

04 Aug


Good catch, fixed. It will do all damage types in the next patch

31 Jul


Hey guys, was just taking another quick peek at this and I thought I would leave an explanation here as it won’t appear to be fixed in the next update. (It is working).

The number in the character sheet is what buffs your minions are spawned with, not what buffs they currently have. When you fury leap, it gives them all a temporary buff but your character sheet doesn’t record buffs that your minions have, just buffs that you have which will make newly summoned minions stronger.


We’ve got a patch coming down the pipe pretty soon here too.

07 Jul


I’m glad you liked that. I remember coming very close to removing that from the post too.

05 Jul


Multiplayer is not available on the public client right now.

22 Jun


We agree, we’re adding more :slight_smile:

We appreciate feedback, even when it’s not positive. That’s how the game gets better.


We are working on new weapon types, dual wielding and new off hand options. No exact timeline on when yet but it is in active development.

18 Jun


I can’t really give any more details about what we’re planning with the tree. Sometimes things are in the game as experiments that don’t work out. This is the time to try them. Some nodes are still placeholders and others don’t really make sense until some skills arrive.

17 Jun


There are two things happening here. We had a problem with stash loading happening and being interrupted part way causing the loading to stop. This one should be fixed as the loading happens earlier and can’t be interrupted as easily.

The second thing is that if an item in the stash is bugged, it can cause the stash loading to break. Unfortunately, this is caused by something that happens long before the loading process. It happens in the previous play session. When a new play session starts, the logs are overwritten. This means we can’t get a good read on the real problem because the logs don’t actually go back far enough to see the actual cause of the problem.

Rest assured, it is a priority and we make changes to the item systems every patch. I’ll be taking another look at it this week to see what we can do.

15 Jun


Poison for Primalist isn’t going anywhere.


Hey there, you may have noticed that we didn’t really do anything to the passive trees this patch. I just wanted to poke my head in and say that I’ve been lurking this thread for a couple weeks and I am paying attention to it. We will be referencing it during the next Primalist passive tree revamp. Not that everything will be used but you’ve got some really great suggestions in here that I like a lot.

11 Jun


Short term, if you would like to use one of those nodes with the current version, you can go to windowed mode and set a 16:9 aspect ratio to get access to those nodes.


Ok, we’ll have to take a look at setting that up to work with that aspect ratio. You’re probably also having some overlap issues with things like inventory and forging panel.

05 Jun


Even though all those ideas came from this thread, I wanted to keep a little mystery as to which ones I was using.


The part that is most valuable to making the actual tree in game is the keynodes. The everything else nodes are far less important and if that’s what’s taking most of the time for you, I would almost suggest just making the keynodes and supporting keynodes.

There are a lot of really subtle things that go in to the skill trees, for example, the paladin doesn’t have cold nodes because the god that represents cold damage is so against the paladin’s values that he can’t use cold skills for the most part.

My favorite suggestions are the transformative ones.


Something like this…time to start cutting and combining nodes.

shatter strike.PNG2151×1190 957 KB


That’s almost the effect we’re going for here. This way we can get the best ideas from everyone in. I’m compiling it right now and I’ve got WAY more nodes than I can use and they are all awesome. All of them came from the community.

We used a skill that was already in the game but didn’t have a tree yet because that way people have a feel for it and know what they might want from it. Making a tree for a skill you’ve never used before is, in general, not going to yield as good ideas I think.


Wow! This is a treasure trove of great ideas. I really appreciate the effort you’ve gone to here.
I have picked my favorites to incorporate into the tree in combination with our other submissions.

I think you’ll be able to tell which nodes are from you haha. I wish I could do more of them. Some are a little too complicated so I’ve tried to distill some of them down a bit and a couple are unfortunately impossible with our current setup.

In the future if you make another one of these, and I hope you do, it’s a lot easier to follow when the nodes on the graphic have a brief description written on them. Google Drawings is a really great tool for this. The exact node requirements isn’t typically super crucial to get the ideas flowing. I know you can’t fit quite that much detail in but you could include explanations below for just the really complex ones. Might end up saving you some time too.

Seriously, really good stuff, I hope you do this again when we open up...

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Wow guys! Tons of amazing suggestions here. Literally too many to use them all. I think almost all the initial ideas for nodes in this tree are going to come from the community. I’ve just gone through and compiled all your ideas and I’ve got about 3x what I need. We will for sure be doing this again with another skill down the road. We can’t do it for every skill but this was awesome!