

21 Mar


For the record, these are quick placeholders and will be updated to be a bit more snazzy when Update 29 lands.


That information is classified for employees.


For those worrying this is us adding microtransactions: Relax, people. This is just the current Accessory Shop that's had a visual update, as part of the ongoing Space Rig Overhaul.

07 Mar


Originally posted by AllTheRooks

I'm the guy who's done those cosmetic sketches. Not to sound cocky, but is there a chance I could get a heads up or a nod if any of them get implemented? Out of curiosity mostly

I'll do my very best. And awesome work, man.


Karl is the only dwarf to ever have received a pay rise from Management.

28 Feb


Originally posted by _xParagon

What hazard leave lol do you guys usually play on? Do you find your own game quite difficult (cow I do!)

We play on all of them, though personally I prefer 3 and 4. And for sure we find it difficult - if we're not struggling ourselves, we can't really call the hard difficulties hard.


Originally posted by Crux_Haloine

What about colors and skins for Molly? She may be a tin can, but she doesn’t have to look the part...

Definitely a possibility.


Originally posted by Beta_Krogoth

Likewise, thank you to yourself and the team for hundreds of hours of entertainment with no modern bullshit attached.

I had a more technical question regarding enemy weakpoints? Enemies like the goo bomber have weak points that are destroyed and give no further bonus damage after this, how does this weak point health work? Is it after a certain amount of damage or instances? The auto cannon for example can pop these without causing much harm but a scout sniper can nearly outright kill the bomber via weak point hits before the pouches pop.

As far as I know, the weakpoints basically work like mini enemies on their own and have their own hitpoints. The Scout sniping and causing more damage is likely more down to his shots passing through the weakpoint AND hitting the enemy behind it. That's my assumption anyway, I am not the one that set it up.


Originally posted by Beta_Krogoth

Love you guys, thank you for making DRG, it's one of the best coop experiences avaliable right now and really scratches that itch for me! Rock on!

As for questions, my girlfriend has an idea for a sandwich bar where you can build your own custom sandwich and consume it in mission for a buff, have you had any ideas for additional systems that are either coming or you've had to scrap?

Are there any more fun mutators coming? Maybe larger hordes, more gore?

One of my favourite aspects of combat is how beat up the Glyphids can look once killed, seeing a praetorian with half its armour shredded and its head popped off gives a powerful feeling to the weapons, are there more enemies coming? And are you thinking about remodeling some of the older enemies, like the spit baller for example?

And finally are there anymore dances /tunes coming to the music box?

Thank you for the kind words. :)

No current plans for a sandwich bar, but you are not the first to bring it up today! I'll make a note about it - it's a fun idea.

Post-launch we intend to look seriously into more Mission Types, so new Mutators are not out of the picture either.

We'd love to add more enemies, and I'd call chances of that happening quite high. And I'd agree that some of the older enemies could use a revamp.

No more dances and tunes are planned at this moment, but I'd be surprised if we don't expand on this down the line.


Originally posted by proximalprostate

You released some mini statistics a year ago, showing the playerlevel distribution, the win / lose ratio of different game types and so on. Nothing of it seemed 'secret', but since then you did not post new stuff of it.

Can you 1. Give us a few new ones? Why, why not?

  1. Is there actually more data you'd like to get, but don't get from the game yet?

  2. Is there a stat telling you how many people play with which language / INGAME translation active?

  3. And additionally: What EXACTLY are you collecting data of?

  1. We certainly can. It's simply a matter of time/priorities for us - we are extremely busy getting the game ready for launch lately, so we haven't had as much time for the kind of thing you ask for as we'd like.
  2. I'm no programmer and know fairly little of this part of the process, but I know that more data is always better. The more precise gameplay data we have, the easier it is to balance and tweak the game based on it.

Originally posted by KroozaNob

I have seen what feels like hints at Warhammer fantasy directly (with the Slayer drink) and indirectly to 40k (Squats).

Was this intentional and, if so, have you ever considered a cross promotion with companies working on Games Workshop videogames?

We hint at almost any and all dwarf-related franchises we can think of. Lots more in there than what you refer to. So yes, definitely intentional. :D

As for cross promotion, that's a whole other bowl of soup. It's not impossible, but it's not something we are currently planning for.


Originally posted by Adlersch

Are we going to get a dedicated airlock on the Rig, or do we just have to find more holes as you patch them? ;)

Every time you guys find a hole in the rig, I get another grey hair. ;_;

An airlock is something that's been discussed though - it's a fun idea, and could be cool to add if we find the correct implementation.


