

24 Nov


Originally posted by ChangeisGod

but why or how do you expect bruiser panth to work? he doesnt have the kit for a bruiser

no good dps, 0 sustain, no tankyness throughout fights because his e cd is so long

also no changes to him dmg wise except the w seems kind of strange. whats gonna stop him from falling of later i the game like he does atm?

Q CD is sustained dmg and also a damage buff. Pretty massive for the list overall


Originally posted by TheNasky1

does his tap Q still get cancelled midcast by cc? if so, when are you going to fix that!?

Aiming to fix that actually. Hard to track down this bug in particular but it's a goal!


Originally posted by TitanDweevil

With the R change is the AoE looking like Brand W size or is it more similar to old Pantheon R? Hitting someone with his R right now is already insanely difficult if not impossible. Hitting his old R was considerably hard to do as well, so if the hit box on the spear is pretty small, I can't imagine it ever hitting anyone.

Its like a Brand W but comes out much earlier than the rest of the ult. Sorts like a setup piece with the slow


Originally posted by A_Very_Horny_Zed

Disregard if you don't have the insight or information: Why weren't there preemptive buffs for Yone considering how reliant he was on the Guinsoo build? From Preseason up to today, Yone's winrate went from 43% to 48%. Has he been forgotten or was he deemed in need of a nerf when he's already underperforming?

Iirc Yonex/Yasuo both actually had good/viable/strong builds but they weren't doing them. Instead of going Shieldbow most people were still rushing PD (and losing hard). I dont have great context into specific numbers though


Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

I’m thinking the q mana reduc is gonna help make him a better support. He can’t tower dive but now he can w stun tap q auto, e, etc more easily cause the cd and mana are lowered.

To be fair I only use him as an anti yuumi weapon

Kill da cat


Originally posted by Tronei

What are your guys' intentions with the empowered E movespeed addition? Is it to make his E pretty much a purely disengage tool? It seems a little strange on paper (ofc I'd have to play it to be sure of it), compared to something like say a damage reduction or something along those lines where it keeps you in the frontline afterwards.

Teamfight mobility can feel really good for repositioning after you're locked to a position by your E. Also it helps with escaping ganks etc. Definitely want to see how it feels in game to people


Originally posted by FallenLulu

Sounds really cool! Sorry if that's off-topic, but can you share something about the enchanter supp buffs thats coming 10.25? The suspense is killing me.

Sorry I dont have excellent insight into those


Originally posted by Texual_Deviant

With these changes, are you expecting him to use primarily lethality assassin items, or tap more into bruiser itemization?

Definitely expecting him to try more bruiser items. (Lethality is definitely still good)

We've seen a lot of success on Eclipse, and some matchup dependent stuff with even items like Divine Sunderer or Botrk. Cleaver feels way better now too


Hey all, these should drop Wednesday to PBE (I think). I'd love to hear how it sounds and how it plays out if you can manage a few games

13 Nov


Originally posted by yungraffi

sick sylas winrate 35% pain

All Jungle APs are struggling we're doing larger scope work

22 Oct


Originally posted by BlackTecno

Is there going to be something to replace Runic's for mana users? It feels kind of bad to need to go seraphs because you want to use one of the non-mana mythics

I suspect mage types who would use a mana mythic if they were in mid would use one in the jungle too


Yep the omnivamp was bugged so no surprise youre getting absolutely clapped. It should be fixed on this deploy! Or next idk

Sorry about that :(

20 Oct


Originally posted by PaulTheIII


NERF - Too strong in both Jungle and Mid in Elite play

He's only strong in jg & bot, stop hitting mid for no reason when he's perfectly fine there

edit: the client doesn't even recognize him as a midlaner

Champ was kinda nuts across 3 positions and multiple elo brackets. By winrate Karthus jungle is the weakest of the 3. Deathsinger kinda nuts rn

18 Oct


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

Sorry for the spam. I guess to summarize my feelings on the matter (and those that I have seen from others who I speak to), it feels like the jungle item changes were a secondary biproduct / necessary evil in order to implement mythic items, rather than a first-order desired change in and of itself. i.e. that jungle items had to be removed because otherwise junglers would be screwed by missing out on first item mythics like everyone else, rather than jungle items being removed because they actually were problematic.

They weren't stellar and exciting design anyways. They were functional but not optimal, ya feel?

17 Oct


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

Thanks. Can you comment on motivations for smite delay and removing cheap 1-item spikes? Was some part of the gameplay unhealthy, or..?

Items were to open up junglers to the rest of the item system and actually allow them to engage in choice and not just statsticks. Its just more interesting to choose cool items than get stuck building warrior every game first.

For smite, it's all about ceremonializing the event and actually letting you invest in stuff you care about. Frankly people don't really like spending money to upgrade smite a lot of the time and now they get this cool way to get it rather than spending cash that could be longswords on smite. It also adds texture to the jungle as there's some small goal to move forward to in-game


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

Have there been any internal discussions on jungle item changes? The following feels pretty bad:

  • No machete hurts champions like Kindred and Twitch’s single target clear speed by a large large margin.
  • Automatic smite upgrade is now time gated, whereas before, it was common for specific champions to buy the smite upgrade after their first back for increased invade/skirmish/gank power. These champions now have to wait until the 5 smite mark.
  • No more jungle-exclusive 1-item power spike. Junglers used to be able to build a complete item before any laner realistically could (barring super cheap items). It was an amazing power spike considering the low cost. With this being gone, it feels pretty bad trying to get over that early hump to reach your mythic spike on some champions.

Haven’t heard anything about jungle items since the PBE release, so I’m just curious if anything further is planned/being discussed.

Still monitoring the machete junglers to see how they are. Smite delay and so on is intentional


Originally posted by night3zz

Hello Phlox, Is there a feature that allows me to resize the shop?

Iirc we're looking into something like this for atypical resolutions


Originally posted by Cav3Johnson

One of the main offenders is the Rock Solid passive on a few tank items, having a lower health scaling on the finished item vs the component, will these be fixed too?



Originally posted by DanDevito42

pls fix ornn items daddy

Theyre close <3


Originally posted by DeckWraith

Why is demonic embrace not available in the practice tool?

Bugged, I fixed it Wednesday then it got rebugged lmao