

03 Sep


we are aware of this visual bug, ty for posting


Originally posted by MidKnight088

Hey drew sorry if you answered this already, is there an estimated date when the optional update will come? The game badly needs it.

we're gonna squeeze a few more things in and submit it to app stores for approval soon. we're estimating a release next week


Originally posted by fl164

That's awesome Drew, I love your new shift in communication. I would even say you got some coaching on how to change it so that it evolves in a right way with this tricky and schizophrenic community. By the way it works and I really like it.

To come back to this point. I love duel in CW2 and there is no debate for me that Duel should be extended to other parts of the game.

Thank you for your huge communication. Be sure that mine will continue at this level.

thanks for the feedback, glad its a noticeable difference.

no coaching, just amazing what can happen when an update is released and there is actually stuff to talk about ;)


Originally posted by Billyofthehills99

i head there from time to time it's good for a laugh. sometimes it's less of a circlejerk than here lol


Originally posted by Surgebind3r

Thanks for this, Drew!

Quick question: Could you share the reasoning for why we can no longer search for clans while in a clan?

just an oversight. the function should be returning


Originally posted by madnz8

"i would also love to know how we could improve those reward posts for the future so that we don't get misinformation like this in the sub."

Please put tokens in the weekly clan war chest. Does not make sense to me you removed them from the CW loot. You said many time CW2 is the best place to level up cards, but if you remove tokens from it I believe that's a wrong statement. Thanks

there is a discussion about this already. as i remember certain tech issues meant we couldn't get trade tokens in for this update so we adapted to more gold instead. is definitely a discussion point!

thanks for the feedback


last updated: 04/09

thank you for making this post! i will keep this comment updated alongside your post.

  • (AWARE) - This means the dev team has been informed and a bug ticket/task created
  • (FIXED) - This means that this is already confirmed to be fixed and ready to go in the next optional or mandatory update depending on what tech it needs to be fixed
  • (NOT A BUG) - Self explanatory! Either by design or this is a QoL suggestion not a bug. This does NOT mean it won't be changed however.

Known Bugs

  • Cannot watch replays if deck does not contain 8 cards (AWARE)
  • Decks without all 8 cards showing up on battle decks on player profiles (AWARE)
  • Towers showing up in touchdown mode (AWARE)
  • Cloned Skeleton Barrel not exploding when reaching a tower (AWARE)
  • Cannot claim shop gifts if already maxed...
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Originally posted by glorioussideboob

It's almost definitely a bug or at least very poor design to have the 'add defences' button still available then. Very confusing.

it's a bug! it's meant to be greyed out


Originally posted by UtsavAdk

Hey drew, As a heard in recent CWA video, you as a single community manager for such huge game is doing a great work. I used to be mad when you don't interact with community but now i think it a difficult job.

This post will definitely will get ignored but, the optional/mandatory update will change some UI features. Will it include clan chat UI change as well? because the community seems to be unhappy with the new transparent UI.

thanks for the message! i appreciate it.

the optional update is dedicated to bigger bugs and gameplay issues.

i have already gvien the UI feedback to our artist, but just because some members are unhappy with it doesnt mean all players are, and i'm going to trust my UI artists' thoughts on this one.there has been a lot of time and thought spent on the UI design so it isn't one of those things that we will be changing within a week etc.

thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by BobDeKnob

They haven't had a shield in 2 days, and still have 4 boat defenses left. I can't attack their boat.

do you have defenses set up on your boat?

can you give me a quick step by step rundown of how you get this error?



Originally posted by Spid-CR

Darn, there goes that conspiracy theory. Guess I'll have to go back to rigged matchmaking conspiracy theories.

they're my favourite conspiracy theories!

i always wonder what happens to the winner in the 'rigged matchmaking' situations. do they also lose?


Originally posted by LastKngg

a lot of people are complaining, why don't you take this into consideration? u/supercell_drew

this feedback has already been given to the team. thx for the ping


Originally posted by ItaGuy21

Drew, c'mon now, the ONLY value assumption is for gems/gold, even if you lower that down, rewards are NOWHERE more than before. Literally NOWHERE. He is right when he says a token is worth its max stack gold you get, and even with assumptions on wins and losses, it is CLEAR that there is NO BETTER rewards. In your post you didn't explain how they were better. That's because they aren't. Also leagues progression has been MASSIVELY NERFED, now you lose trophies for a 3rd place whereas before you would gain something, as there are no win trophies to mitigate the one you lose as before. Overall, clans are gonna get DOWN in leagues, and even if rewards were better, and this is not the case, majority of community would still get worse than before. Also, pretty please do not fill challenges and stuff with tokens, give something that actually helps progression (gold, cards, chests, gems). Tokens are the worst reward ever, they should have never been a reward, but some free thing to give, o...

