325 zone

15 Aug

11 Aug


Originally posted by Psclly

I feel bad for you guys but is it not time to do some serious overhauling? Guessing it's not within budget

The guy who brought up code rewrites basically covered most of it really well but "serious overhauling" takes an absurd amount of time and incurs an incredible amount of risk for borderline invisible gains a lot of the time. The surrender system in this instance may have been a hassle to work on, but it also literally hasn't been touched since it was made over a decade ago (roughly) so its never been an issue and likely won't be in the near future.


Originally posted by helloimapickle

Anonymity for the person starting a surrender vote

kinda don't like this one since I only ff if the person carrying wants to, now I won't know if the person ffing is the one doing well or the one who is 0/11

Personally I feel like its almost always demoralizing. Either its the same person spamming the FF and the chat reminds you of that, or you see your carry/best player wanting to FF which makes you feel like its doomed.


Originally posted by yastie

the technology is finally there

You joke but this was incredibly hard to actually do from a technical standpoint lol

01 Aug


Originally posted by Jragon713

Fixed a bug that was causing Gangplank’s R Silver Serpent upgrades to not correctly display the icons.

One Arena Gangplank bug down, one to go!

Unfortunately, the one they didn't fix is the one that impacts gameplay 😭

Its fixed, we'll make sure its in the patch notes

29 Jul


Originally posted by S890127

Remember when TFT was showed as 8 Kai'sa in one game in match history?

Thats what you actually are "playing" if I understand it correctly, or at least thats how it used to be.

28 Jul


Originally posted by Ramus_N

We are still waiting to find out if Ixtal is a real place or if Milio is a paid actor.

Is this "Ixtal" in the room with us now?


Originally posted by ImSoFar

You add real ducks in the river?

and frogs

27 Jul


Originally posted by NiceGuy_Ty

If ptp.WallInBetweenKsanteAndVictim == true // Try again with a shorter wall buffer GetNamedSpellData ptp.WallBufferFailCase = Owner's KsanteR[WallBufferFailCase] ... Else // If ksantes position is too far from the victim - force him to be closer - this is expected IsPathable ptp.AmIOnPathableGround = Is cv.KsanteFinalLandingPoint pathable? ... Is this the first time we've seen Riot's scripting language? It looks like it has some visual block elements as well

The sacred texts!

25 Jul


Originally posted by waffle-spouse

W refund from 77% to 75%

I'm convinced they only did this because someone at Riot wanted to quench their OCD

That refund change is bigger than it looks, but we're also gonna plan to add onto this a bit, still targeting AP.


Originally posted by dEleque

Hopefully the Gwen buffs are just sustain buff either in passive healing or hp regen, her usuall stats are very good at proplay and good in soloQ. A buff could have huge impact on proplay and we're back at facefcking her entire kit.

Gonna try to avoid touching Gwens damage for sure

24 Jul


Banger. Remember when Baron had no global announcement and the enemy team could just show up randomly with baron buff? Good times

23 Jul


Originally posted by winwill

don't tell the SR and Arena team but I think I played and enjoyed this mode more than the other two since the event came out. Maybe make it into a separate game in the future?

Dont tell WHO

20 Jul


Originally posted by NenshoOkami

The beta queue for the map was wild. People comparing old textures/champs to the new map was jarring. Having a big ghost instead of gromp as a placeholder. Little ghosts instead of raptors. Good stuff.

The whiplash between playing ranked on the old map and normals on the new map lol

19 Jul


Originally posted by AmksKR

Nooo, it's a lie. What do you mean by 9 years.

I distinctly remember being a new-ish player and seeing the new map change and thinking "damn thats cool, but I probably won't be playing League long enough to play around with that stuff". How the time flies...

18 Jul


Originally posted by Datmuemue

Walter White vibes.

We do love to cook here at Riot


Originally posted by Boudynasr

his first champion was Yuumi

his last champion was K'Sante

but I know better than to complain about these champs now, lest I face the same fate Ovilee suffered haha

Tread carefully