

09 Apr


Originally posted by VampyrWytch

u/JagexHooli Thank you to you and the team for getting me back in game.... I am still exploring my account and making note of all the missing items, etc., it will take a bit as I'm very OCD, and my bank was a mess... But I do have a couple of questions as it relates to the reset. I was pushed back 63 days, well before the double xp weekend. On my brief search of my bank a good lot of my proteans were missing (a couple thousand, at least), about 100+ combat dummies were missing, and other treasure hunter items like notepaper, etc.

When I logged in initially the treasure hunter interface only showed 5 keys. Once I re-logged in to get the compensation package. That number increased to 1255 keys added to my treasure hunter interface.

I don't know if the keys had been refunded since those items were now missing? Or was that a mistake and I'm just out the items, and should speak to aftercare? I didn't want to use the keys if it wa...

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You are correct yes. You've essentially had any keys purchased between where you were rolled back to and Mar 4th returned. You can absolutely use them.

You can also reach out to Aftercare if the keys don't deliver roughly as much as what happened last time either.

08 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


That should be enough but please do feel free to submit a second ticket if it's not addressed / referenced when we first respond. Thanks!


Originally posted by kalakun

I'm back in.

Quick recap of what I found:

-very few missing items, but some that are really a pain in the ass to collect again like my dungeoneering ring. - my bank was reverted to what it looked like months ago which makes finding the missing items difficult - after a month I can hardly remember the ins and outs of my account so who knows what's left thats affected.

I have absolutely 0 motivation to play anymore

The welcome back package is a slap in the face.

In conclusion I will be asking my credit card company to refund my membership. I paid to play with my friends, and now they're all gone on to something else since they didn't get locked out. What I didn't pay for was this lackluster service. If I had known I was spending nearly $100 a year for absolutely 0 accountability or forethought into crashed servers I would never have paid.

Happy to hear you are back in but sorry to hear you'd like to move on.

That said, we can offer you direct support for that instead. Feel free to reach out here for a refund: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000982997-Request-a-Refund


Originally posted by daltty

u/JagexHooli I have finally been able to log in and have some missing items, I have gone to the aftercare support page and I am receiving an error saying "Sorry, a problem occurred while submitting your request please try again later" Well I waited and tried again later and still cannot submit my after care report, Any help with this please?

Thanks for being patient with it - letting two waves in basically on top of each other just means some added load. Keep trying, and if you still can't submit it by the end of the day, give me a ping and I'll work with the team to look into it.


Originally posted by teppotulppu

I reported it. Now just to hope that they don't lock me for any investigation for potential bug :(

You won't be locked from it. We don't want to re lock anyone unless their account is an outlier and has some sort of significant issue that requires it.


Originally posted by myredditRSaccount

My alt got back in. Aside from some disorganized clutter in bank (some place holders missing), everything was pretty much as I left it. Or as close as I can remember.

Still locked on on main though. So its a bitter sweet day.

edit I can log into the website and my main account does show up on runemetrics now.

edit2 I just got an email stating that my account was recovered, but I still can't log in on my main.

What's the RSN of your main? We can look into that if you got the email - we did resolve this earlier.


Originally posted by teppotulppu

Got unlocked today and for whatever reason when I use bond to upgade my runemetrics, it uses it and says to lobby for effect. Nothing happens tho with lobbying. Spend two bonds on this, sad.

Definitely reach out to Aftercare on that one and we'll get those back to you. Include details of the bug as well if you could as this may impact others! https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360019042757


PSA: Anyone returned to game today has been given all the new 2021 Spring Festival unique unlocks for free given it's late into the event. This is in place of tokens and will also apply to any of you getting in tomorrow.

(Note: The Butterfly Outfit is not included in this).


Originally posted by kabooms31

I still can’t login yet I got the email saying my account is restored.

Edit: took quite a few attempts but was able to at least get to the lobby.

We should have fixed this for you now!


Originally posted by savethesunfirex

Unfortunately the aftercare webpage is non functional for me so i will post here. My account seems fine for the most part there are some notable thing missing at least that i can recall as it was stuff i was working on prior to being kicked and locked out.


3mil Gp (Had around 12mil or so total prior to reset)

Orcarium armor set

orcarium 2h melee weapon

necronium armor set

unknown amount of decorated mining urns

about 7-9k Soft clay (was making the urns above)

about 2k protean planks

around 3.5k protean hides

13 or so training dummy boxes

misc herbs of an undetermined amount

misc divination items


Mining and prayer seem to be lower that it was before i got kicked.

Seem to be missing bonus exp in a number of skills most notably attack, defense and crafting. Possibly more but those are the only three i can recall with absolute certainty.


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We won't be able to help you here. Please do submit this as a ticket - give it a bit as it sometimes errors out under load.


Originally posted by zoroarrkk

u/jagexhooli Can I still play even though I'm submitting a ticket for aftercare about the quest? Or will I need to wait until they've fixed it?

Yeah you should be fine. That's an odd bug too, so I'm sure the team will jump on it. Thanks for submitting the ticket.


Originally posted by SubstantialBand4343

you didnt restore my acocunt, you just gave me a saved file from 8th of feb

you clearly have no idea what you're doing, give it up... not playing again

f**k ur shit company morals

This shouldn't be the case - could you drop your RSN here? We can look into this immediately.


PSA: I've just been informed The Returned Gifts are running behind on Wave 6. Should be sorted soon, but this may be why some of you haven't got your pack yet. We'll let you know once this has completed.


Originally posted by No-Body-9807

Omg finally i got my account back, thanks jagex, but i only have 16 days of membership left, where is my 2 months of free membership ???

These should be with you within the next 24 hours.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for providing the RSN. I'll ask the team on this, weird one. Have you tried logging in and out first?


Hello everyone,

Wave 6 has now been released, marking our last wave of the day. Please check your emails for notification within the hour, but as always, we recommend attempting to log in just in case. This brings us up to ~88% of all accounts now returned.

Our next wave will take place on Friday, and with our current projections, we expect this to bring us to almost all accounts having been restored (> 99%).

If anything is out of sorts, please remember Aftercare is here to help. You can submit a ticket here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018668777

Note: If you are mi...

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Originally posted by DeadBabyPowerade

Missing my GE Offers, there goes my max cash stack I guess

Submit a ticket through Aftercare - we should be able to help you out: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018668777


PSA: If you are logging in and not finding your Returned Package, please log out with inventory space and log back in. This seems to resolve the issue.


Originally posted by Molten-Universe

I'm back in from just now and everything looks fine I still have all my gear but no money at all.. Not even in the bank otherwise everything looks normal.

We've seen a couple of reports of this - head to Aftercare and we'll be able to sort you out no problems though: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018668777


Originally posted by eivittunyt

Will there be compensation for components used to craft lost invention gizmos?

I crafted hundreds of ancient gizmos to get rare perks with common components and they are now all gone.

Aftercare can sort you out there. Best to reach out via that: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018668777