

12 Jun


Originally posted by Wolfie_Ecstasy

That feeling when you spent hours mastering the first 4 levels and were gonna wait until the xp buffs before coming back to it to max agility.

Crazy that this would be nerfed considering how insanely intensive it is. I actually enjoyed it but it wasn't worth all the effort for slightly boosted xp rates.

More dead content I guess. Suppose I'll be doing rooftops to 99.

If you've mastered the first 4 levels you should be able to get quite a bit more xp/hr than rooftops if you are not looting coffins.

Looting coffins then it should balance out but that's kind of the point of the content, you can sacrifice Xp/Hr for loot


Originally posted by Gamesst

For extremely high effort pre-92 the average player can get maybe 2K more xp/hr than rooftops and less xp than werewolf.. not exactly enticing. I guess for the 3% of people doing near-perfect play it will be a decent improvement.

Are you quoting those rates while also looting the coffins? Because then you're probably also making more money than rooftops while still getting 2k more xp/hr.

If you ignored the coffins you'd be able to get significantly more than rooftops


Originally posted by superfire444

Before todays update you'd get 500+900+1600+3000+6500 = 12500 xp per lap. Lets say you do 10 minute laps so 6x12500= 75000k xp/h

After todays update you get 500+850+1500+2700+6000 = 11550 xp per lap so 6x11550=69300 xp/h.

In 10 minutes you could still loot all of floor 4 and 5. It's still the best xp/h for agility by a mile. If you'd go for xp only - only looting the grand chest (8min laps) you'd get 7,5x11550 = 86625 xp/h.

How is that bad?

And before you come at me saying "yea but this is 92+"

If you do the first 3 floors only - assuming 40s floor 1 + 50s floor 2 + 90s floor 3 (all 3 are quite slow) you'd get 500+850+1500 = 2850 xp per 3mins -> 20x2850 = 57000 xp/h. Not bad for level 72 agility. Do note that this is slow and you can probably achieve 60k xp/h+

Your math is slightly off because most floors grant agility xp for jumping the final platform and for hopping down the stairs (around 75 xp per floor)


Originally posted by Message_Me_Selfies

But why nerf floors 1-3 at all?

At level 72 Agility (and all the way to 81) you are getting less xp than you would be at seers course, and it takes way more effort. Also its locked behind a hard quest.

The rewards are not anywhere near good enough to make up for that. Currently its not even semi-viable compared to rooftops until 82 agility, and doesn't actually become good until 92.

Before the update you should were actually pretty consistently able to beat the rates of Ardougne if you didn't loot. I first and foremost wanted to reduce that and it's only bout about 5%

If it's too weak with loot I may what I could do to lower the gap between the two but I did also make a lot of changes to traps specifically the final bolt trap on floor 3 which should make you fail less often!


Originally posted by hbnsckl

Why are the new arrows so high in the air? Makes them so much more difficult to see with a lowered camera, like when you're scouting out the statues.

They should be the exact same height as the old ones, so no changes. They're also the same height the statue fired them from


Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

s were getting 95-100k+ xp/hr with agi 92+ which is way more than originally polled, so it makes sense it got n


I only saw one person this week that got 98k an hour, for only an hour, skipping all loot. Pretty much 100% concentration for an hour.

Because of that one person doing it for one hour, people (Max community FTW) screamed on twitter that it was too OP.

MOST people, were hitting 75k at F5 over a few hours.

Nerfing it is just dumb AF. Requiring max concentration and near tick perfect accuracy for a 25k increase in XP to the highest available xp (Which is AFK enough you can Fletch/Hi Alch at the same time) is just stupid.

People need to get over the fact that higher level content SHOULD have higher XP rates than before. Making a 92 required Agility course which requires a good amount of skill and concentration and now nerfing it so its similar xp to a lvl75 rooftop course which you bare...

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"Most players getting 75k xp/hr". Are you talking about looting chests or just running straight for XP?

From what I can tell if you were getting 75k xp/hr before you'd now be getting 69.5k which is still better than rooftops.

At the very least I know people were consistently able to pull off 75k xp/hr at least while looting all 3 chests and that felt like just a bit too much from my experience.


