

18 Jun


Originally posted by tonypalmtrees

Thanks for the loading screen fix btw. Quite literally a life saver :p

No problem! Was actually an easier fix than I thought it would be which is nice :)


Originally posted by tonypalmtrees

Fire timing is different now and it makes it necessary to relearn several obstacles. Was this intended? Southern floor four sword trap in particular is different now, but also for any fire path where you have only a single tick of clearance to run through the whole thing, the animation doesn't line up with when you would have to click before the update.

edit: Just saw your comment u/JagexHusky replying to another player. You're right it's not that hard to learn. Sorry! Still love HS <3333

Haha no problem, hopefully no more scuffed flames plaguing my dreams now!


Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

Man this random change to the Fire Statues has really thrown off a lot of muscle memory and timing i'd built up based on the animations / sounds. Was it that requested??

Sorry about that, I had to re-write the entire system just to prevent the fact that the animations weren't in sync with what was happening to the player, invisible fires, lagged fires etc. and that meant that the specific timings of the flames had to be slightly changed too.

It messed with me for around 2-3 runs in internal testing before I got used to it but after that it actually felt much nicer and more intuitive to me than before.

Apologies for not getting it right in the first time regardless


Originally posted by Krafty_Kev

Is there any chance of separating the marks from the other loot, perhaps giving them when you complete a floor within the time limit instead? I really like the way sepulchre is balanced with the option of trading xp/hour for financial reward, but currently you're forced into picking gp over xp if you want to get the untradeable rewards, would be great to be able to separate the two.

No, I'm afraid I don't like the idea of just giving the marks for completing the floors. If you want the rewards it makes sense to raid the coffins inside the encounter, that's the entire thematic.

The section in the blog details that we'd like the xp/hr someone looting and someone not looting gets be closer than it currently is because I agree you feel very over punished in the XP loss for looting, hence the change this week go award 100 additional agility xp per encounter and the exact numbers will be reviewed in the coming weeks


Originally posted by Wolfie_Ecstasy

Shit xp for the amount of adderall level effort required to do it. Rooftops are nearly as good and AFK enough to watch movies while you do it.

I for sure don't want osrs to take the rs3 method and give out agility xp for clicking dummies or literally just RUNNING, but that doesn't mean agility needs to stay the worst skill in the game with the fewest 99s. The concept of the skill is so great and has to much potential but the implementation is awful.

To give you an idea of how bad the skill is, over HALF of the people with 99 agility are MAXED.

This is why I'm hoping the timed benchmarks we give for balancing next week will help.

This content has a learning curve and it's pretty terrible compared to rooftops before you get past it and it's pretty amazing afterwards. Also it was balanced xp wise around players not looting, hence the quick fix this week so that each treasure encounter gives a bonus 100 agility xp and we'll be looking to review and fine-tune all the xp values over the next week or so with the end result hopefully being that looters aren't so heavily punished in terms of xp


Originally posted by Optimus_TC

What was the logic behind locking the acorn behind many hours of Hallowed Sepulchre, whilst all other pet re-colours can be bought and applied straight away?

I came up with the idea of the squirrel recolour purely because I wanted people to have something to spend their hallowed marks on if they enjoyed the content and wanted to keep doing it after buying the tools and dark graceful.

I personally like when we can have fitting content have a cosmetic override as opposed to just handing it out for free but I also understand that there are a lot of cool recolours and ideas we just don't have the time to create indepth content for


Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

Re: Sepulchre

The Sepulchre actually made Agility engaging and fun. All other courses are the definition of mindless. Sepulchre offers high xp in exchange for high effort and attention. It should be a lot higher xp than rooftops. With blisterwoods nerfed and blood furies selling for next to nothing, Darkmeyer is essentially all dead content already except for Sepulchre. Please be careful - it's already disappointing that you needlessly removed Blisterwoods which didn't even usurp with other methods, and now casually mention you may further lower Sepulchre rates.

We never stated that we'd lower them. What I'm actually hoping to do (focusing on floors 3,4 and 5 only)

Is to increase the amount of xp/hr for people who are looting are currently getting while bringing down the xp/hr of people who are not looting and establishing a benchmark as to what we consider the player's skill level we are going to balance it around that's what that statement was trying to say at least.

