

15 Dec


Originally posted by Ordinary-Ad-9930

Pvm still too hard. Can u pls make revo+++++ so we can copy paste full boss rotations from pvme into our ingame pvm macro builder. That also seems a bit hard to pvm still so could we also get an auto eat function where if our hp falls below certain threshold it will auto eat a food and combo eat if selected.

Have you heard about the mining and smithing rework Necromancy?


Originally posted by yasminty66

Dont you think that this new equilibrium perk might introduce a new switch to be used off zerk, SS and DS? If yes then wouldnt it be weird when you would use mwspoa perked with eq and having its effect counter champion ring with enchantment for example and biting? I think the whole idea of removing crits with eq isnt appealing and people will use the perk as a switch outside ultimates increasing powercreep. Material used to get equilibrium is cheap and not much is needed, i think equilibrium should die and focus be shifted on other issues instead, people are now free to combo as4 with slayer perks which is nice seeing how new bosses are weak to it. P6 demon slayer for main hand, as4 undead slayer for off hand and biting 4 dragon slayer for armor

Yes potentially at some point - I am weary of creating more meaningless invention switches through the new effect, and would be interested to see what you all think (if it's a problem / potential solutions)

Your comment about champions ring I just consider a design fail on my part -> I don't think I should've made a crit ring that's reliant on bleeds, with bleeds being anti-synergistic with crit. (really should've been a more generic crit ring, then an additional bleed ring that has nothing to do with crit, separately)


Originally posted by igornist

Can't believe you give in to those entitled brats... The other effect was really interesting and game changing.

And it can/will still exist but in a way that's available for those who want it and not forced on those who don't.
I agree with the fundamental issues players were having with the old perk of "I've spent X amount to perk out my weapon, and the new effect is anti-synergizing with my gameplay, so I don't want it forced on me"


Originally posted by stumptrumpandisis1

You might catch some flack now for it being "boring" or "too simple" but I'm fine with that. Like you said, a generic damage boost is basically what it currently does already, except now it's gonna affect more things.

Will we ever get something for Invention that lets us modify gizmos with 2 perks on them? Removing one of the perks, splitting them into 2 gizmos, etc?

I can't say yes because there's nothing in the works right now. But I do think we should consider the perk system in general for a potential overhaul


Hello friends, the feedback around equilibrium is loud and clear (primary issue being you don't want to have to mess around with the current perks you've set up)

I've drafted up a simpler effect to replace equilibrium.Some of you might be wondering why any change to equilibrium needs to happen, so a quick TLDR:

  • On the beta we've squished damage numbers this directly affects how effective equilibrium is (pre-beta equilibrium can increase damage on an ability anywhere from ~1% up to ~2.5% per rank) Post damage squish this is closer to 0.2% per rank (Essentially making equilibrium much worse). So essentially we wanted to trial some new effects because the old one doesn't really work with shorter damage ranges.

Now the new-new effect: (WIP title : Deadly)I've drafted something up to replace equilibrium (again) this time a generic damage boost effect as for all intents and purposes that's what the old equilibrium did.

  • New effect : You g...
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14 Dec


Originally posted by np497

If you want perk diversity, how about looking into perks like lunging which is very good for bleed builds.

Right now this is kinda synergistic with lunging as is (as bleeds already can't crit, you're just gaining the benefits if you threw lunging+equi on a MWSOA as an example)


Originally posted by bl00dshooter

We wanna look at perk diversity in general so you're not always just running the same setup.

Is there any indication that this is something players want?

Unless you plan on changing it so we can freely swap out perks whenever we want, needing multiple copies of BIS equipment for different perk setups seems very... unfun.

I don't personally see you needing multiple sets of the same gear - it becomes an option to have multiple different magic sets of the same tier sure (but not the exact same gear)

E.g. 'Im using fsoa so i want the crit armor with the crit perks etc'
I'm now using X t95 that isn't crit synergistic so i'll use the non crit armor with non crit perks etc.


Originally posted by SirCampYourLane

I think the problem is that we lack good alternatives. What combat perk am I putting instead? Spendthrift?

I agree, and i'd like to see / rework more perks to be usable


Originally posted by Ultimaya

Fantastic work but equilibrium perk disabling crits is kicking a hornets nest lmao. Not that its a bad thing but as4e2 /c4e2 gizmos are expensive as hell and effectively rendered rubbish

Stated elsewhere but FWIW purely just a beta test and happy to change again, I think the effects are interesting enough to go elsewhere to promote gear/perk diversity as we noted critscape getting even more prominent in the beta with no real other options.