Originally posted by ASuricate

Hey Husky,

Thanks for the reply here - and the elaboration how much slightly really is. Also I do not see myself looting 3 coffins on 5 consistently (obviously there are players that are really good at this, Just my point from an average skilled player). And in the end its still a lot of hours for a petrecolor as others have already pointed out (compared to Phoenix, tangleroot, etc. - Ive only accumulated like 1.6k in 70 full runs) Any plans on the tools? Grapple and enchantment one seem to be quite useless in my eyes right now (grapple as explained above and if you use the highest enchant it almost never fails anyway) Loving the content and appreciate the responsiveness from you, so dont take the critique as harsh as it might have come across :)

The purpose of the recolour that I wanted a reward which people could work towards if they enjoyed the content and would cost a lot of marks for them to work towards, since it was optional a pet recolour really did fit the bill. I don't have any plans to reduce the price on it but the marks/hr should still be slightly increased from this update since looting 2 chests on floor 4 is much more reasonable.

As for the tools, i agree they are a bit underwhelming but I'm not sure if I want to make not using them worse? Will consider it, had a lot of changes I wanted to prioritise this week :)

No problem! I'm glad you're enjoying it and I never take critique harshly as long as people aren't just being rude for the sake of being rude haha


Originally posted by Little_Red_Demonhood

I don't understand why you've reduced the number of marks given to specifically inconvenience players doing the much higher skill requirement content.


Originally posted by TehStuzz

Kinda dissapointed they nerfed the xp rates for Sepulchre. I was training agility to 82 so I could do the fourth floor, and the best way to do so was already rooftops...

The xp-rates are still much higher than rooftops, if you do the maths what you were previously getting has only been nerfed by around 5% which isn't a lot of xp/hr.

We'll continue to monitor the content and make further adjustments as we see fit.


Originally posted by ASuricate

I like most of the sepulchre changes, but I'm Not sure about this one: You will now receive slightly more Hallowed Marks on Floors 1, 2, and 3, but slightly fewer on Floors 4 and 5 and from the Grand Coffin.

The first part is fine for me, so it becomes more attractive to lower leveled agility players, but why punish the people going for full runs? You basically only loot 5 and maybe 4 on full runs.. seems a bit harsh as it takes already quite long to just obtain some recolours.

Also what I kind of miss is a buff to some of the tools - I think the grapple should guarantee you not to fail to be worth it, otherwise I don't see it to be worth the investment.

Emphasis on the word slightly

We made it so you can loot 3 chests on floor 5 and I basically doubled the marks from the grand coffin all on the first day. Now we're giving another chest on floor 4 the content is already higher marks/hr than I originally balanced.

In reality it's gone from 3-8 on floor 5 (average of 5.5 marks) to 4-6 (average of 5) and 8-11 from grand chest down to 8-10. These are very small changes. All in all it's around 2 less marks per run than you were seeing previously (5-8 runs/hr depending on skill makes that 10-16 less per hour) but instead you now have another chest you can loot which yields on average 4.5 marks/run so it should still be more marks/hr than before if you're full looting.

For full disclosure here are what the marks have changed to:

Floor 2 : From 1-3 (2 average) to 2-3 (2.5 average)

Floor 3 : From 2-4 (3 average) to 3-5 (4 average)

Floor 4 : From 3-7 (5 averag...

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Originally posted by Nadirin

Wait, so they lowered the XP drops per floor? What? Am I missing something here?

This should only really have an impact on players doing floors 4 and 5 however floor 3 was still slightly overtuned.

Overall it's around a 7% xp/hr nerf at the top end and only around 3% xp at the lower end.

Bare in mind we made a host of other changes to the content which should also have an impact on making some things slightly easier to compensate.

Remember this is just week 1 feedback. I'll continue to keep an eye on the content over the coming weeks and continue to make changes until I feel like it's in the right place

10 Jun


Originally posted by EnormousRainbow

Does the strange old lockpick provide better chances in other areas as well? Such as picking random doors? The only one I'm thinking of right now is the door to get to the chest in east ardougne castle.

Nope, it's only applications are coffins in the Hallowed Sepulchre and it's main feature to skip doors at barrows.

