

14 Jan


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Can I guess ? Shieldbow to legendary and a new mythic ? Blood thirster maybe ?

Long term I want to get Shieldbow to legendary if a good idea pans out.

Generally, moving around whole item systems is not something that happens in a week and a half.

I'm still pretty happy with how 13.2 is shipping. I'll probably post about it tomorrow.


Originally posted by FocaDaGuerra

The reverse Collector effect

Funny thing is, Collector does things that people always fail to math (executing at 5% and guaranteeing the gold on the carry). It fails the math test but is actually good.

Radiant Virtue just straight up passes the math test and is good.


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

13.2 will have a lot of overall changes that impact the game a lot due to it being item changes.

Sustain and AH bruiser item changes.

GW item changes.

Oh and there's more. :)

12 Jan


Originally posted by SpiffyMagnetMan68621

Overshot? You meant to land on the moon and instead you put his ass on Jupiter

We here at Riot Games have very good rocket ships.

11 Jan


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Hey I've seen this one, this is a classic

Hey, I know this guy!

09 Jan


Originally posted by RiotPhlox

What handsome people

Super handsome. Just wonderful human beings.

06 Jan


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Phreak are you still going to doing champ spotlights as well?

That's the plan!

05 Jan


Originally posted by deflector_shield

Was Jatts experience an element within your decision?

I spoke with Jatt when I was first considering the transition. I don’t think our convo really pushed me in any direction. Was just useful to get his perspective.


Originally posted by Setrit

Oh god, Draven is gonna be in the gutter from this point onward I guess..

Nah just caitlyn mana buffs.


Originally posted by bz6

Quick question /u/PhreakRiot:

Why would you increase the damage on a utility item? Rather than sharpen its niche use? I believe this is a major problem holistically within the item system. There is not enough tradeoff between say utility and damage.

Given more time I could probably think of a better niche for horizon focus. Honestly the item may need a rework. But for now the reveal is about as strong as it needs to be and the rest comes down to the item being functional and competitive. 15 AP should put it in a very solid place compared to Shadowflame, which is its current closest competitor.

04 Jan


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

Hi Phreak, will you still be doing your patch rundowns? It's a bit different since you're the one doing the balance changes, but it would be great to see some deeper insight on the balance choices.

Yeah that's the plan. Now with extra context on my changes!


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Thoughts on doing patch rundowns like Mort does for TFT with guests/others from the team? He is goated dev.

I already do those for most patches on my own youtube channel (plug:


Originally posted by Kierenshep

Are you still with league as a game designer, or another game?

I work at Riot on the Summoner's Rift Team as a game designer. I made the changes to Axiom Arc, Horizon Focus, and Xayah that are coming in 13.1 (someone else directly implemented them).


Originally posted by Actually_Godlike

Not gonna complain about it getting an AP buff, but I was hoping for its ability haste to be increased myself. Any chance we'll see more items for mages with Haste, or Haste increased on some other items now that it's been reduced on archangels as well?

I chose AP over Haste because the item tends to beat Shadowflame when Vel'Koz etc. are playing support and slightly underperform to Shadowflame when playing mid.

So I pushed the item toward things like wave clear and burst in order to make it a better farming mage item.

Maybe the item is actually just overall better served as a source of haste but I didn't think any more deeply than the above.


Originally posted by 2th

Horizon will remain a bad choice so long as it stays bugged as hell though.

So I looked into Horizon pretty extensively. It’s pretty much tied with Shadowflame on all the usual suspects. This buff should make it clearly dominant and usher some players to try it out when they otherwise wouldn’t.

Longer term, I want to fix the bugs. But your statement isn’t accurate. It can be good even with the bugs.


Originally posted by pointeringed

I wonder if Phreak was negotiated with either. Pastrytime said it wasn’t his decision to quit, Dash says the same.

What are Riot doing?

If I wanted to cast in the same capacity (assignments, pay, etc.) in 2023 I could have. I chose to become a game designer.


Also on this list is a Xayah buff. I picked it up after the tweet was sent.

27 Dec


As a quick thing about this, you have to compare items as a whole.

Duskblade, Youmuu's, etc. all have much more AD than, for example, LDR.

Especially early game, flat AD is a very important stat. So building items that give 60+ AD as well as 10-20 lethality is a really good stat profile for killing Ashe and the like.

Ravenous Hydra appears to still be exceptionally strong, arguably overpowered. It's almost certainly Zed's best first item. Not going to debate that one. That said, for second item Zed, both Duskblade and Prowler's appear to out-perform Cleaver. So players are opting toward bruisery target-agnostic builds, but lethality appears to out-perform.

21 Dec


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

its more what the game has swung towards, it doesn't have to be some insanely snowballed riven just a 2/0 fiora or irelia with normal bruiser items that are super overtuned (death dance, jaksho, botrk right now, but there seems to always be something) and they just always seem to have disproportional impact from their performance due to how much better bruiser items and runes always are than every other classes.

It never feels like bruisers have to work hard to have 1v5 levels of impact compared to every other class, simply because when they get a small lead all their items are so unfair (both give a ton of damage and make them unkillable) no one can stop them.

I just really don't agree there. I don't see normal or slightly-elevated income fighters hard carry games.

I think jungle is slightly overtuned as a role because of how much impact it has on the game overall but it's not because Viego or Jax or whatever just wins the game at 20 minutes.

20 Dec


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

the problem comes from continuing to pump more and more power into bruisers and toplane without actually changing any of the macro or gameplay involvement for everyone else.

So now toplane sits on an island for a bit then solo decides the result for the other 8 people in the game, which is the worst possible scenario.

FWIW League has at least made improvements there: Rift Herald is still somewhat of a team objective, but at least there's something to do around top side before Baron spawns. I'd go as far as to argue that top side objectives mean more than bottom side ones. Pro play seems to indicate that Herald is more important than Drake. Yes, the team roams over there, but that's how objectives work.

I don't agree with the premise that the Riven (or whoever) comes out of top lane and just solo decides the game. Maybe if they're 13-0 and every other lane is at a stand-still, then sure. Someone's ahead and it probably matters. But I think "Island... then solo decides the result" is not very accurate.