14 Sep


We are planning some big changes to Senja. Stay tuned.


Originally posted by WholeLotOfAtoms

The whole point of early access it to attain new players. Why would you launch into early access with $20-150 packages if that wasn't your intention? I love the nonchalant response when early access numbers have plummeted into the ground after a wave of adverts to get people interested in playing... what a delivery.

First impressions mean everything, and so far that's been ruined. We also have soulframe on the horizon? You sure you don't need new players? Because this sounds like a perfect way to tell people you don't need anyone, and just want this project to slowly disappear.

Because the purchase of a founder’s pack is a belief in the game and what we’re trying to achieve and helping us build it as we work towards free to play which is when the most people will see the product. That’s been our consistent message since day one of announcing the game, and is included on the screen every time you log into the game.


Originally posted by bbates024

I think this is what the job board will be. EA season two I think is when it's supposed to come online.

That is correct.

13 Sep


This is something we've actively been tracking and happens to a very small percentages of players.

If you can post your full Steam ID that would be helpful.

12 Sep


Originally posted by Captainlunchbox

Any advice for someone who didn't receive the pack, even though I was a day 1 login?

I’d contact support.

11 Sep


We currently have this message up about that PlayStation 4 update not being available in Japanese, Korean and Chinese. if you are in PlayStation Asia and not seeing this message due to playing in a different language than the 3 above, we apologize you missed the message. In the future we'll be looking to be able target entire regions for messaging like this and not just languages.

09 Sep


Is there a museum? That was my favorite part about AC and I just want to fish and put them up for display.

06 Sep


Read this update, but this is the main source of why it's longer now that you've been playing and collecting:

05 Sep


Originally posted by Ganek

Just for the record, this has been discussed at length from the staff on multiple occasions and they have confirmed you'll only ever be able to buy (or use Wayfinder tokens) on the first copy of a Wayfinder. Allowing you to pay to unlock that first copy so you can play as them.

All additional copies required for awakening will then have to be got in-game via gameplay, no options will be available to pay to advance.

This is correct.

04 Sep


If both of you want to send me your Steam ID (the full number) or PSN name I’ll look into this. This is the fist time I’ve heard that it’s a bug at 16.

02 Sep


You can use the scroll wheel to zoom your camera in


Originally posted by pr2thej

No reason has been given still why the 25th was the cutoff.

Great for the majority of course, but it's really shitty for everyone else who was left out for no reason

We have given a reason. Between the 17 - 24 the game was in a volatile state. People were able to play, but many were not due to the login and server issues. We solved the majority of issues the 24th, announced they were solved then picked the next day as the cut off as anyone after the 24th had a drastically different experience than those before.

01 Sep


Sorry fam, no announced planned for PAX.


Originally posted by Prudent_Possession10

Dissapointed by the cut-off date. I've bought the game before the 25th but haven't attempted to login since I've heard about long queues and wasn't in a rush to get into the game asap.

As I mentioned to another player we have absolutely no way of knowing who a player is unless they hit that button. No info is shared with us via Steam or PSN. We have to go off the login attempt when it pings our back end.


Has anyone figured out how to get it to display button prompts instead of keyboard keys? I wonder if it’s jacked up because it doesn’t recognize my right stick


Originally posted by amyrlinn

I've got the token (I think, if it's the 1 in the upper right corner of my menu), but I can't seem to figure out how to use it to unlock a character. Every one at Omen still has their full requirements.

It’s in the shop not at omen.


Originally posted by Onmius

I still have not got mine D:, I definitely was in the window for it.

I’d contact support


Originally posted by wacksez

I never pressed login in that time period BECAUSE of the server issues I read about everywhere..

Ngl I am a little bit salty for not receiving any compensation, when I was still technically "affected" by it.. :(

The honest answer is that we have no record of you playing. If you try and login and hit that button it automatically makes an account in our database. Without that we don’t know who you are and there is no way to get you anything. Steam and PlayStation network do not share any personal info for security reasons.


Originally posted by arrieon

I appreciate the dedication to the community, the responsiveness of the developers, and my overall enjoyment of this game. I understand that new launches can be challenging, but I'm wondering how long I should wait before I submit a ticket about not receiving compensation. To be honest, I'm not too bothered by it; I ended up with Niss after the server bounced me, which was my initial choice anyway. However, having a token to keep would still be a nice addition

If you don’t see it and are within the parameters contact them.

31 Aug


Originally posted by kiku_ichimonji

This new weapon, is it one of the ones that accidentally got put in the shop and are supposed to be out very soon, or a new type entirely?

One of the ones that was on the shop for a short period of time