

21 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe our plan hasn’t changed since this was posted;

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In a recent post demonstrating that alliteration’s always absolutely awesome, we told you of our plans to split the skill Summon Skeleton into the two skills Summon Skeleton and Summon Skeleton Mage. Today we’re posting previews of the trees for both of these skills!

Please note that these trees are still a wo...

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20 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is indeed! Apologies for the image being incorrect. :slight_smile:

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LastEpoch UniqueItems 073.png2250×1845 572 KB

(Interested in these items? We’ve posted a preview of Cinder Song and Hollow Finger here!)

19 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

While this is likely to remain true to a broad extent, we’ll be making some changes to both the rate of gold income the cost of buying items from a vendor in Patch 0.7.3.

18 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Update: Unfortunately due to a technical issue, the votes for this poll had been reset. I’ve replaced the poll with a screenshot of the results taken a few minutes prior to this occurring.

The results of the poll were;

  • Summon Scorpion: 21
  • Ring of Shields: 20
  • Spriggan Form: 20
  • Forge Strike: 18
  • Soul Feast: 14
  • Frenzy Totem: 8


Which Skill Tree Do You Want to See Before the Patch?

Yesterday we posted the Patch Preview thread...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


Patch 0.7.3 forms part of Phase 1 of our Early Access Development Forecast.

This patch introduces a new chapter of story content, brings additional social functionality, features many skill trees (including the two Skeleton trees), and improves Quality of Life. We plan to release this patch at 2019-09-27T15:00:00Z (in your local time zone).


  • Patch 0.7.3 includes Chapter 6!
  • Buffs and debuffs on your character now have visual indicators. We have posted a preview of the system ...
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17 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The issue with the ladder will be corrected in Patch 0.7.3, which we’ll release later this month.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

As we’ve previously shown you, our artists have been creating some new art for us to use in our loading screens. As the End of Time zone is one of the main hubs in the game, we wanted to show you the art that was recently created based on this zone!

... Read more

16 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @atreyuxD,

This thread exists for us to help Xpresso with an issue they have since resolved.

Please create a new thread, and include the information I requested in this post.


15 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi again,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I’d been speaking with members of our team regarding your reported FPS with Vertical Sync enabled and disabled, as from what you’ve told us there’s likely to a bug there - and we had been curious whether addressing the bug would have a significant effect on performance. It’s now looking like this isn’t the case, so I’m happy to proceed with troubleshooting normally without that being a distraction.

I find it interesting that your FPS is low when first entering a zone, and then gradually improves as you are in that zone for longer. One thing I’m wondering is whether a component is seeing higher temperatures during loading screens, throttling to get cooler, and then gradually raising clock speeds as the temperature improves. Overheating would usually be associated with the inverse of this observation, but if loading screens are the issue then it could still be the cause.

There is a free program called HWMon...

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14 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad to hear it!

Thank you for taking the time to post an update. :slight_smile:

13 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hope everyone likes our new method of previewing specialization trees! :slight_smile:

I’ve updated the preview to add the root node for convenience. For logged-out users this may take several minutes to take effect due to caching (I’ve done what I can to expedite this).

@Zikkar @ReimerhArts: These effects require that both of the procs referenced are triggered by a single use of Tempest Strike. I’ll speak to the team about your feedback on this. I c...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Today we’re very excited to show you a preview of Tempest Strike’s tree!

Unlike previous previews we have posted, this one works as it does in-game; you mouse-over the node you are interested in, and the information appears. You move onto the next node, and the tooltip for the previous node disappears. You can find the preview here.
Note: We are aware that there are a few typos; no need to report them. Thanks!

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Identified and resolved an issue where a small number of drafts created on our previous forum appeared as published threads in, which displayed at the bottom of for users of mobile devices. The threads have been deleted or moved as appropriate.

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After discussing the possibility of us discussing this discussion regarding Black Hole, we found the time to discuss this discussion at one of our recent design meetings. Let’s discuss that discussion of this discussion in the hope that it will benefit this discussion.

While I had suggested the idea of making the base Black Hole skill a pure crowd control ability with options to add various damage types as part of different branches on the specialization tree, we have decided against this for a few reasons.

The main one is that although Black Hole has been a challenging skill to balance, this has been due to the crowd control effect itself. To remove the damage and use that as justification for reducing either the Mana cost or the cooldown may not have the intended effect of making the skill easier to balance; the skill’s most powerful aspect would be more readily available.

We’re going to keep an eye on the skill, but we aren’t currently planning ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve added another question to post #2 of this thread.

While not a question I’ve seen posed by the community, I have observed some confusion regarding the scope of the forecast - likely due to people assuming it was released alongside the game entering beta / Steam Early Access, rather than several months later.

What is the scope of this forecast?

Our Early Access Forecast was posted on the 30th of July.

We first released builds to the community during Last Epoch’s pre-alpha stage of development in late 2017, the game entered Steam Early Access on the 30th of April 2019, and it is scheduled to release in April 2020 with substantial, ongoing post-release development.

The Early Access Forecast focuses on development between the forecast itself being posted, and the game leaving Steam Early Access. The pre-alpha and alpha stages of development, updates to the game after launch, and beta content release...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Ancient Era was a time of peace, when Eterra was active, humanity slept, and the gods were young. Despite the era being broadly peaceful, it was by no means safe.

The unchecked wilds gave birth to untold numbers of nightmarish primal creatures whose eventual extinction would be necessary for humanity to flourish in later eras. Among these creatures are even monstrous plants such as the Floral Spitter.

PrimalFlora_DesignSheet.jpg2066×1959 2.61 MB

Click on this image to see the full-sized version.

12 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I just wanted to drop in to provide a quick update. We have been working on updates to the mouse cursor to address visibility concerns, however these changes were not scheduled to be part of Patch 0.7.3 and are thus unlikely to be finished prior to that patch being released.

Thanks again for the feedback!

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post!

Moving to Bug Reports.