Please don't.
Sepulchre is ridiculously hard and challenging, and it suffers from a major problem that has been present in other games, such as WoW, for years now. That problem is...the content is designed around the assumption that players are using extensive 3rd party tools. That place is pretty much impossible without multiple runelite plugins and tile marking. Even then it's pretty hard, but without those...good luck.
I mean... I know that 3rd party tools help but I did do all of my testing and balancing for it on the vanilla client, I can also do it consistently on the vanilla client with minimal mistakes. I definitely didn't design it to be exclusively completed on 3rd party clients and I've seen players complete it on mobile (i've done so myself even if it is easier to misclick there generally)
I think the bigger issue was that I never considered how hard it would be on fixed which I've taken that onboard as something I need to check during development since I generally play on resizeable. Although on that note, we've since greatly increased the visibility of projectiles since launch and also added colour to the statue animations so they can be seen clearer while zoomed out