

21 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Those are just developer logs to show what's being worked on for the update which isn't out yet. The most recent version,, is on both the production and beta branches and will be what you're playing now.

17 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try selecting tiles that say, 'Peaceful'. These won't have events where you get attacked.

16 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep, no worries!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Birb: This game is looking awesome but it looks like the next update is going to add in so much. Normally I would get a game regardless of the next update but people have been saying there isn't much to do right now.

Just so you know, the game is 25% off right now.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks Ajvar! :) I'm just sitting down to work and reading this was a great way to start the day. Means a lot to see folks excited for the game. Cheers!

15 Apr

Hey gang!

For today's update, I won't have a lot of new stuff to show off as I'm currently focused on cleaning up things from the recent world size changes. However, I do want to show off some things which I'm excited about and I've touched on in the past. Before I do, let me give you an update on where I'm at with the... update.

Hokay. So. The change to the world sizes (making them variable)--as shown in last month's post--was a huge amount of work. The 128x128x64 map size you're used to was ingrained so deeply in all the systems, that it was like trying to remove a pack of wild hyenas from a butcher shop. I don't even know what that means, but it was frightening and difficult and I might have cried. Needless to say, I've spent the month since last month's post working on that and I've still got a lot of work to do. I think by the end of April, I'll be back to where I was before I made that change but with that added world size variability. The not great news is tha... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I use Unity.

13 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey! Thanks so much for the kind words.

The game is $10 for a couple reasons. Namely, it's still a work in progress and I want the price to reflect that. Some people might see a $20 price point and think the game is a lot more stable and complete, then leave a negative review out of frustration (which some still do now). Also, I think with such a low price, people might be willing to give the EA a chance and see that there's something fun there. There is the inverse reaction, too, where people see it priced so low and think it's a game jam, or maybe not as serious a game, and avoid buying it. There's a bit of a balance, here, that's tough to get right, and I hope the positive reviews encourage people to play.
That said, I do plan on increasing the price in small increments as I release each race. My plan is to have the 1.0 version priced at $20, with each race release adding $2.50. Anyone who had bought the game already would get those for free of course. I'm not t... Read more

12 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello! Thanks so much for taking the time to write this up.
Pretty much everything you've mentioned here aligns with the vision I have as well. I have a large history created for the game and I'm excited to add more depth and events which tell those stories through methods similar to what you've mentioned.
I'm currently finishing off an update which is largely quality of life, performance, content pipeline, and UX focused, but the next update is going to be all about adding more content like events, characters, and progression to help flesh out the world some more. In its current state, it's more of a prototype for me to figure out the systems of the game.
Anyway, thanks again for writing out these cool ideas. Hoping to be able to work on stuff like this very soon!

15 Mar

Hey everyone!

I have some news for today's dev log that I'm so excited to share with you all.

A lot of people have requested that they be able to change two settings for the game:
-Overworld map size.
-In-game map size.
I had held off changing the game to allow this because the defined map size was deeply tied to so many integral systems. This means that changing anything even remotely tied to this would result in adding a lot of work to my plate and further pushing out the update release. As well, increasing the map size introduced problems with the cost of pathfinding which, at the time, I didn't have a solution for.
I had planned on tackling this change in the next update because I've made you poor souls wait almost a year for this update and you've all been so patient with me. However, one issue with me changing the map size is that I can't easily maintain backwards compatibility for your save files. Players would have to start a new game. That sai... Read more

10 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are a couple methods:
a) Harvest naturally growing, mature plants around your settlement.
b) Start growing your own crops and harvest these. Make sure to put a Farm room down to auto harvest/plant.
c) Tame wild animals and either butcher them for meat or take care of them to get resources like milk.
d) Start fishing at lakes/ponds. Make sure to give someone with the fishing skill active a fishing rod. Then assign a fishing job next to the water with fish in it.

Later on you'll want to make things like flour because it doesn't decay like most other foods and can get you through winter.

Hope that helps!

07 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have Adventure Mode as something I'm going to look at after 1.0 is out. There's so much more to add to the current game that that mode is a long ways off, but I also love the idea.

05 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not in the current version. The next version has some filters.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You're not alone and the good news is this next update has a bunch of tooltip improvements. :)

04 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All platforms you build (including roofs and floors) are placed on the bottom of the current z level your camera is on. A platform is the bottom face of the block. So, if you want to build a roof on your home, go one z level up, above the wall blocks you have, and place your roof platform across it.

As for resolution, I know the art style isn't for everyone and one day I'd like to make a higher res version once the 1.0 version is out. It's just not something I can do for a while.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You should be able to do so with the 'F' key.

03 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There will be!

Edit: I'm going to try and activate it for the next update too.

28 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The two most common causes of lag are:
1) You have thousands of items that are being checked for zoning or blueprints.
-You can easily fix this be deleting the items you don't need from the inventory (I) panel.
2) There's some error occurring under the hood.
-As it is an early access game, this has happened for a few people. Not much that can be done, unfortunately as you wait for the next patch to fix these issues.

Pathfinding isn't usually the cause of the problem because I have a pathfinding queue. 30 entities should be fine.

Sometimes simply reloading your save can fix the problem if it's some internal error. Worth a shot.

Anyway, sorry you're experiencing this lag. The next update has maaaaany fixes for lag but it's not quite ready to be released.

17 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks friend! I appreciate all the feedback!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I see! Ok, I think something like this could work with the already implemented settler overview window. I could add a little filter for idle so you'd see every settler with that state.