Originally posted by TransTechpriestess

Are lady dwarfs on the docket at all? Like a cosmetic skin swap for the 4 classes?

It's already been answered more indepth elsewhere in the thread, but short version:
At present, not in the plans. We hope to look into it again later, but it's an enormous task that we do not intend to rush.


Originally posted by InterimFatGuy

  1. How many people on the team play Dwarf Fortress?
  2. Have you ever gotten feedback that Scout is too good at everything (mobility, damage, utility)? This is a common discussion with my friends when we play.
  1. None, as far as I know. But I'm a big fan of the game regardless - the procedural generation aspect of it in particular is intriguing.
  2. Yes, lots of times. And the opposite, just as many. Balancing is hard work, and never ends. xD

Originally posted by IsGoodILike

I'm an avid breech cutter fan, primarily using and enjoying it since I unlocked it, but lately due to a lot of changes with it, it has become underwhelming at its baseline and many players ask for it to buffed. I find it very effective at certain things but then it also performs poorly with mant other things by default and requires a very specific setup to make effective, so I feel like a rework would be in favor of a simple buff in order to prevent it becoming too powerful at what it already does well..

I'm just curious what might be in store for this weapons future:

1) what is your stance on the breach cutter performance right now? Are you happy with it?

2) If not, is it more likely to see balance tweaks or is it possible that some kind of rework (mods or functionality wise) could be on the cards?

3) what were your original intentions for the breech cutters role? (Special damage? Large specials only? Swarms? A mixture of each? Ect.)

4) Any ...

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I'm not part of the design team in charge of weapon balance, but I can tell you that the Breach Cutter is among the weapons due a balance rework in Update 29.


Originally posted by BlisterJack

Can we expect to hopefully see the Miner’s Manual in Update 29? If so, can we also hope to get some base lore for Hoxxes and the universe the Dwarves live in? Sorry if this has been asked, I did read a comment you guys want some things to remain vague, but is there some aspects of lore you guys intend on expanding?

The Miner's Manual is currently planned to appear in Update 29, yes. But it will likely not have all the content in it at that point and will keep expanding over time.

As for lore, we'll add more, but I don't think you should ever hope to see really indepth lore exploration for this game. Keeping it kind of light and loose is actually on purpose.


Originally posted by Code_Rocker

Are there any plans to add more elimination targets than just the Dreadnought? Maybe like a Q’Ronar Centipede, or a giant Mactera Queen

It's an obvious candidate for a bit of a revamp, yes. When we start looking into mission types again after launch, I'd say chances are high for something like this happening.


Originally posted by Akayen01

Since we already have alternatives for weapons, grenades, and will have more pickaxes in the future. Are you going to add any more of utility slot tools or mobility slot tools to classes? Or do something else to make that aspect of the game more dynamic than it currently is?

We don't currently have any plans for more mods on the utilities or mobility tools, but never say never.


Originally posted by ShadowDragon8685

Is there any chance of the following:

  1. More drinks (Dwarven coffee, Miner Tea, etc,) and maybe food (like all those sandwiches we keep hearing about) in the Abyss?

  2. Sitting down on the chairs in the Abyss, even if it's only the arranged clipping like the drop pod seats?

  3. Most importantly to me: female Dwarves! They were on the roadmap once upon a time. What's going on there?

  1. Not impossible, but not in the plans either.
  2. I'd love to see this, as always it's simply a matter of priorities - we only have so many hands and our task lists are very long. :D
  3. It's been answered already elsewhere in the thread, but short version here: There are a lot of design decisions, technical hurdles, and a TON of work involved in adding female dwarves that we don't currently have the manpower to do.

Originally posted by Webmay

Hello Ghost Games. First u are awsome, i love your Game ! U make Karl Proud !

For what is that Orange lighting Console on the left Side From the Weapons and Item Console ?

Aee any chances to see more Biomes in the Future ? Or like another Worlds with new Biomes ? Like Diamond Crystals or something ? Or maybe to stand the Ground on a Ground Base to Defend like Starship Troopers ?

I am Pretty sure Karl would love that ;)

And for godsake why we cannot sit on the Station. I Mean i have little legs they need some rest.


As Will said, we'll introduce Pickaxe Customization in Update 29 - that's what the new console is for. :D

As for new biomes, that's pretty high on our list of priorities after launch, so I'd say chances are high.

And as for sitting on the station - no good reason except us simply not having gotten around to implement it. We have task lists a mile long, and sitting down on chairs ranks fairly low on the list still. ;)