At the very least I am of the opinion that if you are bad at the sepulchre, failing traps a lot and not learning it then it should be worse than rooftops. This content has a learning curve and once you get over it you definitely see the benefits of taking the time to learn it!


Originally posted by Shadiochao

This hypothetical tomb raider makes a few mistakes, but never runs out of time, and only collects treasure on the most valuable floors.

Does that mean THE most valuable floors, or just the most valuable floors a player has access to?

It would be the most valueable floor the player has access to. For example if you have unlocked floor 4 the rates will be balanced around the player looting only floor 4, completing it and doing it again. I am aware that you can get more marks/hr likely by looting floor 3+4 or only doing the prayer/magic encounters because they're quicker but that substantially complicates the issue from a balancing perspective.

I can't really balance it around no loot, only looting 4, only looting 3 and 4, only looting floors 2,3 and 4, looting all floors. I am kind of expecting that if a player is looting more than just the last floor they have access to for the increased marks/hr then they should expect to get lower rates than are quoted by us. That trade off has to exist and the player making choices about how much xp/reward they get is a core part of the minigame.

The goal when balancing is to at least have it so you gain more xp/hr than rooftops looting the last floor you can ...

Read more

12 Jun


Originally posted by pokegoing

I think the reason everyone is so upset about the nerf or the slow xp compared to rooftops is because they love the concept SO much. Currently I'm stuck at the boss of Sins of the Father but can't wait to get to darkmeyer to do the sepulchre. Agility has always been one of my favourite skills on concept (rooftops becomes soul draining tho) and was excited about the sepulchre since you showed it on live stream. Now that it seems sub optimal I cannot see myself using it much in the long run. What's your thoughts on the comparisons people make between AFK content and intensive content? Skill based content should be heavily rewarded. Not everyone can boss, not everyone can raid, not everyone can perfect the sepulchre. Reward them with loot and XP not marginally but heavily. I love the skill ceiling in OSRS, give players a reason to pursue that, and have less XP when afking.

I think that's fair, we definitely will be reviewing this on a week to week basis until we feel like it's in a good spot.

I would recommend trying it for yourself though to see what XP-rates you get for yourself though! It's very skill dependent


Originally posted by B1GTRUCK

Is it possible to make the arrow statue animations more distinguishable? Maybe add a shadow or change the color before the animation happens? I use fixed mode on the original client and they’re really difficult to see.

I've seen that feedback before and I do agree that doing something like that would probably be a good idea to help fixed mode. Do you think something like a sparkle at the end of the crossbow or something would be enough?


Originally posted by OSRS-Jared

I wish you guys would grow a backbone and stop bending over backwards for the Twitter creatures in the max/high-level community. You personally know that this nerf is unwarranted, and you need to recognize that the max community is severely damaging the game with their whining.

I think your comment is honestly quite rude and unfounded. I have been personally playing and testing this content post-release in my personal time to make sure of any and all decisions I have made.

I take all criticism onboard whether that be from a maxed player, a casual player, someone on reddit or someone on twitter and try to look at them objectively.


Originally posted by Churus

I hate that reasoning. The majority are only at the sepulcher for hallowed marks. At least make the xp while gathering marks (you gather marks at seers, no?) comparable to methods from the same level.

If you're at sepulcher for xp and not loot then to be fair you deserve to make at least 5% over comparable, highly uninvolved training methods. To try and balance xp without loot is asking for dead content.

I can get marks, but is it worth the inefficiency over much less intensive methods? I can skip the marks, but is it worth all the extra effort when less intense alternatives are just as efficient?

Answer to both is no.

You currently can get more than 5% over comparable methods while looting but "looting" isn't exactly consistently measureable.

Are you on floor 4 looting floors 2,3 and 4, what about only 3 and 4, or only 4? They all have vastly different xp-rates so which one should award more xp than rooftops, all of them? Personally I feel like if you're looting 3 and 4 then it should be higher, if you're looting 2 then no.

Then you've got to factor in someone being good at the traps and not being good at the traps, the XP that someone gets varies so much with this minigame


Originally posted by RideForKP

Yeah after maxing out at 57k xp/hr looting 2/3/4 at 88 agil then reading you're gonna f**king nerf it more is frustrating. It takes so much effort people deserve high xp rates.

