

04 Nov


Originally posted by Farlston

I'd love to know Riot's logic behind when they hotfix Vs when they wait for a patch. It seems so inconsistent...

Lethality Xayah and Vi were both breaking 55% winrates (with Xayah outperforming Vi).

These characters were pretty wildly out of line and waiting another patch would've caused a lot of messed up games, especially at the end of the ranked season.

30 Oct


Originally posted by leobat

i was on the edge of my seat, that elder coinflip was too much for my heart

Actually nuts

28 Oct


Originally posted by PMme_Your_Smut

Counter offer: a riot cardback in LoR Or a MS paint masterpiece of shaco



Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Will there be anymore minor rune changes and item adjust/additions in 11.23 pbe ? Any particular one you're hype about?

I think there are a few more that might roll in over the next little while. Not 100% sure though


Originally posted by Rhastago

If you promise to keep Fimbulwinter as it is in PBE - tanks across nations will do their best to carry you every game. Promise.

No changes for it planned


Originally posted by About23Ninjas

I'll do it for a homemade coupon code for a champion buff of my choice

How about a mystery reward? Everyone loves mysteries


Smh clip one of my sweet outplays next time

26 Oct


Originally posted by HopeSheNotices

I see your point. From a purely balance standpoint, as you alluded to it would make more sense to push him in the direction with a higher win rate and more consistent play style as that would lead to less of a disparity between pro and regular play. As an avid attack speed Varus player, i would like to mention a lot of us prefer this play style over lethality but we’re definitely not in the majority.

It just feels bad to have the champion nerfed for a play style you dont support at a level you dont play at.

EDIT: i forgot to mention i feel as if you could still support his lethality build without it being his primary build right? Thinking something akin to Zac who has some ap ratios if you desire to play him ap but its an off meta build. Varus’ kit feels so chopped and changed right now. Why not had an AS scaling with his E? Or more on hit dmg on W.

Yeah it's definitely painful, and thats why I dont think his current state is wholly sustainable. Sadly it's not the kind of thing I can just snap my fingers on and find a perfect fix


Originally posted by HopeSheNotices

Why not push Varus away from the lethality build? Nowadays that seems to be the only build on him that unbalanceable and abused in pro play the most. It is the least interactive one with arguably less counter play.

This is a hard question really, Lethality varus is fairly unique and a lot of players love him so it's a high cost to just delete it.

Yeah we'd have a more balanced character, is it worth it?

This isn't to say the current state is ideal at all though, imo the character could use some larger work


Originally posted by ProEngineer3000

Welp, happy for Renekton players, I like those Yuumi nerfs as well, but that Varus buff... it just buffs lethality Varus again, doesn't it?

That Rhaast buff is pretty big apparently, but I'd like to know how good it actually is since you do still miss out on a lot of free AD because of the loss of Goredrinker's Spite passive.

Lethality varus is ~3%+ worse than AS Varus right now. I know it always feels a bit rough when we tune one build up and down and leave the other alone. In Varus' case the AS build is the consistently powerful one but the lethality one is the popular one (including for pros).


Originally posted by resonmis

When we gonna see Senna buffs ? Her rune glacial is not working any more for her :(

I think we're wait-to-see on Senna. There's a lot of shakeup in the new world so we're gonna followup if she ends up bad or whatever but not do a bunch of stuff to anticipate that


Originally posted by Balorix

Where's the Renekton buffs? :((

Thought they'd make it for this deploy. I'll be putting out the full list later today with Renekton and everyone else

19 Oct


Originally posted by puppy_girl


Does Seraph embrace still have this?

Unique – Awe: Gain ability power equal to 5% bonus mana.

It gets haste instead of AP now from that


Originally posted by TheOnlyTrueEnte

Demonic Embrace, including its passive, gives 69 AP.


13 Oct


Originally posted by Mr_Simba

What about with Jinx? Happy to see these changes as a Jinx player but surprised to see such spicy buffs when her win rate seems good(?). Maybe the public data doesn’t match what you guys have internally though.

She's not doing so hot by internal data

12 Oct


Originally posted by FrostWareYT

Oh also what would be the chances of Teemo getting changes to his kit similar to how he is in Wild rift? I have no idea if these would be good or bad for him/the game but I’m curious if you guys are considering something along those lines.

This was before my time but I think we tried a dash W version of teemo that players didn't like? This was a while ago so idk if its changed


Originally posted by BrightNooblar

What is the break point where a "Early number down, late number up" change is a "Adjustment" and not a "Nerf"?

Are champion changes always approximated into buff/nerf vocabulary?

It varies a lot depending on the champ and the magnitude. This one was down early where it matters most and only up a bit at the end, so a nerf. If it was down early and up a lot mid-late that might be more of an adjustment


Originally posted by photographyraptr

But isn't that what playtesting is for? If a change COULD be oppressive shouldn't y'all be collecting sufficient data beforehand to decide if it's too oppressive to push to live? We saw the same thing with Galio Q and it feels awful to subject players on live to changes you aren't sure about just to shake up the game. This whole season has honestly felt like a failed test which is going to be so hard to recover from.

We did playtest it a few times actually, they can only get us so far though. These changes seemed pretty good internally, but sometimes things do just end up shaping up very differently than we expect.


Originally posted by bns18js

Ok appreciate the response. I'm glad you guys are at least monitoring it. I have always trusted numerical balancing by you guys 100%. You guys have done such an amazing job making champs reasonably good in both solo queue and competitive.

I was just afraid of the game play frustration part that might be possibly overlooked. We league players like league because it's league. No need to go the dota route :)

I'm always glad to hear concerns! It's not like we're 100% giga confident every change is going to do exactly what we want every time.

If Teemo is more frustrating or banned or too powerful then we'll look to walk stuff back or nerf something else.