

08 Apr


Originally posted by trahviz

Will sepulcher be considered a dangerous death or a safe one?

If you die you will go to your respawn point so yes it is a dangerous death. However most of the damage in the minigame itself are just token amounts of damage so it should be really hard to die unless you aren't paying attention to your hp.

The comparison to Pyramid Plunder is pretty apt in this case, it's possible to die and lose HCIM status but very unlikely to happen


Originally posted by noneo

How will the strange lockpick be charged? It said it's fully charged at 50 charges, but with what?

When you get the lockpick it will have 50 charges so you don't have to recharge it with anything. Once all the charges are consumed the item will delete itself and you'll have to get another one!

13 Mar


Originally posted by TikTok-Jad

Is that even how divine potions work? I think they messed up the wording. Afaik, it never reapplies the buff, it just prevents the stat from decaying while the divine effect is active. The wording in the poll is how overloads work.

u/JagexAcorn can you check on this?

It's worded slightly differently but it's intended to work exactly the same as the other divine potions where they don't decrease for 5 minutes unless you make them decrease


Originally posted by hiimsido

Is there any chance there could be some other changes to the gauntlet? As of now the staff feels somewhat useless in the corrupted mode and the consistency between boss fights varies (sometimes a 3 minute kill, other times a 5 minute kill). For a difficult and punishing fight, I just think maybe some slight adjustments to his defense/damage could be made.

We're aware of some of the issues with the gauntlet and we do plan to review some more of these issues in the future!

12 Mar


Many of us have looked to see if we can find an issue and it doesn't appear that there is any difference between using ultracompost or using ultracompost in the bucket.

If you can let us know which seeds exactly are being used that may help, also if you could double check by inspecting the patch to make sure that it says that it is under the effect of ultracompost

It could just be variance from run to run but any specific information for reproduction steps is apprecaited.


Originally posted by VenusHPS

But this won't fix the issue, and make more people kill the boss (maybe for this first week it will) - The main problem was that a lot of the items are too niche. It was balanced perfectly before, because of the supply and demand, this meant the prices were stable. Now there will be a lot more supply and way less demand which will result in a huge crash possibly killing the nightmare content even more. The reason why Nightmare isn't as a huge success as raids is because it's not best money making - The boss can still be fun, like corp. I am sorry that it didn't turn out to be as hyped as you guys wanted it to be... edit: prices have almost dropped 50% on certain items already, lmao.

Crashing is always going to happen if we change the rates. They'll normalize eventually.

We can't really change the uniques to make them less niche at this point unless we poll them in the future, the community voted on them afterall.

And you're wrong about the boss being less gp/hr than raids. This boss was around 9m-10m/hr if you did it long enough to hit the drops which held the majority of the value in the drop-table.

The reason people didn't do the boss is because they felt like they had no chance to get anything. Now there's a more realisitic chance to get something, yes we made them more common, yes the value of these items will crash but I stand by my original point that if the armour is worth hundreds of millions only because no one wants to do the content then it's bad content. Niche armour only marginally better than bandos for one style (with huge negative defenses) probably isn't worth 20-30x the price.

Ultimately we are going to wait fo...

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Originally posted by VenusHPS

Why buff the drop rates when they were fine? Now the boss will be way less gp/hr and even more dead content. Stop fixing something that isn't broken. This boss was never meant to be Zulrah. Sigh

This boss is still going to be nowhere near Zulrah in terms of consistent money for the drop-tables.

We made the regular drops just be slightly higher in value, theoretically it should be enough to mean that you break even so that it's only your time that's lost going for a unique.

And realistically the drop-rates were not fine. Very few people were killing the boss which kept the unique prices high but if the price of a unique is only high because no one wants to touch the content then realistically there is something wrong with the content.

We've been monitoring player feedback for a while now and the biggest consensus was that the average time to just get something to break even was too high even if the gp/hr for the boss as a whole was really good (9m/hr ish).

The problem we had is that we polled too many uniques at once and they all passed, so we made the decision to split the drop tables completely make it so that the Inuiqistor's Armour/Mace/S...

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Originally posted by LuitenantDan

In theory, does the pet chance change mean that everyone involved in a kill could get the pet drop on the same kill?

