

09 Apr


So, I read the initial post but I haven’t had a chance to read the whole thread. I’d just like to shed a little light on one of our design goals with this system. This isn’t a hard fast rule and this system could change but this is just where we were coming from when it was designed.

  1. We want players to be able to respec their builds if they feel like they have made a mistake. We don’t want people to feel like if they make a decision, it could be a wrong decision and absolutely need to go look up a build before making any choices. I love Diablo 2 but before they added respecs, when I was a kid, I would level up without spending my skill points and look up what to do. Ideally we don’t want people to feel this restricted.

  2. The time investment for respecing a skill should occur after the decision to respec happens. This means that you can’t save up some resource to be able to flip your build on the fly. If it was possible to quick swap your build, you c...

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Please re-read this.


We are building a game that we want to give new players a positive experience so that they convert into long term players. People who have 1000+ hours have pre-existing knowledge of the systems which skew their experience. We do take experience with our game and experience with the genre as a whole in to account when considering feedback from a player.

If a new player says “Skill A is so underpowered” - but we know that it’s the key to the top performing build on the ladder. So, while their feedback that it’s underpowered is “wrong”, the fact that a new player feels that it’s underpowered probably exposes a different problem. Maybe the skill is not intuitive to use or the thing that makes it strong is buried in some obscure combo that converts an element and ailment to be able to work together using several uniques on weird classes or something. Thus their feedback is very valuable to us.

This is one of many examples of valuable feedback from new players that experienc...

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A player’s experience level does not make their feedback more or less valuable, simply different. We value feedback from first time players. We value feedback from 1000+ hour players.

I probably should have locked the thread a while back. The recent stuff is great but the conversation as a whole has not been healthy.


Before this goes much further, I recomend reading the Code of Conduct.

05 Apr


It’s more about which one will happen first. The others might get slower changes over a longer period of time. We are trying to select one to hit hard with community involvement now.

04 Apr


I’m excited to go back to Tornado. It was our 7th skill tree that we added to the game and while it’s had some revamping over the years, it’s never really had a full on rework I don’t think.

03 Apr


Thanks for the followup info. I can see the errors in there. That’s a new one for us so we don’t have a consistent solution for it yet. We’ll attempt to do what we can for you.

02 Apr


Thanks for the follow up info. I don’t really have a good idea for you to stabilize it at the moment. If you start having problems again, maybe look at other programs that are running in the background to see if there is a relation? (Long shot but we have noticed some incompatibilities)


That’s definitely a game pitfall that we will avoid. When we’re designing different armor types for the characters, we are attempting to make them logically. There is a comic strip out there that I love which highlights the issue so well. It’s of a male and female character in an RPG each with very exaggerated gear, full plate for the dude and a chain bikini for the girl. The guy says something like, “ugh, that won’t protect you from anything” and walks away. She takes off the armor set and the whole chest, body, bikini, everything is connected as one armor set and underneath is a normal character with normal clothes on. Just cracks me up as the only way it could make a shred of sense.

Katalaeia, we know that people prefer to play specific genders in many cases and we would love to make that possible for you. One day we might have gender options for our characters. I can say that we’ll do our best to keep the armor that we do have out of the range that the comic I’m referenci...

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We can just skip that part and just assume it’s there and give it a try without doing that bit.


OK, just to be clear with the location, that’s inside the registry which opens by running the program Registry Editor. It’s not a file location.

We are still in beta and bugs like this, while very rare overall do happen sometimes. I’m sorry that you are frustrated with it. If you would prefer to not bother, I understand.


Which one can’t you find?


OK, I can take you directly to the right spot, I just want to be clear that you should be careful. If you accidentally modify the wrong thing in there, it can be bad.

Head to:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch

You should see several keys including one named (or very similarly named):

If that is there just double click on it. It should look kinda jumbled but you should be able to make out some of your stuff on the right part of the file. If that’s there we might have a chance of recovering it.

This is kinda experimental and I just tested it for the first time so I’m not sure if it will always work.

The overall process will be to:

  1. Temporarily move your saves out of the new location
  2. Load up the game, have it auto move the old data over to the new location. (This will hopefully put your game into a temporary state where you are back to pre-0.7.7 st...
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OK, it’s a long shot, but your data might still live in your registry.

Are you comfortable going to check your registry for something? I just like to make sure before sending someone in there in case a mistake is made.


Hmm, ok, did you play before patch 0.7.7?


Hi there, sorry you’re experiencing difficulties. It feels like this post is a follow up to a previous one but I can’t find another one that you’ve made? We are working to fix these issues as quickly as we can. I’m assuming that you mean the items that were in your stash tabs are gone and not the actual tabs themselves.

I see that you were having some issues with character loading before. If those have been resolved, did your characters come back or did you have to start over again?

If it is a new character, I just need to check that it is in the same “league” so that’s HC vs SC and that you aren’t playing Solo Self Found as this will force a unique stash.

If you are loading in to an old character, did your crafting materials and gold also vanish? They are stored in a very similar method to the stash and should probably behave the same way.

If possible, getting you to submit your player.log file would be very helpful in attempting to solve the issue. More...

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Can you post each skill that you’re using? One of them might be having an issue. Also if you could post a link to your player.log file, we might be able to find something there. Thanks.


This might sound like an odd question but what skills are you using? Have you tried dropping the graphics settings down a bit from ultra?


Hey, sorry nobody has had a chance to get to this yet. I was talking to you on discord briefly I think. Dupz? I had a quick once over in the logs and I don’t see anything familiar that pops out at me. Sarno and Hacka spend a lot more time looking at these logs than I do so they might recognize something I ignored.

I will also preface this with I haven’t used Linux in years so I could have something wrong here. It appears that you’re using Pop!_OS maybe? It looks to be very similar to Ubuntu so I would expect that it should be fine. Technically we only support Ubuntu at the moment, however I do know that lots of people are playing on other distros too.

It almost looks like big chunks of the main UI are just missing and it’s choking. We might be able to send you a pre-set default graphics settings file that might be able to ease the first time startup process. Something might also have gone wrong when it downloaded and it could need some game file validating.

Did ...

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