

20 Jan


Originally posted by jdong4321

Is it known when combat achievement diaries will be released?

Arcane has done a lot of work on it so far but I've only just now joining the project and we're started delving into the task design process which is probably the single most important thing for the success and enjoyment of the update. Once we're happy with the list we then need to implement all of them but until we've got a list it's hard to say how long that will take.

After they're all implemented, we'll need time to get them through QA and also to playtest them ourselves just to confirm the difficulty being appropriate to the tier we expect them to be.

So TLDR; it's not coming this week or the week after, at least a month but how much longer after that is still up in the air and we don't want to promise a release date until we're 100% confident in it!

18 Jan


Originally posted by charmingCobra

gnome restaurant completions should either only track hard deliveries or track easy deliveries as a separate number, considering only hard deliveries can earn the unique items in the collection log

If the poll question to display multiple completion counters for various modes of a piece of content passes I don't see why we couldn't do the same for gnome restaurant

16 Jan


Now I just need to get in as good a shape as that haha

15 Jan


Originally posted by Original_Reindeer_43

The Master Clue step within the Viyeldi Caves is infamous for being very time consuming to reach. We’d like to propose speeding it up slightly by adding a shortcut that allows players to scale down the cliff in Viyeldi Caves rather than navigating their way to the bottom. This shortcut would require 91 Agility and long ropes from the Darkmeyer General Store to complete.

Just let me jump off the top and take the 50 damage or whatever.

Let's make it a random amount of damage from 1 to 250 so you can test your luck!


Originally posted by bknight2

A lot of great content in this blog, great work! If we are touching on the content of jars, would it be out of the question to look at Jar of crystals/jar of corrupted crystals(corrupted jar of crystals?) for a hunleff display? It’s one of my favorite bosses and would look pretty awesome mid stomp animation in my POH with tornadoes around it and lit up floor tiles!

I love the hunleff too and a jar of crystals sounds awesome!

14 Jan


Originally posted by ParadoxOSRS

This is a pretty big nerf to anything except Bandos. Since dying and leaving the remaining supplies was effective in extending trips, especially with looting bag meta similar to those used at Cerberus.

At those 3 bosses it was pretty easy to keep a work after you suicided.

Could the Corp/DKS implementation be revisited, or possible allow irons to use regular chambers too for those other 3 bosses where overcrowding isn't an issue?

I'm sorry but I fail to see why a player might intentionally die to get a longer trip.

As I understand it, it was just that dying was not all that punishing because you could use the supplies dropped when you return to extend the trip?

Generally I suppose the advice would be to not die since that will always generally (to my understanding) be worse overall so I don't see what you mean by "a pretty big nerf".

It's as I said though, we had to make some compromises to do this.

But, I'm not opposed to making all gravestone behaviour be that if you die in an instance your food would go to your gravestone instead of to the floor and then deleted but I'd have to find out if there's a reason it currently doesn't do that first.


Originally posted by corpslayer

Couldn't the death mechanics be reworked such that a death in any instance causes your food to be sent to your gravestone? This keeps it consistent while also fixing it for different (non-GWD) instances. Or if you want it to be more consistent than it is right now, you can make the food drop under the gravestone in all cases, even if you died in an instance. The former option seems best though.
The biggest issue is probably purple sweets. You lose the entire stack on death in an instance.
A change to something about death mechanics is required, since it currently provides some false information. Either change the mechanics or change the description.

Hmm, I'm not actually sure. I didn't work on the death rework project and I can't remember all the decisions which were made either post/pre-release.

I'll definitely enquire about it because I personally can't see a reason why we wouldn't move all your food to the gravestone location if you died in an instance but perhaps there is a bigger reason I am currently unaware of.

13 Jan


Originally posted by KippuNut

Why is the Ironman instance acting like a sort private instance? I was under the impression that it would be like the Corp beast instance where the instance still existed even if you weren't in it. But the way the gwd instance now works, if you die as an ironman your pots and food get deleted instead of staying on the floor for an hour. They also don't appear in your gravestone like other private instances, they just straight up get deleted.

Generally the way that the DKs slayer room and the corp ironman cave are not good implementations. They are copy-pasting the entire map square somewhere else and directing players there instead.

This is an issue if we ever need to make a change to one of them we need to remember to change the other one aswell. That's easier for content such as corp/DKs where it's one map square but for something like godwars where it's 4 map squares across multiple different levels it becomes a nightmare to maintain.

So looking at the options which were available using instance, we could instance the entire dungeon or just the boss rooms. Since every NPC would have to be added manually and every NPCs script would need to be re-coded to work in the instance that was a colossal amount of work for not a lot of gain. The only thing we actually cared about was giving ironman access to fight the bosses whilst only competing with other iron players.

So this has led to the Trailblaz...

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Originally posted by BioMasterZap

The message which tells you to bring a lockpick, or that you’ve failed to pick a lock on various doors around Ardougne and the deep Wilderness, will no longer be filtered.

