What the actual...
What the actual...
There is absolutely no way to determine whether that's the case given the development cycle, it could also mean that you fellas feel like the PvM community is satered for a while before you go back to ruining f2p some more. What is the new pvm content that this isn't replacing? I feel like you would have to propose that to allow us to judge whether the hard mode stuff isn't replacing it... otherwise... if there is nothing coming... then technically nothing is replacing nothing so you're technically correct
I understand how you feel and there is absolutely no way to validate what I'm saying is correct just as there is no way to validate that what I'm saying is incorrect.
I'd just ask that you take my word on it, it's also written in the blog stating that we plan to announce our plans in the Summer.
If it helps, I playtested both of these a month or so ago during ideation and they were mostly finished, it really is just last minute polish and doing things like creating the rewards. It is taking some dev time for sure but in terms of project size I'd definitely class both of these as small.
Good idea! Stealing this for my next ideation :)
...all jokes aside, while I know most of you would rather see new content and it has been 2 hard modes back to back I don't see anything inherently wrong with them and as the blog states, the intention isn't to give you this stuff instead of new content.
Both Phosani and ToB Modes were ideation pitches aimed to address the lack of PvM updates in the short-term that were relatively cheap to develop and were also mostly finished!
Expected a blade of saeldor meme. Left dissapointed :(
Will the jads here count for a tzhaar slayer task? If so how many xp do they give?
No, I spoke to the team about this and they decided they didn't want people to feel forced to task-skip just to get the damage boost to do this content
But why haven't you got the power to ban them tho?
Because I don't work in Player Support, Content Developers aren't typically responsible for moderation in the game so they have no need to have access to those systems.
I may or may not have teleported a few bots advertising bad websites there yesterday for a bit of fun (after muting them) since I don't have the power to ban them.
FWIW they can just home teleport out of there but I guess they weren't programmed to
when will se see more combat achievements reveals?
We covered all of the Combat Achievement interfaces and showed of all of the Theatre of Blood tasks here on stream yesterday. We then went into a Theatre of Blood (Arcane, Elena and I) to show off how task failure is handled and for a bit of fun!
Do you play Runescape on your computer?
What else are computers for? :P
Where do you work?
At my computer
This looks really cool! Only had a quick scan while at work but I'm definitely giving this a full read through going to explore the details (thanks u/echelios) later!
Why has the information not shown inferno in any way at all yet the update is coming in sub two days? If you want transparency, show the difference in a current setup with addy darts bp (rune and dragon too) on zuk healers, ranger & mager and then what the proposed bp would be in the same scenario.
Jal-Xil, Jal-Zek and Jaltok-Jad are in the blog but the Zuk healers are not. Ultimately all that matters is the defence of the creature which gives you a scale of "Ok, it's not all that different against lower defence" and "Oh it's substantially more affected against higher defence targets"
Your philosophy toward Toxic Blowpipe seems to remain at "if you buy Dragon Darts it's only a 10% nerf so it's fine", causing to ironmen get shafted. A 30-40% nerf to mid-game Blowpipe is INSANE. I'll have to pull out a DPS calculator everytime I'm even thinking about using Blowpipe anywhere.
Nerfing certain monsters' stats seems to be the wrong approach here, because the obvious unintended side effect is buffing other ranged weapons against them.
It's not a 30-40% nerf to mid-game blowpipe with adamant darts.
Depending on the situation it's closer to 15-20%. The examples given in the blog were places where it would be affected the most.
Vorkath - A higher defence creature which you currently might blowpipe (although you can still reduce defence to put the odds further in your favour)
Shamans - A piece of content where you don't have all the accuracy bonuses from your ranged gear (as you have to wear Shayzien gear) so the accuracy loss of the blowpipe matters more.
Shamans we mentioned specifically as an example of content we'll monitor, and Vorkath has other options which was the purpose of our nerf. Crossbows in that mid-gear setup are only 6% less DPS than current live blowpipe for example.
Other creatures you're fighting in the mid-game will be less affected than these two examples, I hope all this makes sense. Just trying to help clarify the numbers
I'm confused as to why only changes to Vasa was mentioned for CoX NPCs? Do you think that is the only CoX NPC that people use the blowpipe on?
