I was at WCG grand finals in 2010. Phreak was on stage alone with a mic in his hand looking up at the projector and casting the finals solo. Absolute legend.
To be fair that was with Deman.
I was at WCG grand finals in 2010. Phreak was on stage alone with a mic in his hand looking up at the projector and casting the finals solo. Absolute legend.
To be fair that was with Deman.
Wow! Can't believe Phreak would say that!
Trinity force deals no damage and should be removed 😢
So uh.. about that true damage, is it about time we can have it back? :)
It truly does damage.
I can help add insight. This Rioter, IS NOT ME. I don't like trains. They're coarse and rough and irritating. And they get everywhere.
Phreak, I noticed that your voice sounds actually a bit like Reigan's English VA from Mob Psycho. I just thought you should know.
Thanks, I'm glad you told me this.
Oh I can help with this one.
I know two things about Riot writers: they’re bad at spelling and they love trains.
This was ment to be TRAIN sending. Kayle is canonically a big fan of Thomas the Tank Engine. That’s why she has true damage and an armor/mr shred. She’s so experienced with tanks that she knows how to defeat them. She’s sending trains straight to the big scrapyard in the sky. Hence TRAIN SENDING when she gets level 16.
Hope this helps.
What an oxymoron you can’t increase skill floor and make something easier to get into
I’ve seen skill floor used both ways
I’ve seen it be “here’s what you can accomplish when you know nothing” and I’ve seen it be “here’s how much you need to know to be useful.” For what it’s worth I like the former more than the latter.
Braum ult is both an insane Engage and Disengage tool, and the definition of "Reliable high Impact Ability", so what are you talking about? K'santes only tool when someone jumps the ADC is to ult the enemy, unless he happens to have the Q charged, and if you don't hit a wall it covers about as much distance as a Poppy e. And Poppy has another unconditional cc and a conditional one to back that up.
E is a shield, w is a stun, and r is another stun+displacement. None of those require setup. Q is a slow without setup, which is admittedly less powerful. Literally every button on K’Sante’s kit helps keep a squishy alive.
Braum R is horrible engage. Virtually every other tank engages better than Braum.
I honestly think the main problem Tank mains (me included) have with K'sante not feeling like a Tank is reliability. A tank has two jobs, which are starting a Fight, and keeping your backline safe. For both of those you need reliable high impact abilities, that you can instantly use when the time is right. K'sante does not have something like that, sure his R is powerful, but it is neither an Initiator nor a protection tool, and while his Q provides a lot of cc, it is not always up when you need it, and you can't keep it ready.
Guess Braum’s not a tank then. Not all tanks initiate.
I see what you're saying and that is an interesting perspective. To some extent there is value to really pushing the boundary of how classes feel to give variety, but then obviously you run into the Pyke problem sometimes where its not a tank for tank players, its a tank for people who don't otherwise play tanks, which is fun for some but not for others.
Also i dont personally think the button feedback on Ksante feels that good, and that is clouding my opinion. E feels really awkward to use and W doesn't feel as powerful as like Alistar Headbutt for instance.
Completely biased but I personally think that tank built Galio is a good example of a tank with lots of fun buttons to press, and I think that's one of the most fun and unique tank releases ever.
I think Galio is very cool.
I also think it is a very good thing for League, and by extension its roles, to fit as large a variety of players as possible. This includes unique champions like K’Sante.
He doesn't play anything like a tank or feel anything like a tank, if the "solution" to making a fun tank is to just make a fighter then that's a huge disappointment. Maybe the next tank release five years from now will land a little better.
Devil's advocate:
Player inputs are not the same thing as champion outputs. Maybe Riot's done a historically bad job of making fun player inputs for tanks.
Malphite has no (edit: one) interesting buttons to press. His output is clearly tank since 3/4 buttons apply crowd control and his passive and W give him durability. But he's not fun to play (for most people). I'd argue Rammus fills a similar niche in a much more interesting way.
K'Sante, however, has really interesting player inputs. He deals some damage, sure, but every button is CC or shielding. He probably "feels" like a fighter because he has fighter inputs: Tight timing windows (W), auto-attack resets, low-ish cooldowns, and huge positional play. So he PLAYS like a fighter or skirmisher but he still fits team comps like a tank.
Honestly, taking a slightly optimistic view of it, that just seems kinda genius IMO.
Every win that was not in Phreak's basement should be dismissed
Based and Phreakpilled
True and based
Damn never thought I'd get phreak to reply. Been impressed by your casting the last few years man!
Thank you!
Driving from Canada to Eastern Europe is tough, those are some true friends!
Dammit beat me to the joke :(
The fact that no one is thread is even mentioning the 1hp nexus inhib respawn game shows just how stacked the entire tournament was.
Any other worlds that would’ve been an easy top 3 highlight.
100% agree.
Love the hype you bring to the action and how you come up with memorable lines to immortalize moments. “Rebuilds his throne with the skulls of his enemies”? Sheeeeeeesh.
Thought of it either that morning or somewhere during the first two games. Was like “ok yeah I gotta find a place to use that” and thankfully he had some pop off plays.
I’m glad you liked the casts! Had a blast with those games, too!
Love you Phreak <3
Love me too <3
I don’t know you but I assume you’re pretty cool. You at least have good taste in shoutcasters.
oh nice, new phreak lore just dropped
Happy to help :)