

12 Jun


Originally posted by n0rseMN

The graphic glitches are significant for myself and my two other party members. We've lost a handful of games due to these issues occurring mid game.

I too would really appreciate knowing if the Xbox patch will include a fix for this.

Rest of the update looks amazing!

There is sadly no fix for that particular glitch in this update, but we are actively working to fix it. It will likely need an update of the actual underlying Unreal Engine, so we need to move carefully - updating the engine usually brings a lot of new issues with it.


Originally posted by EustaceChapuys

I gotta say the biggest things that have hindered my playing experience are the off-chance of having insufficient mission objectives available, and a graphical glitch that causes geometric planes to emit from my friends head. The former has only happened twice in my months of playing, but the latter is pretty frequent. If I'm not alone with the graphical glitch, I'd appreciate knowing at least others are experiencing it too.

These things aside, I can't explain just how entertaining this game has been for me and my friends. I've been steadily converting my circle into miners in their own right. Keep up the content addition, and thank you for the updates!

EDIT: Xbox One player for reference sake in case that matters.

You are not alone in facing that graphics glitch. We are actively working to fix it, but we will likely need an update of the actual underlying Unreal Engine to do so. And that update will bring a ton of other issues with it, so we need to move carefully.


Originally posted by Yorunokage

Are there any plans on new weapons and/or classes post launch?

As the others point out, not as such, no. Never say never, but there are no plans for new weapons or new classes at this point in time. For the immediate future, our primary goal will be to flesh out the main content of the game - more Mission Types, Biomes, and Enemies.

04 Jun


That beard makes me cry.

02 Jun


As Zero_Factor says, the simplicity of the Secondary Objectives is pretty much by design - they shouldn't compete with the Main Objective, but rather just be an extra, optional bonus for completionists.

That said, feel free to elaborate on what you'd like to see instead - we're likely not done adding new Secondary Objectives, and ideas are welcome as always.

27 May


You won't get in any trouble, don't worry. Sorry to hear that happened to you, and happy to hear you managed to restore your save. :)

17 May


Well done, Miner. You have earned a high-five for being a proper dwarf of culture. :D


On Consoles, the Ultimate Edition will remain as it is once we add new DLC. Any new DLC will need to be bought on their own.

On PC, we have the benefit of using Steam's own Bundle system, which is extremely handy once you figure out their slightly cryptic nature. Any new DLC we do will be added to the Dwarven Legacy bundle, so it will grow over time and become more expensive as more things are added to it. Basically see the Dwarven Legacy bundle as "The Complete Edition" - it will contain everything we have released (this may potentially change at a later date if there is a reason to, but for now this is the plan).

However, this does NOT mean that owners of the Dwarven Legacy bundle get all new DLC for free, as some seem to think. But owning the Dwarven Legacy bundle means that you will be able to buy any new DLC at the Dwarven Legacy discount - that is, 20% off.


Good initiative. Keep it coming, guys. This thread could turn out to be very helpful for us.

16 May


That looks very odd. I'll send this on to our tech people. Can you give us some specs perhaps, that would help a lot with locating the problem.


Originally posted by Diribiri

A trickle of recycled sewerage water ain't "bathing", there were lumps in my last shower!

Oh so we're complaining about free protein now? Entitled dwarves...


Originally posted by Diribiri

You think these things are expendable??

Bloody seems like it, with how many of the things you lot throw down there and expect us to retrieve. Those things can phase through walls and home in on a beacon, but for some reason you have to send us overworked sods down there to pat them on the head? Smells like Beaurocracy to me.

Why are you wasting money on machines instead of building us that damn space spa we've been asking for?

There are adequate and company-approved bathing facilities aboard the Space Rig already.

15 May


Originally posted by Twig375

I think I came to that conclusion when you first announced the three different editions. I may have looked at it at face value and assumed that if I purchased the supporter edition, I would also receive the dark future and megacorp DLC when 1.0 was released. Now looking at the store page It looks fairly clear on what you're getting by purchasing each bundle.

Was there any reward for being a supporter before 1.0 released? Because that may have been apart of my confusion.

Thanks for taking the time to respond and answer my question.

There was no direct "reward" for getting the Supporter Pack other than the things included in it, no. Thanks for the clarification by the way, very useful information! Hopefully we will be clearer in our communication in the future. :)


Originally posted by Hofhombre

What do you guys think of the new unreal 5 engine?

Utterly too early to say. Their hype video looks extremely impressive, but before we have it in our hands there is literally nothing concrete to say.


The Supporter Pack has never had any indication of containing any other DLC packs within it - it is its own entirely separate and self-contained DLC pack. Until the new DLCs were actually made available, there was no way to pre-order or purchase them in any way.

Also, owning the Supporter Pack on its own does not give you any discounts on buying the new DLC's either. The only way at this moment to get a discount on the DLC is by getting the Deluxe Edition bundle (10% off) or the Dwarven Legacy bundle (20% off) - and if you already own any of the content in those bundles, you will not be charged for it again.

I'm interested in how you came to that conclusion though - perhaps there's some wording we can clear up to ensure nobody else makes that assumption and gets disappointed.


Oh it's extremely dodgy, fully agreed. It was one of the things that got slashed for launch as "non-essential" when this whole pandemic thing came up, but it's absolutely on the list still. Not to worry, we have a plan - it's just not a trivial task. :)

14 May