Everyone could always get a pet drop in the same kill. We just made it so that rate is the same for everyone (except the MVP, it's slightly more common for them)


Originally posted by gorre_rex

Does this mean a solo player has the potential to obtain two uniques in one kill? Or one person in any party size can obtain both unique loots if you roll a drop on both tables? Or is it a roll where if you don’t roll on one table, you roll on the next - meaning one unique for a solo player.

A solo player will always get 1 roll at a 1/120 for the Inquisitor's pieces/staff and also 1 roll at a 1/600 for one of the orbs


Originally posted by darksoulsfinalboss

What does this mean for solo or duo? For us simpletons

For party sizes of 1,2,3,4 or 5 there is a single roll at drop-table 1 and a single roll at drop-table 2. For every person after 5 there is a 1% chance to get a second attempt at a successfuly unique so:

1 person: 0%


5 people: 0%

6 people: 1%

7 people: 2%


80 people: 75%


Originally posted by bulletbrainsurgery

Chance is equal to (partysize - 5)%

Does this mean you can't receive uniques in a scale lower than 6?

Every kill will roll on both drop-tables once by default

There is an X% chance to roll on both drop-tables a second time.

X = (partysize - 5)

So if you have 10 people in the party there is a 5% chance to get two attempts at both drop-tables.

X cannot be lower than 0 or higher than 75

11 Mar


Originally posted by Really_Weird

Achievements (PvM): This project remains at the high-level concept stage. The idea is to have various tasks/challenges against bosses, ranging from 'Kill Giant Mole without receiving any damage'--

We are but men, not gods.

With some of the lower level bosses it inevitably is harder to come up with interesting challenges considering that they have very few mechanics.

One of the other ideas for mole on the sheet is to try and kill it before he digs 2 or 3 times. Although most of the suggested tasks are just ideas for now

04 Mar


Originally posted by FlamingBunnyChamou

It depends on how the method is written more than anything, to be honest; I was going by the assumption that one roll generates the entire bag's result. It's not super important, I was just including it for fun.

It's a while loop which generates a gem 40 times, each time it has a 1/100,000,000 to be an uncut onyx so the game can definitely theoretically give out 40 uncut onyxs

03 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


Imagine spending my own time before my shift starts to verify this because of my own curiosity

28 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


Given that the T-Bows were actually us Jmods transmogrified into them there was no chance of players getting a tbow with this!

27 Feb


Originally posted by Retributw

Could you ask Mod West whom is designing the Darkmeyer map make a similar thread to we can share map ideas/suggestions with him?

Do you mean the shayzien map which was shown on stream?

Also, Mod Ry is the one making the Darkmeyer map.


Originally posted by Aurarus

Here's an album of some puzzle ideas


I'd like to know what you think of them :)

Will be adding more onto it. Timing puzzles are okay but they can be quite generic/ tedious, so I think puzzles that could also have high apm or logic would be neat. I'll try to come up with a few ideas for it but idk if having items in a player's inventory could be a limitation

Those are some pretty cool concepts! I especially like the rotating statues idea.

We do already have 5 traps designed and going through the development process but if some of them don't feel right or don't work out or if we want to add a 6th trap I may look to these for some inspiration


Originally posted by SilverLugia1992

Do any other skill levels effect your success? I know there's magic and construction challenges from the poll blog, so does having high magic and construction levels increase your success in passing through those?

Yeah we want your levels in those skills to translate to a higher success rate from their skilling challenges


Originally posted by gorre_rex

Is this going to be a huge stamina sink? Can you consider putting amylase crystals in the shop in exchange for hallowed marks?

Staminas will certainly be useful in this mini-game to keep running, if you're lucky enough to get a ring of endurance it will reduce the amount of staminas you need to have in your inventory to do it.

I really don't want to add any way to get Amylase crystals from this as they feel very connected to the rooftop content. I really like the balance that if more people start doing the Sepulchre (which would be awesome) then the price of amylase will increase which will make rooftops more lucrative creating a nice balance between the two activities


Originally posted by tnuggetlad

Is there somewhere I can watch this? Or a TLDR? Sounds super interesting

There is a youtube video out for the entire Developer Q&A, the Hallowed Sepulchre showcase is after the initial announcements. Here is the link go check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgoRsiR4bi4