

28 Feb


Originally posted by GoldMath

Hey devs,

  • 1 - Do you plans to add rare small rooms unconnected to the cave system, that need to be spotted with Scanner and dig walls to it?

Could be walls full of gold (like a Crassus), lot of crafting materials, lootbug heaven party, empty, sneaky leach, nitra stockpile, enemy nest, red sugar deposit, one error cube...

  • 2 - Do you plans to expend the variety of primary objective and secondary?

Example regroup them into "organics" & "minerals", so it's will regroup Apoca/Boolo & Dystrum/Holomite/Fossil together, giving more room for variant models without having 10th of milestones. Dystrum would be nice to add to all other mission type.

More objective mineral/gem variant to Mining Expedition and Point Extraction, even if it's same and just reskinned/remodel, would make them feel artificially less monotone. Example Orange: "Gwarkstone" and Lime: "Greenardite" gems. Aquamar...

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  1. "Secrets" is something that's been high on our wishlist for a long time. I'd consider it more than possible that we'll see something like that in the future.
  2. I doubt we'll add to the objectives in the current mission types, but something we want is more mission types in general.
  3. Maybe? A graphical revamp of the minerals in the caves is planned at some point, could potentially include something like that too.
  4. If the designers can come up with a good implementation, perhaps. But there is nothing planned of the sort right now.
  5. Not out of the question, but I'd assume that we'd keep it fairly internal until we at least have something worth showing off.

Originally posted by kickit08

Whats your main?

I have a particular love for Gunner.


Originally posted by amperag

Yo ghost ship crew first off:

You can really be proud of the game you've made, it's really quite an accomplishment! My friends and me a greatly enjoying it, keep up the good work.

My speculative question:

For update 29, will you have to use error cubes to craft pickaxe skins?

Thanks a lot. ^^

As for Error Cubes...unlikely. No tool known to man or dwarf can crack or even scratch them, so they'd be poor choices for crafting material. Plus, Management insists they do not exist and look poorly on employees spreading rumors on the topic...


Originally posted by Bootleg_Gandalf

1) Will the dwarves all have different voice actors at some point?

2) Will you add more weapons to the game?

  1. Unlikely. We quite like the current implementation, and splitting it up would be an enormous task we can't really justify right now over other things we want in the game more.
  2. Nothing is planned right now, but it's obviously something we'd like to look more into down the line.

Originally posted by Mistah_Blue

Is VR support a thing that might be considered later?

Considered, definitely. We've already done internal testing, and there's absolutely potential. It's not something we're actively working on, but I'd not call it an impossibility at all.


Originally posted by FellowWood

Will there be more mission types and or more biomes added?

Post-launch, more Mission Types is among our top priorities. That will likely include more work on Biomes as well.


Originally posted by Zakkren

Hey Ghost Ship! Got two questions:

  1. Any plans for brand new biomes? Or are ya'll satisfied with the current ones?

  2. The Dwarf aesthetics are super nice (especially on the Fourth Relic weapon, best skin in game imo). What inspired some of those aesthetics for the Dwarfs themselves (the characters and their equipment)? Warhammer? Lord of the Rings? ect.?

Rock and Stone Brothers!

  1. New Biomes is something we very much want to do. And several of the current Biomes could use some more work. It's very likely we'll look into this post-launch.
  2. Honestly, we take inspiration from pretty much all sources of dwarf material out there - hopefully in a way that's both cohesive and logical and DWARFY, while being able to toss in some shoutouts to other franchises we love.

Originally posted by OrjanSult

How have the past two years in early access and involving the community affect the way in which you go about developing the game? Is there anything you do differently now from the way you used to do it two years ago, or did you, being the experienced game devs that you are, have a system in place back then that still proves effective to this day?

Most of the founders of Ghost Ship have a past in larger game companies where keeping your mouth shut and not interacting with the community was a big part of the game development.

One of the first things we agreed on when starting Ghost Ship Games was to play with as open cards as possible rather than try to keep things secret. And so far, we've had nothing but good times out of that with you guys. I see no reason not to simply continue down this path - and I like to think it's part of why this community is so awesome. Sure, we have a few toxic people out there, but they are few and far between compared to a lot of other game communities.


