

16 Aug


Hey guys, just popping my head back in to let you know that we are still working on passive changes. I know you were hoping for some passive changes this patch. We’ve got some fairly big changes across the board coming. It will have some pretty big implications for the passives in general and we didn’t think that making the changes twice was a good use of our time. Our goal will be to make mastering for all classes feel more impactful and focused. This will also come hand in hand with the new respec system.

I’ll make a big dev blog explaining it when we’re ready to talk specifics. I’m writing one on shatter strike and the next community skill tree right now.


Ok, thanks for the extra info. I’m going to see what we can use to improve the system. This doesn’t happen very often but when it does, it’s really bad so I’m working to get rid of this bug.

If it happens again, I would like the log file if possible.


I’m sorry to hear about the gear. Some piece of gear in Tab 2 was bugged in such a way that it caused the loading process to stop.

Just so I can get a better picture of what happened, can you pick the scenario that best describes what happened?

  1. Open game, load character, items gone, close game, get log file, send it in.
  2. Open game, load character, items gone, close game, reopen game to double check, still gone, close game, get log file, send it in.
  3. Something else.

11 Aug


Interesting, that’s a really strange difference, it actually runs the same game from each.

09 Aug


Trying to allocate: 18446744059594600072B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: Serialization

What? You don’t have 18 exabytes of RAM?

Thanks for the logs, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on but it’s trying to allocate an absurd amount of memory. Could you drop your graphics settings down to the absolute lowest on everything and try to do it again?

Also, can you still load in to other zones?

We’re working on it but this is a new one for us so it might take us a bit.

07 Aug


I think that’s probably the goal for us. We just don’t quite have the bandwidth to develop that system yet.


You are all over the good finds. I’m not sure what we’re going to do about this one. You’re right, it should probably be displayed on the character sheet. I did a quick check to see if I could do that right now but alas it’s going to take a little deeper of a dive to fix it.


I’m glad you are excited for Epoch. Just wanted to pop in and reassure you that we will not be adding any pay to win mechanics. We don’t like them in games we play and we don’t want them in games we make.

06 Aug


The fix for this didn’t quite make it in to this patch but it’s coming.


05 Aug


Thanks :smile: I’m glad you’re having fun.

04 Aug


Thanks for the report, we will be looking in to how these are behaving. No changes for the upcoming patch however.


good catch, you’re right, it’s only supposed to affect necrotic abilities, I’m working on it for the next patch.


Hi there, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but we can’t do anything to get the gear back at the moment. When gear goes online then we could probably do something for you.

If you experience a crash again, please grab the output log file before starting the game again and send it to us. When the game starts up, it clears the output log.

I’m trying to recreate the crash but as of yet it’s stable for me. I’m taking a closer look at those nodes to make sure that they are solid and working as intended.

Sorry about the items bud.


Yea, it’s a tough one, I just checked it and it is behaving as the tooltip says it does. I think we will probably look in to having the tooltips for the stats in the character sheet display more detailed information. So if you moused over the overall shock chance, then it would show you your spell, melee, bow and throwing shock chances. This won’t be in this next patch.


I’m doing some work on these nodes right now. I saw your other post about them only giving melee damage which I’ve fixed. I might increase their duration I think. Seems like the best way to make it useful without being over powered. Keep us updated on how it feels though as we’ll keep working on it.


Thanks for the report, we’re looking for a way to fix this problem.


ty, fix’d