

23 May


Yea, we have a lot of talks about pets still. We’re looking at all sorts of options for them right now and we aren’t really locked in to an option yet. We’re testing some things out internally right now but I’ll see if we can get some sort of update on the plan.


Currently we are planning on having individual loot per person. We have talked about making this an option that could be turned off or some sort of hybrid option too but for now the plan is just individual loot for everyone.

22 May


Lots more movement haha.

21 May


I would love to be able to give you the answers you are looking for with all those questions. Most of them aren’t really decided yet. D2 is a big influence in our online experience. We are going to make our system a little different in order to fit the different gameplay systems. I’ll do my best to give answers to what I can.

  • It will probably be part way between D2 and PoE. We really like the D2 lobby system where you can create game names etc. We’re not a huge fan of the general separation that it can give to the community sometimes. We are probably going to make that lobby feel a little more like a town itself, which fun fact was the initial intention for D2 in the first place.
  • First off, the rate at which you get arena keys will change dramatically. We know that the arena is a sweet system but we really don’t plan on it being the primary, secondary or even tertiary end game system when the game is released. It’s going to be more of an extra little thing you ...
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18 May


We’ve got the issue tracked down so we don’t need it for this problem but in the future you can find it with these instructions: https://support.lastepochgame.com/article/39-the-games-log-file

You could then upload it to pastebin or drive or something like that and post a link here.


We are keenly aware that the UI needs a colorblind mode. You’re right it’s important and we are going to do our best to make the UI functional and fun for as many people as we can. I think we will start working on a colorblind system when the UI is more set. Right now it changes a little bit here and there weekly.

17 May


Thanks, we’re working on it


Thanks for the info guys, I think we’ve got an idea on what has caused this and how to fix it.


I need some output logs to see if it has a clue for me. Anyone who is having this issue, please send it to me here or on Discord.


Can I get an output log from you after you’ve done this a few times?


Hey bud, when you get a sec, can I snag an output log from you?


Thanks for the report, could you get me your output log?


We just found a bug in the storm totem tree that I fixed this morning. Some nice changes coming for it.


That’s a really good point about how gems and gear are pretty large pillars of PoE builds and are freely changeable at will. I will say that skill gems are fairly dependent on gear and passives so if you want to change to new skill gems, you quite often need to change your passives too so they aren’t quite as flexible as it might seem.

We will be taking steps to increase the flexibility of our systems. Allowing more than 5 skill specs but not increasing the bar size is an interesting option to help with that. My main concern would be running through a level with your AoE skill on and then switching to your boss killer skill when you get to the end. We’ll have to talk about it more.


Yea, I’ve done it for the next patch. Not sure when that will be but it’s ready to go.


I might have missed those ones. If so, I’ll fix them too.

edit: I checked and those ones say minion so they are actually working as shown. I’ll change them over to say one companion and fix it in the back end too.


haha, sorry no, it just only counts companions,


Just fixed it for next patch :smile:


thanks guys, fixed for next patch