You'd probably get more xp if you just looted 3/4 or just 4


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

Could a hallowed shop reward be added (maybe a hallowed lockick?) or the other shop rewards be tweaked to speed up the looting process somehow to bring looting more in line?

That was the intention of the tools. I suppose I could make the strange old lockpick pick the lock faster or just speed up the action of pushing the coffin lid.

But as I'm sure you can see there were lots of more important fixes I definitely wanted to do first as a higher priority. I'll have to consider how I want to tackle bringing the difference in xp/hr in


Originally posted by Sh4moo

If looting was significantly better than rooftops then not looting would be absolutely ridiculous

This is where I disagree. Rooftops are pretty good money as it is with marks of grace (especially ardy). I'm not sure what the gp/hr is at HS for different levels, but I don't think its anything too crazy. This on top of the fact that it's high effort training vs low effort, a substantial divide between both xp and gp seems very un-ridiculous to me.

Thank you for the amazing content though! I hope you know the criticism is only because we care <3

I need to get the balance right across all floors. I believe 5 is in a good place now so in the coming weeks I may distribute some of floor 5s xp across some of the other floors if they need it if that makes sense.

Haha and don't worry. I also want this to be successful content, I think "dead content" is a little bit harsh but I expected the memes :P


Originally posted by [deleted]


We actually didn't poll any rates. The 75k/hr that I've seen quoted and floating around is the rate that I was getting in testing pre-launch (and notably pre-day 1 hotfix to xp rates). I said it on a livestream and I also said that I'd expect players to beat that because they'd likely do it more consistently than me


I've spoken about this in the update thread but I can talk about it here aswell.

We only really nerfed floors 4 and 5 and even then only by a small amount. We'll continue to review it as time goes on.

I absolutely want Sepulchre to be the best way to train agility if you're good enough to do it however the gap between looting and not looting is pretty large, perhaps bigger than I'd like.

You should still be able to get slightly better rates while looting chests than rooftops but if you want to get much better rates you shouldn't be looting. If looting was significantly better than rooftops then not looting would be absolutely ridiculous, that's what this nerf was attempting to address.

I'm considering adding token amounts of agility xp to crossing bridges and going through portals similar to grappling to help off-set the difference in upcoming weeks if I think it needs it.


Originally posted by Ender593

What's wrong with a heavily skill intensive and click intensive method at 92 agility beating a zero skill and low click method at 92 in terms of xp?

It's a great piece of content, I would rather a xp nerf come in the form of incentivizing looting so you have that choice and maybe the happy medium between loot and xp is lower xp than ardy, but you could choose to beat ardy if you wanted to get less loot.

Edit: ah, I think I misinterpreted the xp rates people are getting and the impact of the nerf.

I'm confused, it still does significantly beat out Ardougne in terms of XP, the gods will get 92-93k xp/hr. People who make some mistakes are still going to get ~80k xp/hr and people learning should still get ~70k xp/hr while not looting


Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

Hey Husky, just my opinion but I think you guys should really reconsider the xp nerfs. This content is much, much more engaging and punishing than rooftops. Why not reward that effort and focus? Really sad to see this nerf when I had been enjoying this content so much. Sepulchre needs to be as good as it was in order to make it worth the effort over rooftops.

We absolutely are still rewarding the effort and focus, just less so than before. You should be able to get higher xp rates than the equivalent rooftops at all levels once you've learned the floors.


Originally posted by Message_Me_Selfies

Thanks for replying.

Before the update you should were actually pretty consistently able to beat the rates of Ardougne if you didn't loot.

Is that only with 92+ agility though?

Because at 77 agility I'm feeling like I'm choosing between fun at Sepulchre and better xp rates for less effort on rooftops.

Even with no looting, I'm getting like a 5% increase in xp rates for way way higher effort and missing out on marks of grace. And that was pre-nerf. I might as well just do rooftop + alch or fletch for less effort.

I feel like shuffling some of the xp from floor 5 down to the earlier floors would be warranted.

I love the content, I'd love it even more if I felt like I was using my time well there.

At 72 you could get rates higher than Ardy without looting which just felt really off