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i don't know what i can say other than that the rewards are more. the statistics are all there in my rewards post. we make it a point not to make things worse when taking things away (we have learnt that the hard way before) so any changes that we do make now are always with the mind for anet positive for the player


while i appreciate the effort that you have put into this post, you have used incorrect values for gold calculations (you even stated this yourself when you talk about card conversions) and made quite a few assumptions about other values which makes your overall calculations incorrect.

questions for you!

we have provided clear stats in our rewards post, and full transparency with those values, so i would love to know why you think we are actually not being truthful in that post? what made you want to make this post etc.

i would also love to know how we could improve those reward posts for the future so that we don't get misinformation like this in the sub.


Originally posted by factsvsfiction

After giving it a few days to play here are a few of my thoughts:

1) best of 3 duels are completely pointless in this format

-If you do not have 3 maxed decks, you do not stand a chance

-format causes decks to become progressively worse without the ability to repeat cards (ex. Multiple deck structures require spell cards. If you used 3 in deck 1 and have none for your other 3 decks it changes how people play the game )

-you waste 3/4 of your war day decks on one event

Personally, I believe it would have been better to let people choose from 1 of the 5 decks they have already designed in the game for each duel match and have this count for only 1 of their war day participation slots. It takes more skill to prepare for all cards/deck combos, rather than finish games 1&2 and not have to prepare for a fireball, zap, xyz card.

2) The matchmaking system is TERRIBLE.

-Right now the system is factoring in card levels, but it nee...

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thanks for your feedback:

RE: grand challenges feedback

- a constant feedback is that we need to cater more to casual players/the masses, which grand challenges are not for
- duel system in challenges would be awesome however. question for you - why do you think it would be good in a challenge but your feedback about duels in your first point is negative?

- we can't do any form of betting in games without legal issues or being removed from the app store


Originally posted by J1234511

From the table I don't see how the legendaries we have lost from the quest chests like mega lightning, kings chest, legendary chest, etc have been put into the war rewards - the legendaries we get will go down

Also before you had many chances to get a 1st chest in a season, this is not the case anymore - so war rewards go down again

Also, this rebuttal shows that none of this is true

If you check the new war season chests you can see the Legendary values there. The rewards are not lowered just because you have less chances to earn them. And you also earn 4 Chests every month rather than 2 chests

that rebuttal post uses incorrect values. the OP even says they are using values that they believe are correct instead of the correct values, they halved the value of cards for example.
i don't know what else i can do to convince you if you don't want to take our official statistic/fact based posts at face value, so any feedback on this would be great.

02 Sep


Originally posted by chunter456

Can we get transparency around the gold for non 3 crown victories? I haven't been getting the full amount on wins and it tends to penalize certain decks that aren't three crowning.

have you got some screenshots or a player tag you've experienced this on as proof of this?
there was a bug in the first day where incorrect gold was given but that was resolved with a maintenance on tuesday.


Originally posted by Abunavu

Drew, there is a sincere question out here that I have noticed is not being addressed at all: why is a confirmation button for spending gems not being considered? I know you say that you understand players frustrations if a simple accidental click can cost them gems that they spent real money on, but why is the clear action to solve that not being addressed or considered? We would really love an answer to that.

it is being considered


Originally posted by IIHobesII

u/Supercell_Drew just tagging you for visibility in this sea of touchdown bug posts

already aware! thx for the report

01 Sep


Originally posted by Godspiral

Gems from Quests have been migrated into the Daily Gift in the Shop - all other rewards have been included in Clan Wars 2 rewards below.

The problem is that concentration in CW2 rewards. CW2 rewards require an active clan. If this is a casual game and the majority of players are casual, then the majority of clans are not active enough to get the top rewards. A lot of complaining about matchmaking, but if you just play, and have other clanmates who also play, you can get a high finish position, and high reward. 50 players with lvl 9 cards can finish race at start of 3rd day in their time zone. Fast enough to climb to legends even if they lose every time.

An important reward balancing fix would be to get rid of the boot, and every clan is guaranteed the 5th place reward (4th could be better than 5th)

In the old CW1, our clan could usually get the gold 1st chest every 2 weeks, even if we had lots of 4th/5th places. The average c...

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thanks for your feedback and perspective as a small/less competitive clan!
i personally think that it is far too early (2 days) to make assumptions like this atm and everyone should at least wait until after the first season is finished before writing off the rewards as a huge nerf to smaller clans.

not dismissing your thoughts - just asking to keep an open mind when it comes to more long-term reward structures/designs like this.