

23 Oct


It’s largely mindless. RFC is heavily over-purchased. It’s useful if getting that one auto off really matters. It can for Jinx to get the passive reset. Rocket autos are also decent splash damage since you can hit several champions for 1.1x damage. But in general, yeah, RFC is often wrong.

19 Oct


Damn, that's actually cool as f*ck. I'm not normally hyped for skins and I'm a dogsh*t top laner but now I need this.

If anyone on SRT is watching, please make him a viable jungler.

18 Oct



I'll also be watching LCS next year.

17 Oct

16 Oct


Originally posted by kkeptt

That's not really Levi's fault not sure why Phreak said he missed the most important smite of the year lol, that was a team error

He literally missed Smite.

15 Oct


Originally posted by Gluroo

JDG might be the only team in the entire world who unironically might be better at playing from behind than playing with a lead lmao

idk if any such team can even logically exist but if it does its JDG

According to Games of Legends, JDG has a 100% win rate when ahead at gold at 15 minutes across the entire summer split.

14 Oct


Originally posted by eatingpotatochips

I like how’s he’s so OG he doesn’t follow the Riot_____ convention

By the time I made the name, someone had already stolen RiotPhreak.

The downsides of being slightly e-famous before making accounts everywhere.

06 Oct


Originally posted by Carpet-Heavy

you know what's even crazier, look at the top reply to the tweet. it's Phreak, who has historically been relatively pro-grievous wounds, agreeing that it's a trash buy in this context of ranged vs melee.

then, he gets 3x ratioed by an objectively incorrect reply that claims he previously defended orb in ranged vs melee. that's just f**king wild LOL. pretty obvious where the circlejerk is coming from as well.

:) :) :) :) :)

05 Oct


Originally posted by Taiji2

The leash changes specifically do remove some decision trees. Whether to sacrifice health for speed on a double camp and whether to leash into bushes to defend invades are relevant in almost every game. Needing to declare intent by kiting in a direction, such as towards another camp or towards a lane is also meaningful sometimes. There are many aspects that are purely mechanical as well, but that's true of every role. If the difficulty is too high, wouldn't increasing leash ranges to make double camping easier also fix the problem?

I think the leash distance re: intent is slightly overstated here. It's not no-change, to be clear, but you still kite monsters in a direction. There's still somewhere to be and it's still correct to bring it to the edge of patience. Now more players know where that distance is and can more comfortably make that choice.

I think the argument of "make double-camping mechanically easier" is a poor one. Doing it at all is not intuitive, which is the problem. It's not that it takes time in practice tool to learn the Red/Raptors or Blue/Wolves Fiddlesticks start, it's that you really just have to watch someone else do it on YouTube to even think of it. And then it's kinda just a "Did I watch a YouTube video?" tax which I'm not personally a fan of. Plus increasing leash ranges even further pushes jungle into a list of hyper-optimized things you must do to earn more gold per minute. Not only do you need to be outside the circle at 40 health so it burns, but you need to pull every s...

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Originally posted by ThatsAToad

TFW the series between Japan, a minor region, and the reigning MSI champs was closer and more interesting than the series between NA’s 3rd seed and EU’s 4th seed

The gap is simultaneously closing and widening


Originally posted by RedditIronJungler

This wrong. Pulling camps has more benefits then just clear speed. It's a super important tool for avoiding invades and pulling off risky invades. Going Hurr durr gromp+blue ever clear isn't how it works and understanding when you can double camp and when you can't is jungles version of wave manipulation.

Indeed, safety around invades has gone down. Looks like players have some learning to do around jungle invades.


Originally posted by Taiji2

What is the consideration when deciding whether or not to implement a mechanic like last hit indicators? I do not fully see the difference between indicators for leash ranges, ultimate damage thresholds, and for minion last hits, and I'm frankly not against an indicator that reveals when your auto attack will kill a minion.

So, personally, I would like there to even be tower range indicators.