Originally posted by TLHSwallow29

I like most things, wquilibrium perk change is really bad for irons, forces refarming of perks comboed with equilibrium, which will be a WHILE

Stated elsewhere but worth saying this is just a test for an effect.

We wanna look at perk diversity in general so you're not always just running the same setup.

If this effect went through there are solutions like letting you remove the equillibrium portion from a gizmo etc.

But yeah once again just a test, on the beta - Equilibrium needed some niche since it died due to damage squishing so we thought we'd try something that lets players not prioritize crit boost.


Originally posted by jz_wiz

Please leave seercul alone, it had a very niche but very nice use for people willing to sacrifice kill speed times, the change giga nerfs it and makes it pointless

Hey if you could elaborate it'd be handy! (just a beta test change so not guaranteed to stick)


Originally posted by Heavens_Vibe

Staff of Sliske




13 Dec

01 Dec


Originally posted by Ztaxas

Hey Sponge, just a reminder that Leng isn't a person as the wording makes it sound, I suggest something among the lines of "Unleash the never ending cold of the blades from Leng" or something that makes it clear that Leng is a place.

Good shout, i'll make a note for that

30 Nov


Originally posted by yasminty66

Hello sponge, how are you doing

Personally i dont like stacks playstyle cause it can be backloaded and with cane removal this will impact melee burst cause bleeded assault, hurricane , overpower and dclaws are the only burst abilities for melee.

What made gbarge great was it turned a channeled melee attack into dot making it burst. If hurricane gets removed then dw is left with only channeled thresholds to use in zerk( assault, destroy flurry and frenzy potentially)

I think making cane 2h only ability will promote more switching which is a major issue with melee

Hurricane is integral in many rotations and having it removed to be replaced by 30% adren spec only good if having enough stacks isnt what we mainly want.

I like the synergy of multi hits and frostblades, however i think burst abilities are always gonna have the upper hand over channeled abilities and melee already have backloaded damage issues from ezk.

Overall i think mele...

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Hey thanks for the feedback!

Personally i dont like stacks playstyle cause it can be backloaded and with cane removal this will impact melee burst cause bleeded assault, hurricane , overpower and dclaws are the only burst abilities for melee.

Fair feedback, if you don't like stacks, you don't like, that's perfectly reasonable
I would however recommend giving the set a try as current, it's worth noting its much less intensive than e.g. boltg tracking, as the special is intended to be a free bonus on other effects - for arguments sake the spec could just be hurricane cost/damage, keeping all the other effects but removing the concept of the stack.

I think making cane 2h only ability will promote more switching which is a major issue with melee

I don't personally think the solution to this is to have a way to bypass it with a very specific item, as it retains the problem for everyone not usi...

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Hey thats me!

Something worth reiterating is the stuff above is very whip and open to change. The thing to bare in mind is it's way easier for us to tweak / balance once y'all have something tangible in front of you. (If you don't like stacks we can change stacks, if you don't like X we can change X) It's much easier than putting out a bunch of hypothetical proposals.

Anything is up for grabs really (E.g. does the spec need an adrenaline cost and instead have a stack count could it do Y instead of X)

I've removed the cane/destroy crossover for the time being to see if we can get the same feeling as the old cane whilst reducing 2h and dw feeling blended into one / to let us do more playstyle specific stuff with destroy/cane.

Happy to chat over anything else if there's specific questions

06 Nov

03 Nov


Originally posted by Ik_oClock

Grico only got a functional change to separately roll each hit. It didn't get a damage buff on the small hits like magma tempest to account for the loss of power after the boosted level change (while it is also heavily affected by it).

So because of how grico previously scaled it actually gained less benefit from the stat boost than you'd expect. That being said I'd be fine giving it a couple % boost if it's generally felt necessary

02 Nov


Originally posted by Juan-More-Taco

We're not trying to 'force it in' but it's a mechanic that's broken for various reasons, hence us trying it in the beta again.

Here's an idea; stop trying to change something that the community have told you multiple times now we don't want changed. Overloads are untradeable with high level requirements. You absolutely should be stronger for using them. They're in a fine place. You clearly have a different opinion which is why you tried this before. You absolutely are trying to force this change.

You rolled it back previously, hope you'll do it again because the response is the same. God forbid the game is fun right?

The majority of feedback last time was regarding the dps loss on abilities, hence us trying it in the beta after applying various changes that raise player damage.

I think its a bit sensationalist to say it makes the game fun.


Originally posted by StarmanT10

Whats the benefit of boosting magic and range at all then? Do they get crit buffs?

You do still get an accuracy boost as well as the base damage increase from being a higher level. We are/were considering having stat boosts affect critical strike in the same way you gain Crit damage at level thresholds