

19 Nov


Originally posted by Azerate2016

Please don't.

Sepulchre is ridiculously hard and challenging, and it suffers from a major problem that has been present in other games, such as WoW, for years now. That problem is...the content is designed around the assumption that players are using extensive 3rd party tools. That place is pretty much impossible without multiple runelite plugins and tile marking. Even then it's pretty hard, but without those...good luck.

I mean... I know that 3rd party tools help but I did do all of my testing and balancing for it on the vanilla client, I can also do it consistently on the vanilla client with minimal mistakes. I definitely didn't design it to be exclusively completed on 3rd party clients and I've seen players complete it on mobile (i've done so myself even if it is easier to misclick there generally)

I think the bigger issue was that I never considered how hard it would be on fixed which I've taken that onboard as something I need to check during development since I generally play on resizeable. Although on that note, we've since greatly increased the visibility of projectiles since launch and also added colour to the statue animations so they can be seen clearer while zoomed out


Just a headsup for everyone!

This should now be fixed for everyone, if you had the treasure seeker relic unlocked you should no longer be getting clues longer than the minimum amount.

We apologise for any inconveniences caused by this.

If however you are (for example) currently on step 5 of a hard clue you will still need to complete just one more step to get your reward unfortunately


Originally posted by Astatos159

I only collected the boxes. I didn't have any unfinished clue scrolls anywhere when the update went live. I never attempted anything beyond medium before the update and never looted a clue scroll beyond medium before getting the treasure seeker relic in the second week of trailblazer.

And have you never received a hard clue as a drop at all ever? Because if you had that would confirm my theory


Originally posted by Astatos159

I can't write you a message here sadly. Yes I think that could be it. I didn't count all of them but they all seemed fine to me. After posting this I checked most of the clues I did and it never appeared again.

So just to confirm.

Have you only collected these boxes and never ever opened them since the update?

IF you had received a clue (which set your steps to 6) before unlocking the relic and then dropped that one and opened a new clue from the scroll box while it's still set to 6 from the first clue then the issue is that we don't update your clue steps after selecting the relic.


Originally posted by theccub

just had this happen to me - have had TS for about a week now. opened beginner (edit: scroll box from before the hotfix) -> STASH step -> complete step -> get hot and cold step -> complete step -> get hot and cold step again -> can't complete -> drop -> STASH step -> complete + casket. so 3 steps for beginner.

EDIT: adding image https://imgur.com/0Id7lHT

From another user on this thread it appears that it might be only the first clue done since the update, can you confirm if this is what you are also seeing?


Originally posted by Astatos159

I only can recall those:

  1. Heckel funch (the gnome in the first level of the stronghold)
  2. Martin Thwait
  3. Dig in the middle of Mort'ton
  4. Doomsayer
  5. ?
  6. Lumbridge guide

Sorry, I really can't recall what the 5th completable step was... I already finished 6 or 7 clues after writing this post. I have a feeling that it only appears on the first clue box. Maybe even hard clue only since I did exclusively hard clues.

I have unlocked Kandarin, Asgarnia and Morytania.

Possible clue steps on Karamja:

  • Red spiders egg spawn
  • Saradomin mage right on the volcano entry on crandor

Possible clue steps in Asgarnia:

  • goblin general bentnoze


  • Sir Prysin

I think those are all I could have had. Just in case those weren't it: I had no step in kandarin except heckel. I had no step in asgarnia except martin thwait. I had the...

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Sure, in-game name would be fine so I can look up a few variables in the back-end incase.

Are you saying that the first clue you did since the update had the issue and that every subsequent clue has been fine?


Originally posted by Astatos159

I already unlocked the relic. They we're all freshly opened from boxes I collected beforehand.

Edit: Welcome back =)

If you can (and sorry to bother you for this) can you provide me with a full list of steps to be able to reproduce this? I've tried to do so myself and it seems to be working for me so I believe I'm missing something.

18 Nov


Originally posted by GlenWayman

I don’t know if Jagex are aware but many players still can’t complete the fremennik task “collect resources from miscellania with 100% favour”. Is there any update on this?

I personally have tried;

right click collect chat through to collect all resources on miscellania side

We're aware, sorry for the issue, it should be fixed for next week!

15 Nov

14 Nov


It wasn't boosted because there was no easy way to boost it's droprate without having some impact on the drop-table for the main-game even if it was a marginal one because of the way an elixir is chosen to be rolled as part of the normal loot table instead as it's own separate roll which has to be cleared first like the sigils.

I could have made a second table just for leagues for the corp but that honestly felt like a really messy approach, I was aiming to make a droprate increasing system that was much more elegant than just copy pasting the same thing twice and changing a few numbers.

I know that' not your concern though, I know you probably don't care about how it's coded you just want to get what you're going for but at least this is hopefully some insight as to why even if you don't agree.