09 Jun


Originally posted by NijaSkills

Does the strange old lockpick use charges in this case?



Thanks for the feedback! Here's my thoughts on the points.

1) I don't actually mind this too much, when running through it for hours as a training method all that matters is the average time for each floor and this is only really a hindrance for speedrunners.

1.5) Again, only really an issue for speedrunners, the average result for everyone else should be fairly consistent over any given hour

2) Yeah, I agree and I intend to fix those but I don't believe I'll get that fixed this week as I've had other things to prioritise such as bolt sizes, "scuffed flames" etc.

3) I actually reviewed some of those today and some of them do feel very random in the distance, I fixed some of them so that they at least aren't so swingy. I don't think it's a huge issue though because that also means teleporting back can be not as much of a set back and the real reason to take teleports since the hotfix is the temporary immunity.

4) I agree, I think we were maybe...

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08 Jun


Originally posted by superfire444

If I may ask (I'm actually curious) how do you test that?

Do you just play runescape on your account and only do floors 1-3 for an hour?

For myself I believe there's no better way to test the content you've created than playing it yourself.

I'd likely run floors 1-3 as you said but more like for 20-30 minutes until xp-rates have been stabilized.

Edit: Also I should also add that in cases where my mechanical skill is worse than the top players (often is) I can use spreadsheets to extrapolate what the xp/hr would be for specific time thresholds which I cannot beat


Originally posted by glory_poster

I was going off of what you said in aatykon's twitch chat when you said you were considering removing 1k xp from floor 5 and adding 500 xp to floors 1-4. Maybe I'm mistaking somebody else's suggestion in the chat for something you said. No bad intentions. Love the new content, it looks beautiful and is fun to play.

No offense taken, I said considering but perhaps musing was a better word for it.

I have no clue where floors 1,2,3 sit at currently (until your post) and I planned to test both looting and not looting for myself before going ahead with the consideration or not.


Originally posted by glory_poster

No requirements for 67k xp/hr at 72 agility, already better than ardy 62.3k/hr at 90+, and this will be further buffed when the floor xp's are rebalanced to take away from floor 5 and add to the previous floors

I swear you keep spinning words which I have said to be promises, or at least that's how I'm interpreting it, if I'm wrong then apologies. I haven't said that I am going to take XP from floor 5 and add it to previous floors I'm pretty sure I said something to the extent of

"I'm considering reviewing all of the xp/hr for all floors, perhaps buffing earlier floors but I'd have to test what the xp-rates are first since I don't know how they've changed since the hotfix"


Originally posted by Bucksbanana

can you have a look into that 1 minute 5th floor time shown on the global leaderboard?

Seems like that stuff is bugged or someone broke floor 5

Yeah it's definitely bugged. I believe I know what the cause was and I'm hoping to fix it for this weeks update if I have time


Originally posted by glory_poster

I think the buff to xp rates on Friday was a bit pre-mature, because players were still getting better at routes. Is it still going to be balanced to be 75k/hr going for xp only, as mentioned on stream a while back?

I never mentioned it would be balanced at around 75k/hr.

I stated that I was able to get 75k/hr during testing (pre-hotfix xp-rates) and that I expected players to get higher. I'd be ok with it capping out somewhere around 80-85k but I also have to make sure that the players consistently looting all chests also feel like they are being adequately rewarded.

I'll be making small adjustments until it 'feels right' I know that's vague but when I quote numbers players like to throw those numbers back in your face.

Also the goal of the change was mostly to buff lower floors marginally while making it a static amount of XP for floor completion but naturally providing small buffs to 1,2,3,4 also meant that floor 5 got a larger than intended buff due to people running floor 5 getting the increased XP for all floors


Originally posted by superfire444

Would it be an idea to nerf floor 5 but buff floor 1-2-3 because the xp is quite lackluster at the earlier levels?

Overal the xp should be nerfed so it maxes at 75-80k xp/h imo.

While floor 5 is overtuned I would agree that 3 at least seems slightly undertuned but I haven't had extensive testing on that floor since the hotfixed rates.

I intend to review all of the xp-rates and mark-rates this week once I've fixed 'scuffed flames' and the bolts