

06 Jan


The infernal versions have the smouldering stone imbedded into the blade. The non-infernal versions don't


Originally posted by TimTheEnchanterz



17 Dec


Originally posted by mathPrettyhugeDick

Unfortunately, by the sounds of it, it looks likes they've already thrown the towel on it. BA is likely in the bottom of their priorities, and Mod Husky equiparated to how they made a Kirby skip 2.0 almost immediately, saying "they'll find a way to fix it".

We haven't thrown the towel in and I apologise if it sounded like that from what I said on the Q&A, the intention behind my words was to state that a solution has been found in some cases and it may be found in others and also to spotlight the kirby skip 2.0 video.

For what it's worth, I appreciate this thread being made as it provides information which we can use to help pinpoint potential solutions, however these solutions will naturally have to go through our own investigation and naturally we can't start doing so until after the festive period considering the amount of holidays most staff have

I believe other mods have already been reaching out to the BA community aswell so here's hoping we can find solutions to certain problems soon!

16 Dec


Sorry! I forgot to add it to the droprate modifier, that and the granite shield...

At least you got it in the end!

09 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


Since the task is completed for you on opening the task list I'd check that your task filters are showing completed tasks


You can read all about it in todays newspost, the task description should also point you there if i'm not mistaken

07 Dec


Originally posted by creepyzaptor

Can we also have the collection log have a tab on top to show recent additions to the log?

That's a pretty cool idea!


Originally posted by -Auditore-

This is another one that's not totally active, but it's on the roadmap image. We'd like to update the Collection Log. And we want your ideas and your feedback!

Can we get collection log highscores?

I'd really love for this :)


Originally posted by KreaHS

After reading over some of the big updates and ideas that the team has shared, I feel this needs to be said.

Regardless of whether these updates pass a poll or not, I really appreciate the team's ability to think outside of the box and propose groundbreaking game updates that I didn't even think were within the technical scope of this game.

This Gazette made me feel a way that I haven't in a long time. I remember as a kid in middle school, I would rush home after getting off the bus and check the Runescape home page to check for any game updates. That huge rush of excitement that washed over me when there was a surprise game update, that's what I felt today reading this blog.

With the poll system, we already know everything that's coming or that's in the works, so that feeling is more or less gone these days. But reading this Gazette really blew me away. It's like that blog that was pitched for a Boss Slayer task master. Even though that didn't pass, I rea...

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04 Dec


Originally posted by BrentB23

When you're back in the office Monday do you mind checking thr superior rate with mutated bloodvelds in Prif? I don't think they're affected by the slayer relic as they should be.

I asked in thr Trailblazers discord and never got a response from anyone in there.

If you're ranging them and safe-spotting make sure the npc has enough space to spawn a superior, bloodvelds are 2x2 and the superior is 3x3 so if you're using for example the west safespot near the entrance you can't actually spawn one.

FWIW all superiors run the same code for superiors so if one of them is buffed they are all buffed


Originally posted by GothicLogic

I gotta respect the instant reply to confirm the misinformation. I feel more vindicated than annoyed anyway so it's all g.

I never mind admitting when I'm wrong, mistakes happen after all!

And no problem, it's not like I had anything better to do on a Friday night right...? haha


Originally posted by RefusesToGiveAShit

Will this be fixed or will it remain unchanged for the rest of leagues?

I don't believe it would make all that much of a difference at that point whether we did fix it or not.

It's a relatively easy drop to get regardless, most people will have gotten it already and only those who are on second accounts or are playing late will really be affected.

I don't mind either way I suppose, I can run it past the team to see what they think on Monday.

Edit: What gothiclogic said below, it's more of the fact that I added it to the interface correctly as opposed to it being bugged and not working when it should've


Originally posted by FirstTwoWeeks

Thank you, glad this post got your attention! Not sure how long it would take to look through each item, but there aren’t any other items affected like this are there?

Every single drop which was added on launch went through QA testing to ensure that the numbers they saw when defeating a creature had reduced quantity X to X/3. I even self-tested every single instance myself.

GWD had a separate issue in which my debug was actually still doing the X/3 but just wasn't rolling a random( ) check around it to pick a random number and I've already checked every single instance to ensure the random() wasn't missed anywhere else if that makes sense.

