

08 Jun


Using the initial darkmeyer blog and the rates we quoted is kind of meaningless now since we buffed the xp-rates in a hotfix on Friday and it had a greater effect on floor 5 than we intended.

Currently I do believe floor 5 is overtuned and I'd like to address that after fixing the more pressing feedback we have received since launch

07 Jun


Originally posted by jesse1412

/u/JagexHusky can you please fix the scuffed fire. It's so unintuitive to have the timing randomly change.

Well I can tell you at least that it wasn't on purpose so no it isn't intuitive at all or an intended mechanic. I believe I know why it's happening and why we never saw it in testing so I'll try fix it for the next game update!

06 Jun


You can only loot 1 coffin per floor until floor 5. This was a safety precaution we put in early in development when the design stated only one treasure encounter per floor.

When we made the hotfix on Friday to enable all of the treasure encounters we forgot about this safety precaution and unfortunately since it's tied to the model of the coffin directly we can't fix it until this Thursday.

Until then you at least now have the option of which one you want to do on earlier floors i.e. do you want to do the prayer one on floor 4 or the magic one etc.


Awesome to hear! Glad you're now enjoying it, I agree the tilt is real while learning but once you get it it's super fun

05 Jun


Originally posted by glory_poster

Hmm, why would pbs be reset for a bug that makes times worse?

Times for floor 5 were actually better than obtainable, sorry for the inconvenience!



Been seeing a lot of negativity but I know the learning curve is putting people off, glad people are finding it fun!

First focus is fixing the playability issues such as the randomness of the treasure encounters not being as interesting as we thought, teleports feeling far too annoying and bolts being too small/hard to see. As you can see by the hotfixes we've just put out!

Some of these will come next week with very very minor tweaks to some specific traps. Only after we're happy with the difficulty of the content will we look to review the xp/hr of the activity


Originally posted by Bucksbanana

The deeper you go the higher % I assume?

Also when reworking the darts can you take into consideration to remove the shadow underneath them as at some angels it makes it very confusing on what row they are.

Yeah higher % on later floors.

I think the shadow helps personally but we'll consider it


Originally posted by noneo

Any update on the “tail” of the arrows getting reworked? It’s frustrating when you get hit by an invisible tail when the arrow is several tiles ahead of you.

We plan to slightly reduce the hit box of those arrows next week but we'd like some more time playing around with it to see how it feels so we didn't push it out for a hotfix now.

Also we want to see how it looks/feels with the new models too


Originally posted by Bucksbanana

quick question, do all chest have a % to roll on the high-tier coffin loot table?



Originally posted by WeeLadJoe

Theres a huge imbalance currently between the diffuclty of the content and the rewards you get in terms of xp/gp. Im sure Jagex are aware, but in order for high difficulty content to get played lots, the players need to feel rewarded for their time, either in terms of xp rates, gold/item gain or a little of both. The xp rates seem to be marginally better than rooftops, for exponentially more effort required, so the xp rates rewarding players for their time and effort arent there, which means the content needs to have high rewards to get people to want to play it. Oh most the items are priced at over 40 hours of playtime based off your best marks/hr rates, and they only work in the minigame and have no use outside of the minigame, or are a recolor that is ridiculously high priced in terms of time to get compared to other equivalent recolors. So neither the xp rates nor the rewards are high enough to counterbalance the difficulty and time required, so whats the point.


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Yeah it was released intentionally like that with the assumption players would get significantly better rates than us.

Although I'd like to fix the actual playability issues first such as bolt hit boxes, bolt sizes and teleportation pads being too annoying before looking at the difficulty vs reward ratio.

I appreciate the feedback though!


Originally posted by astronomicalblimp

Any ideas what causes the visual dysnc with double arrows? I've had it multiple times at the end of floor 3 where one of the arrows is behind the other

As for the portal feedback, is it to say they only activate if you stop on them? I've had multiple instances when just ignoring them and running (floor 4 mostly) and going over an active one has done nothing.

Ooooh interesting. Yes that would make sense given that it's likely the same issue as the fire traps. I'll investigate that


I'd firstly like to say thanks for the feedback! Getting more opinions is always a good thing and this is why I wish we could've had a player visit to get more feedback early on. I'll do my best to answer each question!