In my mind, things that do not change or don't have even first-grade math involved should likely just be shown to players. Cho'Gath and Pyke R, for example, is just comparing tooltip number to health bar. For basic attacking minions, comparing total AD to health bar is just as easy and I think it should exist. There could be an argument around things like BotRK/Wit's/Noonquiver making that slightly less trivial and thus breaking the rule, but I think even just doing it based on total AD would be fine.

As for how the Summoner's Rift team--who would likely make such a change--feel, I couldn't say.

04 Oct


Originally posted by Ikea_desklamp

Actually I do. I think its total BS and removes skill expression from the game by giving pyke a huge "KILL NOW" indicator. Part of being good at cho (before they gave him one too) was knowing your damage threshold to not f up your ult. The game doing that for you is lame.

I feel you, but the game literally tells you the true damage of the ability on the tooltip and has for many years. It's comparably much harder to know at what damage Garen R will kill someone than reading the Cho'Gath tooltip and it saying "823" and going, "K I'm gonna look for 823 or lower."

For any ability asking for anything more than just "read the tooltip" there isn't an indicator. To me, that feels fair.


Originally posted by HawkEye1337

It's easier to target a certain player in a bo5 than a bo1 because you have more info and time, MAD showed 2 main strategies in groups and EG just banned them out.

As though 20+ games in Europe this split aren’t enough?


Originally posted by WaroftanksPro

I literally put in /s

Rhetorical sarcasm is the exact method people have been using this week to lambast the changes, which made the intent of your post unknowable.

I’m glad you like the changes, though!


Originally posted by WaroftanksPro

I actually don't dislike the changes, I was just making a joke expanding on the parent comment and not trying to argue any sort of slippery slope fallacy

The problem is, your satire (or sarcasm) is indistinguishable from the exact same comments that people mean legitimately.

A substantial portion of "I don't like this" posts simply strawman a hypothetical.


Originally posted by Jozoz

I'm honestly a bit worried these changes will backfire. It might be nice for people starting out with jungle, but I am afraid it will hurt the staying power of the role and hurt the things that make junglers really like jungling.

A big reason of why people are motivated to learn jungle and to excel at the role is so they can acquire all this knowledge and apply it in the game.

Jungle has always been a thinking man's role. No other role is as much about out-braining your opponent.

What pushed me to learn jungle all those years ago was exactly because this appealed to me.

It seems simple on paper, you kill jungle camps and you gank lanes. But the complexity is endless. And no one is holding your hand. You decide what to do. How to clear, when to gank. Everything is down to your strategy.

I think these changes take away from this aspect. The game giving you clear paths means you don't have to think as much. The game timing every camp for you fr...

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In what way are you not thinking? I'm not suddenly dumber at clearing just because I don't kill Gromp+Blue together.

You literally have deeper choices than "red or blue smite" and otherwise have slightly slower clears. That's it. That's the changes.


Originally posted by WaroftanksPro

Also indicators whether you can kill someone in a full combo! Along with a popup on exactly how to execute said combo /s

You realize that several champions literally have execute indicators, but not others, right?

No one loses their mind over Cho'Gath and Pyke having execute indicators.

Because, you know, it's implemented with consideration and not slippery slope bullsh*t like Reddit likes to spew because they can't argue against the actual changes being made.

03 Oct


Originally posted by Royal-Derpness

Saigon Buffalos actually engages on a 5 man sleep from Lillia ult. This is a subtle nod that they are not TSM and also not from NA.

All I could think of during that play but no way it’s correct to flame TSM mid-fight.

02 Oct


Originally posted by burger_eater68

I heavily agree with this. People here talking about how Aatrox ignores blind as if that's Teemo's only way to win. Swifties + W makes it easy to dodge any skillshot, which is a majority of Aatrox's damage. Most people are just tunnel visioning on the blind.

Except that Teemo’s auto range is Aatrox’s Q range. So either guess where it’s going literally every time or take 500 damage from QQE with the chance of WQ3