

01 Sep


Originally posted by sandokas

Colosseum gives 100 points per month.

In clan wars we used to get 100 points every 2 days.

I feel betrayed.

everyone is in the same position as you are, so it is not putting your clan at a disadvantage. these new values are just something that your clan will have to adapt to in this transitional period


Originally posted by Eterniter

Hopefully. I've been playing clash since April 2016 and I admit any ill criticism towards the game is actually due to how much I love Clash Royale. I think I speak for most of us on this but truth is we complain because we have spent countless hours having fun on this game and our expectations are always high.

i get you man, i'm the same. you just want the best for something so get mad when it isn't as perfect as it can be, because you love it so much.

me and star wars movies would like to say hello!

we'll definitely be looking to focus on faster updates going forward and hopefully now that this clan wars rework is done we can focus on newer, fresher gameplay content. thanks for the message!


Originally posted by sandokas

My clan was in Legendary last couple of months and fell during last clan war (from 3k to 2.9k). Now we're stuck at 1500 points. Before if we won 1st place every single war we could get 300-400 points a week. In a month we could get back.

With river race we're stuck at 20 points a week. That's going to take us 1.5 years (75 weeks) to get back where we were before IF we win EVERY single boat race.

I dunno what to do. We've been playing together for years but this seems like the final chapter. Please help.

wait for the final week and the clan war colosseum my friend!

this is where you can earn mega trophies for your clan. you can see the exact numbers in the little goblin hut at the left of the start of the river


Originally posted by ThePhoenix74

What about the button swap and the gems I lost? Seriously?

that was not relevant to the point of this post so it wasn't addressed in this post.

i've commented about this in other comments - we have made a UI change in relation to the feedback that will be going into the next optional/mandatory update. sorry to hear that you lost gems, we will be getting a fix out soon


Originally posted by Eterniter

That "future" updates is what scares me. I would have no problem if our complains turned into feedback and then SC improved things by say, in an update next month. We all know though next update that changes anything in the game is 6+ months away.

trust me, we also don't want the next update to take 6 months to come out


Originally posted by ledv83


Thanks for putting together this. Now, players have reported that they cannot claim card gifts from the shop if they are already maxed out. This is a downgrade.

we are aware of this happening, thx for reporting


Originally posted by BeRanger918

A lot of wait for such an uninspiring change. Love finishing the boat race in 20 hours and having to wait six days for the next war. That should really keep the troops motivated.

the first few weeks of this update will be rough as players fight to find their correct league positioning.

we will also be adjusting fame thresholds after this first season to make for a more engaging experience. you can never 100% predict player behavior so we are relying on data from this first month to inform changes in the next clan war season.

while you wait, you can still earn gold rewards from river tasks

Hello Reddit!

We changed a lot of things in the new Clan Wars update and I wanted to clear up some of the questions regarding rewards.

What better way to do that than with DATA and TABLES? Well, I can think of a few more fun ways but here we are...

In this post we will be covering the rewards in Clan Wars 2 and the following sections:


In each section we will go over::

  • WHAT we removed
  • WHAT we replaced it with
  • WHY we removed it (our thinking behind the process)
  • WHAT this means for you (TL;DR)

Let's get right into it shall we... apologies in advance for any formatting errors, I tried my best!

... Read more External link →

Originally posted by fulimaster

Hey u/Supercell_Drew sorry for tagging you, but I thought you might appriciate this post with my personal problems with CW2 and my ideas on how to fix them! Sone ideas are maybe really stupid, but you may find some of them actually good! :)

Although I am not a huge fun of CW2 in its current state, I think it has a very very high potential to become the greatest feature of Clash Royale - much higher potential than CW1!

great post from what i've read so far and i love the format! genius.

giving it a read through now.

thanks for the well written feedback!