Originally posted by gangsterwal

Any chance for a jukebox on the mule? In a way that music comes directly from the mule itself and it varies in volume depending on how close you are to it or not at all when you are too far away, which is the same as the other sounds that require placement. I think that would add a lot to the atmosphere of the game!

Customizable Mules is something that comes up a lot, and there are a lot of cool options for it. There are no current plans for it, but I'd definitely not call it impossible further down the line.


Originally posted by Stoplesses

I've seen a lot of amazing concept art for beards, hats, weapon skins and the like posted here on the subbreddit and I'm wondering if posts like that stop you from making them or something like them for some legal reason, if not what do you think about them?

As Will points out, I absolutely adore those posts with the big collections of beards and hats and so forth. There's no technical grounds that stop us from putting them in, and as we write in the rules we reserve the right to use any cool ideas or concepts you guys suggest to us. So, the answer is really mostly just that we haven't gotten around to doing a big new batch of cosmetics yet - but don't be surprised if at least some of them goes in next time we do.


Originally posted by Stoplesses

Are you fellas planning on adding caves made by the glyphids themselve, like a termite colony or ant hill layout with chambers?

A "Glyphid Hive" biome is something we've wished for for a long time. Now with Launch finally on the horizon, it's not unlikely we'll add something in that vein after launch.


Originally posted by Win_Rawr_XD

  1. Will we ever see what a fully mature dreadnought looks like?
  2. Will there ever be a matriarch or glyph is queen?
  3. Are there plans for more helmet varieties and potentially more armor sets?

1 & 2: We have a few technical hurdles to get past before we'll be able to add even larger enemies. But it's obviously something we'd love to do further down the line.

3: Short answer: Yes.


Originally posted by Dukro

What happened to the quote "Stone and rock...Oh wait"?
I remember it til update 27 and then it suddenly disappeared.

Any reason you removed it?

Pretty sure it's still in there, just a lot less likely to appear. After we added a bunch of new shouts, we felt like some of them were maybe a bit TOO silly and detracted rather than added. So some were removed entirely, while others had the likelihood of them playing reduced.


Originally posted by Shitposter691337

When did you think of the game's idea?

All the way back when we started out. We wanted a lighthearted co-op game that somehow meshed humor with being badass. Dwarves were a natural choice. And we all liked gatling guns. Soooo...


Originally posted by Challenger1410

Are there any plans on weekly maps with leaderboards ?

We'd love to do leaderboards and such, but it's not something the current server structure of the game really allows us to do much of. It's something we'd like to look more into in the future, but there are no immediate plans for it.


Originally posted by SzotyMAG

1) What about the ever requested hair and face cosmetics? The 2 year anniversary fez is a perfect example of what it would look like

2) Could we get some food in the Abyss Bar? I know dwarves are though but living on alcohol and addicting sugar can't be healthy on the long term, I want to feel like my dwarves are well fed

  1. What about them? If you're asking if we'll get more cosmetics in the game, then I can almost 100% assure you that there will be more cosmetics further down the line.
  2. Not impossible, but not in the plans either. It's a fun idea though. :)

Originally posted by Bumpeh

Thanks for the amazing game guys! My friend bought it for me and so far I've bought it for 2 or 3 other people, and we are all having a blast with it.

I've noticed while playing this game I run into a lot of stoners in the online multiplayer. Was this game developed and marketed toward the demographic?

Thanks a lot! That's some commendable dedication! :)

And no, I can't say that was in any way done intentionally. xD But who knows, maybe the overall mellow mood of the game just draws that crowd in?


Originally posted by MinkfordBrimley

This game is easily the best four-player-cooperative experience I've ever had. It absolutely blows everything else out of the water. To this end, I've just got one question-

How did you come up with the idea for a game revolving around dwarves mining on an alien planet while killing giant bugs?

When you think about it, it's a pretty simple inversal of the good ol' dwarf stereotypes. But yeah, basically, we wanted a more lighthearted alternative to the more dour or serious games in the same genre out there, so dwarves fit our tastes quite well. And the rest more or less wrote itself - there are so many dwarf tropes to draw on and angle to our purposes.


Originally posted by Shakey-Bakey

I just noticed that the hair underneath the hats doesn't match the facial hair on some colors, is that intentional?

Not intentional. It should be fixed next time we update, if it hasn't been already.