Arrow Trap

I was aware of the issue with running behind the arrows and I figured that players would get used to it however I have noticed it being notably bad on the Tier 3 arrows (blue ones) moreso than I remember them being while playtesting. I plan to reduce the range at which they can detect you by removing 1 tile from the back of them for all tiers of arrow so hopefully this helps.

Portal Trap

I'm afraid I don't quite understand the feedback here, they do work and if you want to take them you have to try to step on them. One thing I have been considering is increasing the "immunity" you get after teleporting from 2 cycles to 1 cycle but I'd have to try that first to see if it feels...

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28 May


The purpose of this content was to offer a much more engaging and interactive way to train agility where if you put in more effort you'd get more XP and almost more importantly it's supposed to be a much more enjoyable and fun way to train it. I've had so much feedback internally that it's really fun content to do which is promising!

We mentioned on the livestream that we will be monitoring the XP-rates post-release especially because we're tracking data about completion times etc. so we can make any adjustements once you guys have had a chance to do the content.

10 May


Originally posted by [deleted]

Weird question, but could there be a way to hide Third Age/Gilded sections?(toggle?) They seem completely impossible to fill and kinda hurt the 'completionist' in people

The collection log was never made with the intention of completing it, it was made more to just show a record of what you had achieved, infact I believe that's why a variable for the total amount of slots filled was never setup when it was created.

It's certainly possible to have a toggle to remove those items but I'm not entirely sure how much dev work that would be and how much value that would add to the game. I hope that at least answers your question!


Originally posted by TrenzaloresGraveyard

Lmao sometimes I wish I knew how to code just so I could understand not only how it's difficult to take a feature that is currently implemented in one way and just change it a bit.

But that it's so difficult that it's not even worth trying

So currently we don't store the data for how many slots the player has filled in the collection log on a single variable, if we did then it would be very easy for us to do.

Each item has it's own variable on the player for how many the player has obtained, when a tab is loaded it checks against a list of items we know are part of that tab and counts how many the player has has. For simplicity sake let's take the Chaos Druids tab as it's very small only having 3 pieces.

It will do the following:

counter for total items in this log is 3, so we know it's X/3

counter for total items the player has is 0

Get the first item (robe top) if the amount is >0 increment total items counter by 1 so it's 1/3

Repeat for robe bottom and hood.

Now you could ask why we don't just count all the individual variables everytime you open the log but the sheer number of them (1300-1400 ish iirc) would be quite an expensive piece of code to run every t...

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30 Apr


Originally posted by SirWranrap07

Can we get a toggle for the web blocking entrance to sarachnis room? Currently you need to accept the risk everytime you enter.

Maybe speaking to Brother Aimeri after the miniquest to disable it. Since sarachnis attacks you instantly upon entering you need to accept the message and then flick your range prayer on pretty quick to avoid getting hit, which is a bit of an annoyance.

I don't see a problem with providing a "yes, and don't ask me again" option, I can add it to the back-log but I personally won't have time to do it soon.

In the meantime, there is a right-click option to quick-enter the crypt if that is any help to you

08 Apr


Originally posted by ____the_Great

Will we be able to boost agility for lower floors of the Sepulcher? Also out of curiosity, are the tokens and unique items the only thing that will be looted out of the coffins?

No to boosting agility levels.

If you fail to get a unique item from the coffins you will roll on a drop-table of fairly mediocre loot so you will get some money as long as you have the space for it


Originally posted by Anmeguy

Two things

  1. in step 3 of the hallowed schlepure vampires is mispelled in the first paragraph.

  2. Does the lockpick for barrows work just on the puzzle door or on every previously un-passable door. Because both are stated in the rewards section so it's a little unclear.

I can't fix the typo, I'll let Acorn know though.

As for 2, yes it currently works for all un-passable doors aswell as the puzzle. We actually make it only use 1 charge for a double set of doors because otherwise you could get stuck inbetween them!


Originally posted by ConfusedDuck

Do we know what the level requirements will be?

Floor 1 - 52 agility, Floor 2 - 62 agility, Floor 3 - 72 agility, Floor 4 - 82 agility, Floor 5 - 92 agility