Originally posted by EatMeatPeeps

I have chosen to support you, Drew, and the other developers and artists who make the game by buying Pass Royale. When I get chests I automatically queue the chest without even thinking. Even after reading numerous posts about it I have gemmed 3 chests accidentally. I feel ripped off and backstabbed as a loyal player trying to help you out (I am a developer myself). Right now I am considering not getting pass royale next month and contacting Apple for a refund for this month. This is absolutely ridiculous.

i thank you for your support, and it truly does suck to hear that you're feeling backstabbed because of this.

no-one will believe us (and that's fine, i'm not looking for sympathy) but we aren't evil masterminds who were looking to make a quick buck with this change. that gives us wayyyy too much credit.

it was genuinely just a crappy UI/UX decision on our part and we thought we were making a change that people wanted. that's on us, it's not an excuse, just an explanation.

i totally understand if you've lost faith in us as a company but i hope that by us making the changes to this (this will be going out in the next optional/mandatory update) it can at least show you that it wasn't intentional and we're working to fix it.

either way i appreciate your honest feedback and your past support so thanks for messaging.


tell your mate that we have a fix and it should be going out tomorrow! also tell him sorry from us.

in the meantime we have removed fortune chest offers so others aren't affected.


as a max star level golem user (i have no shame) i can empathize.

we have already fixed this earlier today and it will go in the next optional/mandatory update. thx for sharing


Originally posted by schooli0

Lol changed based on user feedback, what about this thread as feedback?

we have used this thread as feedback and have already made the UI change in dev environment


Originally posted by DragTheChains

It’s because the duel for some reason is programmed different. Your golems death killed the tower, but the golem should not have died there. The giant hit your tower winning the game for red, which triggers a death for every unit on the field. For some ungodly reason they didn’t just make it like the regular game so now your golem died, and the death explosion gave you a tower resulting in a false tie. You should’ve just lost but instead I’m guessing all that extra time you played was useless because the game was already over. It’s insane how bad they are at play testing since this would be such an obvious thing to check if you are changing the end game state check.

Edit: To answer some of the comments:

No, I don’t think that this is very easy to find nor do I think I would be better than they are necessarily. BUT, if you are changing how the game is ending, you would think you would check the case where unit dies dealing damage killing a tower.

i think this is exactly what's happening. thanks OP for the post and thanks to you for this. also apologies to OP for encountering this situation in the first place.

there used to be a bug with this exact same issue in tiebreakers and death damage before and looks like it has resurfaced. have forwarded


Originally posted by Nagemasu

I don't know why you thought this would be a good response when everyone is pissed about this update making the game even more p2w

well that's because it doesn't make it more p2w. unfortunately at first glance it does seem that way but after a while people will see the benefits of clan wars 2.

you can't tell how positive the update is for your progression from playing 1 day of the update, and i can't fault players for that.

it was the same with trophy road update, it didn't seem that great at first but then the progression value that it added was way better than old league chests, especially for new players. just gotta go through a rough patch first.


Originally posted by jradio

Hi Drew. Can I get my 48 gems back? As a season pass holder, I was tricked by the button UI switch. Lots of us were. Can you please address this?

we are addressing it, we just aren't making a statement about it til it's released.

i've made a few other comments about the situation that you can check in my profile but basically we have a new UI in a build ready to go in the next optional/mandatory update


Originally posted by wewaysawin

/u/supercell_drew could you get this glitch to the devs? Thanks!

this is a weird one. could you drop me your player tag please? thanks!


Originally posted by J1234511

Drew's reason for the chest queue change was that it was done back last January and only just made it into the game 7 months later, then he said it was done because 2 weeks ago someone accidentally opened a chest for gems and so they decided this was better and that it would make us less likely to misclick lol

He's currently sitting at -330 downvotes and he has several buried posts in the topic

looks like you misunderstood my post so i'm just clearing it up as i was tagged here.

there were 2 points

  1. the picture the OP used was out of date so i pointed that out. in hindsight it wasnt really relevant but at the time i thought that could be part of the reason they were shocked by the change.

  2. the post from 2 weeks agowas just a recent example of someone wanted the old one changed. you can go in the sub's search and find more from further back in time but i thought a recent example would help demonstrate why the change was made.

nowhere did i say we added it 8 months ago because of a post from 2 weeks ago, that's just false info