At long last. I know I've been running into this for years. It is never good when you interact with an object and you get no feedback and nothing happens. So many times I go to a door and pick the lock a few times, just to need to unfilter my chat to see if I was failing or if it needed a lockpick. Those sorts of messages should have never been filtered, to begin with.

Also, the monkey clue reminder is a godsend for anyone trying to cross that off for comp.

Honestly I didn't know they were a thing until I had to access them regularly in TBL. My first thought was "I was sure I clicked pick-lock" then I investigated and was like no animation, no anything just a filtered message.

So I found the other doors which do the same and moved them from filtered to un-filtered. From what I can tell the filtered messages were just done using search and replace on messages containing "you*" without determining if each individual one needed to be filtered so if there are any more out there, let me know and I'd be happy to fix them!


Originally posted by Gamer_2k4

You need a bank PIN to get league rewards now? What in the world prompted that?

Given how infrequently league rewards are obtainable it's quite likely that a player will want to save points for the next League if they don't like any of the rewards currently available.

Because of this it would be quite unfortunate if an account was compromised and someone then spent all of someones league points to get rewards to sell.


Originally posted by quenox

Do items on the ground in the iron instance have the normal despawn time or the instance despawn time?

Normal despawn time (2 mins)


Originally posted by Hourglass_

I don't know if it's intentional or not, but you don't get "godwars KC" in the instance (The counter in the top right corner)

I heard reports that this was only in the boss rooms? Or are you getting the issue throughout the rest of the instance?

I know we have people looking at the issue currently so hopefully it'll be fixed before long!


Originally posted by Lord_Top_Hat

Still no update on getting the leagues emote from having the T3 outfit mounted in leagues hall?

From the poll blog: "Relic Hunter Outfit stand: Displays your choice of Relic Hunter Outfits, of any tier. If a Tier 3 Relic Hunter Outfit is displayed, it will allow players to use the Relic Unlock animation from the relevant League through the Emote interface."

So I was going to respond to this in the other post with "That was a nice to have which I didn't have time to do"

But then I looked back and you are right, we did promise it in the blog. I was developing under the assumption that I'd do it if I had time.

Anyway, tangent aside, I've raised it internally and I'll see what the rest of the team thinks. No ETA on it but I'd like to think we could get it done unless I get pushback for some reason

12 Jan


Originally posted by Persocom

Isn't the main issue that it would be time consuming adding a property to every piece of content to include the date it was added?

Not necessarily. It wouldn't be too hard to add the check to every piece of major content. I think part of the design would be evaluating all the content in the game and deciding what we can and can't lock off and then only doing those ones and if anything is too complicated we leave it as is

11 Jan


Originally posted by Lunar_Mongoose

This was talked about on Q&A a bunch a while back. They said it would be nearly impossible to gate content based on time of release.

Neat idea don't think its even possible

Definitely not "impossible".

I guess it depends what you determine as content. Locking key pieces of content would be much simpler than bringing back unidentified herbs for example or disabling a bunch of QoL stuff we've done over the past 7/8 years. A good example of this is we could unlock Chambers of Xeric as part of 2017 but it would be the Chambers of Xeric you know now and not the version we had back on launch. So in short, we could do it with only major pieces of content and it might work?

I think to me the idea needs something a bit more to entice people into trying out the league. Perhaps a way to gamify the unlocking of years helps that similar to what OP suggested where it's determine on tasks completed instead of unlocked week by week?

Edit: Just wanted to say it's an awesome concept though and these are the kinds of things that I'd love to see the community come up with for the next League. I think Trailblazer really opened up what a League coul...

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10 Jan


It's an oversight sorry about that.

I'm kind of confused how it happened to be honest, I didn't manually set the xp it's usually calculated from the resources directly but something is clearly at play here. Globe should be 0xp.

Still, I should've checked the xp values more thoroughly before launch!

08 Jan


Originally posted by Village_People_Cop

I fully get it. You made something out of nothing which is a really creative approach, that's what I meant with "its not a bug... "

Haha was just making sure! Glad you see it as creative since that's a significant part of this job :P


Originally posted by Village_People_Cop

So the "it's not a bug, it's a feature" approach to development. You gotta start working for Bethesda

I'm fine thanks, I quite enjoy working at my current job!

I don't agree it's a bug though, a bug is doing something which the developer doesn't want to occur or not as it should.

I had the choice of removing the option or adding funny dialogue, I chose the latter.


Originally posted by campfirecrucifix

I can't believe they missed the opportunity to make a flat earth joke. Especially since runescape is technically flat...

Try examining the globe instead


Haha I was expected a post like this.

I requested it but the artists didn't have time to make the animation for the statue so I left it in and came up for a reason in-game as to why it wouldn't spin instead of removing it.

I just thought it would be humorous and help stave off any requests in the future to make it spin!