

23 Feb


Yeah we're looking into this.

22 Feb


Originally posted by BastillianFig

  • Added ability for AI to place traps

Ffs. Last thing we need is more traps

It replaces them spawning initially altogether. Max traps stays the same per level.


Originally posted by Toast_Meat

AI is a okay, but needs work (both enemy AI and teammates). So far I've only ever played single player and I love it. I keep coming back to it despite sometimes rage quitting because of some absolute BS impossibility but hey... it's an early access game and I'm sure the devs will get a lot of things done over the next while. It's very enjoyable and tense as hell. Just be careful and take your time. It's no Call of Duty.

Any bs, please report by the way!


Originally posted by harakiwiz

50 hours in, exactly 1 online match

Yeah its worth it imo


18 Feb


Originally posted by genericusername610

Hopefully they don’t ruin the MK1 with the shitty recoil from the 416. I’d rather the 416’s recoil be similar to the MK1 with slightly more recoil like irl.

Recoil will actually be closer to the SR16 than the HK due to the different systems. My bad, told everyone on the team the wrong gun and only realised now.


Were working on a new customisation and planning system so this should be in relatively soon.


Originally posted by Narrow_Line_11

"Generate AI logic"

Asking as a non-modder, what does this mean? That AI pathfinding works automatically?

Anyway I think this is smart, mod maps will keep their game fresh years from now, and keeps it selling copies. They are setting up the stage early, so that things will go smoothly and it will attract new modders early on

It means you can generate spawns so they can be random each mission load, as well as allowing swat AI to stack up and clear. I'll need to double check but that's usually how we refer to it.


There should be some. Might be bugged out. Will look into it.


Originally posted by SuppliceVI

Between this and Farm's combatants, you could honestly tell me this is an ATF recruiting op and I wouldn't be shocked

Nervous laughter

15 Feb


These are so damn good!


Originally posted by Andos_Woods

I’m under NDA but f**k it, they are making the game fully open world next month

Damn he got us


These are so good. The motion blur really works well for these too. Try turning your FOV down to 90 or 60 to really compress the frame, I've found that always helps for nice compositions.


Originally posted by skinny_gator

This is cool but not sure what purpose it serves because the battering ram exists

It'll be able to instantly peek a door with a lock, and we'll be experimenting with ways of allowing it to break down doors without setting off traps or alarms.


Originally posted by The_Iron_Mannis

Huh, must be a bug on my end. I just went ingame and used alt + s, whether i pressed it once, multiple times or held it, or whether im already crouched or not, i cant get as lower or even as low as the regular crouch. I have to alt+s then use A or D to lean to get that low. I checked it with both the toggle and hold version of the lean button, no difference.

Is there a video demostrating this? I haven't seen anyone else crouch straight down to get very low without leaning. A tutorial might be useful.

I'll take a look.


Originally posted by Tumble85

I helped make a mod for Max Payne 2 back in the day, and to make a long story short part of it - my part - allowed the rifles in the game to shoot through some objects as well as people.

What really helped to make it visceral and realistic was to make sure the bullets exit got just as much attention as the front side did. That is, debris, smoke, sparks (and blood) spawn from behind as well as the front. (And in fact, they make a bigger smoke/blood cloud.)

This little touch added so much to making the guns really feel like they were powerful; being able to see the debris/blood blasting out from the back of barrels, boxes, and people is something a lot of games don't really pay attention to even if they have a ballistic system, but it makes an enormous difference when attention get's paid.

I'm sure you guys are already on it, of course, I just wanted to chime in a bit.

Interesting. Thanks for that. Would love to play your mod.

08 Feb


The VIOLENCE were working on (not necessarily gore per se) should blow your minds. Django mode.


2814 all day every day had 4,000 hours of it last year.