I understand it’s frustrating, we have been working on this non-stop (it is a topic we discuss daily to keep pressure on ourselves to get the fix out as soon as we can) because we know the impact and want to get this resolved.
For stuck contracts, which is the primary and prolonged issue for most folks who currently have a token and are blocked from using it, there were a ton of edge cases which we have worked to resolve but this is incredibly slow moving due to the number of manual changes needed for each case. We did this manual work while also completing work on the bigger fix which I anticipate will be out sometime soon after the January update. Why did it take so long? It’s complex, and required a service rework.
As far as earlier posts where a resolution was found quickly, this was likely the related issue where players were stuck due to a company/friend request from someone who had transferred off the server, leaving the invite stuck. This is a different system ...
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