This boss is still going to be nowhere near Zulrah in terms of consistent money for the drop-tables.
We made the regular drops just be slightly higher in value, theoretically it should be enough to mean that you break even so that it's only your time that's lost going for a unique.
And realistically the drop-rates were not fine. Very few people were killing the boss which kept the unique prices high but if the price of a unique is only high because no one wants to touch the content then realistically there is something wrong with the content.
We've been monitoring player feedback for a while now and the biggest consensus was that the average time to just get something to break even was too high even if the gp/hr for the boss as a whole was really good (9m/hr ish).
The problem we had is that we polled too many uniques at once and they all passed, so we made the decision to split the drop tables completely make it so that the Inuiqistor's Armour/Mace/S...
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