

11 Nov


Originally posted by ChaoticRyu

I feel that Biohazard should have been an auto-completed quest for Kandarin. Also, Death to the Dorgeshun for Misthalin. But hey, there's always next time to learn from mistakes.

I don't even believe they're mistakes. I stand by the choices we made, it's very subjective to say that it is a mistake in this case. None of those quests are 100% required


Originally posted by Dropping_fruits

The problem is that you can access West Ardougne with Kandarn fine, but if you start Biohazard and progress it like I did you are now locked out from West Ardougne until you can visit the chemist in Rimmington.

I see, well that wasn't clear at all from your first comment. I can try to look into it for next week but I'm not entirely sure if we can fix it.

There's a chance that West Ardougne is intentionally prevented from accessing it at that point in the quest because of the state your character is in and just allowing you to go back in might not be a safe course of action.

IF however it's just for story reasons and none of the things inside West Ardougne would interact badly if your character is at that state in the quest then it should be fine, however I believe it only prevents you from getting an Iban's Staff and access to sell cats it seems like a fairly low priority fix for me compared to some of the other things I've got to work on


Originally posted by Boredgamer1573

I remember reading about quick shots ammo save not stacking with ava's assembler. Has that bug been fixed or is it going to?

It was fixed last week!


Originally posted by [deleted]


With production master there's so many potential things it COULD help with that we had to time-box the job lest we spend months trawling the entire code base for every single process which would've just been unrealistic to put that much time into a single relic.

So instead we came up with a shortlist of activities it should affect and then explicitly stated what it does and doesn't affect on the relic interface.

Making glass at a furnace is particular finnicky because it would've taken more time to account for it with combinations of both giant seaweed and regular seaweed so we decided against it in order to spend the time making it affect other things before launch and left it as a benefit of picking Fremennik to be able to process all your seaweed/sand instantly.

We did however make it so that blowing the glass itself is instant so production master will still work there!


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

I don't see why you'd move some tasks to "multiple" but not all.

Multiple is a filter which means "No region is assigned to this" as opposed to "Requires Multiple Regions"

We moved the Misthalin ones to the other area because everyone gets Misthalin and people are really annoyed they have tasks on their list they cannot complete.

However without going through the entire task list and making every task have the potential to have more than one area parameter assigned to it there isn't really a way we can do it.

The alternative would be flagging specific tasks as "Combination" or something similar but then players would have to work it out for themselves which areas they need because the interface wouldn't give them any help as it is.


Originally posted by Dropping_fruits

Please fix Biohazard on league so you can still access West Ardougne without having to unlock Asgarnia. Sucks to have permanently ruined my league character by exploring.

I'm afraid I don't know what the issue is.

West Ardougne is in Kandarin not Asgarnia.

It is perfectly ok for quests to be start-able and progress to the point where you can't complete them because of the area restrictions, that's kind of the point of the league.

Biohazard is auto-completed if you unlock Tirannwn

If you want to complete Biohazard you have to unlock both Kandarin and Asgarnia as the quest takes place over both of those areas


Originally posted by NoLuckyDucky

Does every number get rounded down here, or would a tick time equating to say 45.6 get rounded up to 46 in the chat line?

I don't actually know off the top of my head when it comes to the times it puts into the chat box but it would surely have to round somewhere since it's smallest unit is 1s whereas a cycle is 0.6s

I'd imagine that it does round down since runescript tends to round down in calculations by default

09 Nov


Originally posted by helloppl516

This makes sense. Will there be a potential to look at unlocking smaller quests that are not possible? In this case, it is very unfortunate that Legends Quest cannot be done because of Family Crest and can only be auto-unlocked by getting Fremmy?

To me that's just a side effect of the ruleset of the League. It was never going to be possible to cover everything and make absolutely everything in your zones completable.

To me that's part of the fun though, you're in a new environment with new rules and a new way to track your progress. It's not about who has the strongest account at the end of the League, it's who has the most points


Originally posted by bigape666

have you worked on an update yet that wasn't an absolute banger

forthos dungeon was extremely cool for what it was, hallowed sepulchre is the most fun agility (maybe skilling) method in the game, and leagues II is being almost universally praised, rightfully. god damn man you're on fire, and so is everyone else involved on these projects. it's a good time to play OSRS.

Aw thanks! I definitely don't deserve such high praise myself because it's not just me working on these updates, there's an entire awesome team behind them aswell working with me and together we can make this awesome content :)


It wasn't a mistake, it was simply a "Calculated Risk"


It never did, rune essence mine is an instance


We were never ever going to have the scope to go through making every single quest in the game completable, especially the smaller ones.

Instead, we identified quests which lock access to significant pieces of content, like a boss or something, things iconic to an area and did what we could to actually make that content accessible and more streamlined for players to understand.

For example: It would feel weird to not have access to Vorkath in Fremennik considering he's one of the most significant pieces of PvM content in that area


If you're safe-spotting them, make sure the Superior actually has room to spawn. I saw a lot of people in the prif slayer dungeon safe-spotting it by the stalagmites on the western side and that's a 2x2 space that a 3x3 superior cannot spawn in.

Aside from that, yeah you're going unlucky. I had a task where I got 6 of them the other day


Originally posted by yous_a_bech

Thanks for the reply, but why auto complete mm2 and ds2 and not the dorgeshun quests? They all require multiple areas

Because MM2 gates access to Demonic gorillas, a key piece of content in Kandarin which would otherwise be unavailable.

DS2 blocks access to Vorkath which does the same for Fremennik.

Dorg really isn't a significant piece of content and one that everyone could quite honestly not have access to and not bat an eyelid not to mention that everyone gets Misthalin for free so it's not like there's a choice being "not picking Misthalin because it doesn't have dorg".

Contrary to your other comment, we spent A LOT of time reviewing this, again and again, making changes and putting out our decisions infront of the community for more feedback, that's why the area interfaces were available ahead of time in the League so that we could pre-empt anything we may have missed, since afterall, this League covers an extremely large amount of content opening up the entire game world. We've have been fools to think we could've thought of everything ourselves


Thanks! Here's hoping Leagues III can live up to the hype of Leagues II haha


Because it's neatly contained within the area it unlocks, sets a goal for players unlocking it to accomplish in order to access the content/tasks behind it and it spotlights a rather well written quest we've put out recently

08 Nov


Originally posted by Lunar_Impact

Thank you for responding, and I can understand why that's the case, it's just that there's a few tasks even then that do really just seem... Well, broken. The Bloodveld task in Kandarin for example, that one actually just doesn't work. You can't get a task for them. Then there's the Dragon Slayer 2 related tasks, which there really are a lot of.

That was completely intentional it's not broken. The only broken task was the Aberrant Spectre in Kandarin which was not possible since no one assigns them as a task


The task requires you to do it in 2500 ticks or less.

You likely did it in 2501 which gets rounded down to 25:00 when output into the chatbox.


We intentionally made a ton of tasks which would require multiple areas to add an extra level of strategy for the League. As for categorising which Area they fall into, that was basically down to which area you'd kill the creature or do the activity to complete the task