What about mystics, muttadile, OLM HEAD, etc
We are aware of other places in CoX where players use the blowpipe.
Vasa is merely an example we have provided and it's also the one encounter where that dps loss is exacerbated by the fact that he heals so much that it's essentially a dps check.
Whilst Mystics may be slower they are not going to be as affected as much as Vasa because of this. Mystics are going to be a flat % slower in proportion to the dps loss of the blowpipe.
Would it be possible to retain tob/nm pbs but tie them to the highest player threshold? Ie current tob pb would be set to 5 man tob pb, and current nm pb would be set to the largest size pb category (80? 20+?).
The att requirement changes on weapons have not been addressed on stream or any further blog despite 75 att builds being upset with the changes. I believe this frustration stems not from the att level changing but having to choose between being a pvm build or pk build. Has the team considered readjusting the att levels so that there are pk weapons at the same tier as scythe? For example t78 rapier/mace/blade as pvm weapons and vls as a pk weapon, t80 scythe as a pvm weapon and elder maul (with some buff) as a pk weapon. If not has there been any talk/consideration of adding a t85 pk weapon in the near future?
Regarding the ToB/NM changes that's exactly what Arcane and I have done for Combat Achievements!
Indeed. My version of the reasoning is just what I thought most likely, given the circumstances.
Folks were waiting to jump me so I teleported instantly after the killing blow. Killing was done on a small single's area tile, putting me outside multi cb area.
I saw drop on the ground as I teleported out (300 death runes), but it's too close to say if I clicked teleport before I saw it appear or after.
Maybe task completion can be pegged to the kill itself, rather than the drop becoming 'lootable' on the ground? I don't know which constraints led to the latter implementation. It shouldn't be an issue outside the wilderness tasks, though. On a rare occasion, it could impact the Godwars diary steps too -if a player out of food or prayer doesn't want to risk death by waiting for the loot to appear, and just wants to be done with the diary.
Oh if you definitely teleported during the "killing process" then I now know exactly why it didn't check off and it is something that we can look to fix.
It's kind of hard to explain unless you have coding knowledge but all I can say is that I'm sorry you experienced the bug, we'll try to ensure no one else has that same issue as it's not pleasant to have to go do all 3 again
Very interesting. World hopping definitely shouldn't lose your progress on this. That was correctly fixed in 2016.
The only thing I can think of from looking at the code, did you happen to be mid-teleport before the loot appeared on the ground? Since it's Venenatis that caused it and you can teleport from that level of wilderness I figured it was worth asking.
If you didn't teleport, did you happen to click on anything in your inventory other than normal stuff like food?
Am I missing something? I haven't done BA this week so not sure if i missed an issue with this?
I believe when the minigame proposals blog went out some time ago we originally pitched that we'd give a hammer out for the defender.
However, there was backlash from the BA community saying that actually makes them get one food less and they'd rather get the hammer themselves after laying some food so we said we wouldn't give them a hammer.
Unfortunately our in-house job didn't get corrected with that information so the dev who worked on it added the hammer to the machine anyway, this was quickly hotfixed last week once we realised the mistake but the blog today is just providing that information to everyone else.
Yeah, it's a bit annoying to see u/jagexayiza dodge that question over and over. I wonder if u/JagexHusky would reply.
Sure I can answer about the serp helm/faceguard.
The issue with the faceguard is that it is the BiS melee strength helm (and general tribrid/prayer helm) yet even though it's a master quest it's honestly not that hard (master quests are like roving elves anyway not things like SOTE/SOTF) and the creatures are only 60 slayer.
Despite that the creatures are statted like they're slayer creatures in the 80s so it's kind of all over the place.
We could've either nerfed the helm or buffed the creatures and given the tier of quest it felt more applicable to balance it around level 60 slayer instead of higher, I can't remember the exact reason why but that was the teams consensus between the two
The faceguard is still going to be a fantastic item to have. It'll equal the strength of a serp helm, have more prayer bonus and be better in tribrid situations whereas serp will be better for things like ToB where you want to poison, or just generally when you want ...
Read morewill there be tasks for solo cox and cm on the diaries?
I don't think there will be any piece of PvM content which does not have tasks associated with it