Hello sponge, how are you doing
Personally i dont like stacks playstyle cause it can be backloaded and with cane removal this will impact melee burst cause bleeded assault, hurricane , overpower and dclaws are the only burst abilities for melee.
What made gbarge great was it turned a channeled melee attack into dot making it burst. If hurricane gets removed then dw is left with only channeled thresholds to use in zerk( assault, destroy flurry and frenzy potentially)
I think making cane 2h only ability will promote more switching which is a major issue with melee
Hurricane is integral in many rotations and having it removed to be replaced by 30% adren spec only good if having enough stacks isnt what we mainly want.
I like the synergy of multi hits and frostblades, however i think burst abilities are always gonna have the upper hand over channeled abilities and melee already have backloaded damage issues from ezk.
Overall i think mele...