So no, I don't believe it is anywhere else unless there's a similar issue to this which I can't remember adding anything else to the interfaces post-release


You appear to be correct and I can do my best to explain why

I've checked the original job for the droprate modifiers and it was never part of the original list at all so it was never modified on launch.

However, while sifting through all of the week 1 feedback I saw a comment asking if it was increased despite not being on the interface I checked a line of code that used my ~modify_droprate proc and went "Oh it actually is increased" and added it to the interface.

Turns out it has that line of code because I centralised modifying droprates so that leagues and DMM use a more generic system which is easy to plug into so it is currently on the list of DMM items which are increased but not the list of Trailblazer items which are not increased.

I hope that makes sense and it also explains why, this was just me stupidly and incorrectly updating text on an interface after week 1 when I shouldn't have. Sorry for the confusion, that was a busy first week of ...

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03 Dec


F for the lack of ring.

But Gz on 99!

Hope you enjoyed the content!

21 Nov


Originally posted by illadelphia_

Disagreements and differences aside, thank you so much for all the community interaction, the changes are not ideal for me but I could not imagine the frustration of going through this without hearing from you guys and not being given the insight of your thought process.

All in all trailblazers has been a breath of fresh air and a blast in these harder times, it’s just as a competitive person and probably the only time in my life I’ll be able to put in the hours to compete for dragon it just felt bad to have these changes where one relic is clearly buffed over the other. I know there’s no easy answer but I do want to make it clear that I am very grateful for having mods like you all.

Completely understandable and no problem! I'm not trying to make everyone see our way of thinking. Just trying to be transparent and involved because even if we don't make any changes, I might get some good ideas to use for the next one!


Originally posted by mihile2x

Honestly it was shocking to me that you chose 'no changes whatsoever' stance. What good can possibly come out of it? is it your way of trying to preserve game/league integrity? you should always strive to make *good* changes, no matter what.And what's more shocking is that apparently majority of Jagex thinks it's a good decision.

That is my personal stance and it's shared by some other employees, and less so by others.

This post was trying to stress that even though I feel that way, in reality there is probably a line between acceptable changes and not acceptable changes and I want to find that line and have discussions with the team about that for the next league so that we can present that to the players clearly before it starts.

Lots of us internally have differing opinions on things and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way


Originally posted by illadelphia_

Thanks for always giving your insight even if I do completely disagree with you, you always have said “we don’t want to many changes where possible to anything unless we have too”. I recognized juggling clues would be a pain, I picked my areas and TS around this since many points are locked behind clues, then you go and make the auto juggling so that US gets to complete clues without having to stack superiors. Just absolute bullshit in my opinion.

Yeah I completely understand where you're coming from, it's a valid way to feel given the situation and it's something I'd strive to avoid going forward if I could.

It's just really hard to deal with because not everyone in the community agrees and perhaps there is a line we need to find where there are acceptable changes and not acceptable changes. I want to explore this further into the future before the next league


Originally posted by Treblosity

I think the disconnect on whether or not to change the burning amulet is players see the decision as a simple pros vs cons of the change, but youre also looking at how important is the change? Is it worth the dev time at this point? Its a tough question to ask because it could be worth it if the problem reaches a lot of people but it could also be worth it if the problem reaches a few people to try to spread the love a bit, but how much of that can you afford to do? I think this is probably why you set the principle of "no changes mid-league," because if you do, then youre forced to make these decisions of who and whats worth it? Sadly i think with the changes so far, people are already feeling like the changes are imbalanced which means you either can keep trying to fix these problems or stand your ground at a certain point.

There are solutions to this for future leagues though, one solution to all of this would be if there was some method of changing relics or areas whi...

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It's less about the dev work and more about "do we really have to change this? or is it just part of the league". For example, not having access to an item because you didn't pick regions which gave it just feels like a natural part of the league rules and part of the planning and that is far more subjective to us changing it at this point.

The issues we did change I've described above and hopefully explained why even if you disagree.

I briefly heard about the mushroom issue yesterday, It seems people are taking it as kicking the mushroom pickers while they are down but that wasn't what we were doing. I don't honestly believe anyone who sees that the mushroom can bypass teleport checks/restrictions such as teleport blocks would expect that to be intended behaviour especially when the relic doesn't have that in it's description.

Also, the things that players are not seeing about the mushroom is not having those standard checks actually causes a lot more poten...

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