Good luck on the elixir hunt! You've still got a ton of time left this League to get them :)

13 Nov


Originally posted by ProfessorDaen

Even with this change being fairer than the previous one, as someone who took Treasure Seeker I feel as though I 100% would have chosen Unnatural Selection instead knowing this was coming.

The fundamental problem here is that Unnatural Selection's guaranteed clue drop from superiors makes any generic clue improvements better for it than for Treasure Seeker, due to it having other non-clue benefits. Balancing these relics against each other is going to be almost impossible without actually changing the relics, for this reason.

In general I think this suggestion is better, but it still fails to solve the following problems:

  • Getting clue steps you can't run just feels...bad regardless of whether you're able to make progress otherwise
  • Master clues are still unrealistic to complete, especially relative to the tasks that apply to them
  • This change still disproportionately buffs Unnatural Selection, which is already the stronger rel...
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Giving both relics or allowing players to swap (you didn't suggest that but I've seen it) gives much more of an advantage to US because they had 3 weeks to get ahead on early points with faster tasks whereas TS players were going for the long game.

This is the solution we feel like is the best compromise to at least make clues enjoyable if the community will back it and if they don't then we'll just leave it as is

11 Nov


I think things like these are awesome! I hope you keep making it each week :D


Originally posted by IUseEllipsis

To be clear I think you are an awesome contributor to the Old School team and I genuinely like you as a JMod. I just meant that is how it is coming across sometimes. I love your passion for the game and it comes across in the live streams.

Haha, thanks for the kind words!

I'll genuinely take on this criticism and try to get across what I'm trying to say in comments here without sounding arrogant/rude


Originally posted by IUseEllipsis

Man I like you on live streams when you discuss content... but when talking with players directly you seem really arrogant and refuse to admit fault or issue at many of the valid criticisms and issues.

I apologise if I come across as "very arrogant", I'm not trying to be, text communication just sucks for this kind of thing and I'm not very good at it.

I admit fault all the time and I'm willing to take criticism on anything, I was merely just trying to explain to the player in question why we decided to do one thing and not the other.

I hope to be able to provide more clarity on what we should and shouldn't action when it comes to Leagues in the future though if that's any consolation as I can understand why it can be confusing to the players currently


Originally posted by IUseEllipsis

u/JagexImpact u/JagexHusky Can we please have a fix for tier 6 relics for mages discussed on stream? It's extremely unfair that draining strikes has a specific clause for the scythe to work with it, but not ancient magic. Why does it not trigger with barrage magic on the target we click and not the other targets in the exact same manor as the scythe? Nevermind that splashing damage is already built in to magic, and that there are zero special weapons until endgame. But I'm fine with those if draining strikes gets fixed because then we have a choice at least. Otherwise this is blatant melee superiority.

Hell I'd even give up 100% ice magic accuracy for this assuming all the spell accuracies were at least balanced to be brought in line with melee and ranged.

I understand where you're coming from but the relics are extremely explicit in their effects. The magic accuracy issue was an interesting case we had to handle differently but we never intended for draining strikes to work with barrage at all. It does however work with powered staves


Originally posted by HCBuldge

I'm a little confused by what you mean about making glass with seaweed and giant seaweed? You can only make glass at a furnace with soda ash not the seaweed itself.

Ah sorry for that one I was mixing up superglassmake and the bucket of sand one sorry


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

I've got a list already of all Tasks that require a different area in any way (plus which area that is). Would that help?

It's less about fixing specific ones and more about applying no second region to every other one for it to work correctly.

It's not a huge issue anyway whether I made the change or not, but I'll see what I can do for next week


Originally posted by MrDestructoid

'Thorgel now appears in the Temple of Light, outside the Death Altar'

I'm right next to the death altar but can't see thorgel?


Open your task interface and he should appear!


Originally posted by Wtfmymoney

Husky stated that not adding box traps to wildy was an unfortunate side effect of not choosing correct areas and insinuated it wasn't something they were looking to add.

Whats the difference between adding box traps to wildy for content access to black chins, and adding the ability to get imp jars after you've made the mistake of losing the ones already given to you? You could make the claim that it's not right to lose access to something that wasn't neccesarily your fault, but I would argue you could make that same case to wilderness for box traps. Hypocritical in my opinion.

Because Impling Jars isn't giving someone access to something they otherwise wouldn't have. This is a lapse in concentration and not realising you "lost your last one". More a result of human error more so than any planning in area unlocks


Originally posted by Wtfmymoney

my question is,

Husky stated that not adding box traps to wildy was an unfortunate side effect of not choosing correct areas and insinuated it wasn't something they werent looking to add.

Whats the difference between adding box traps to wildy for content access to black chins, and adding the ability to get imp jars after you've made the mistake of losing the ones already given to you? You could make the claim that it's not right to lose access to something that wasn't neccesarily your fault, but I would argue you could make that same case to wilderness for box traps. Hypocritical in my opinion.

Because this isn't giving access to something you otherwise wouldn't have. This is a lapse in concentration and not realising you "lost your last one". More a result of human error more so than any planning in area unlocks