

25 Jun

I think it's important to call us out when we have systems or mechanics or otherwise do things that you don't enjoy, for sure. In the same vein, let us know what parts of the game you are liking. Feedback from all types off players, however detailed and nuanced, helps us make the game better.

That said, with a playerbase this large, it's inevitable that some people won't like changes made to the game or a direction that we take. In that case, more feedback can go a long way.
Originally Posted by Solkard
I dunno. The whole appeal of survival was that you had to start from scratch and build yourself back up. if you can just use your existing gear, what would even be the point? You may as well just go play in the ODZ then.
Some of the big appeal, if I recall correctly, was just that. Everyone starts from a completely equal playing field every time.No meta-focused builds, no overpowered synergies, no cheesy strategies... just a test of skill and game world knowledge.

Plus the added tension of the storm-torn city and a desperate fight for your life didn't hurt either.
Originally Posted by NLxAROSA
+1 for thread title. +2 for mods keeping it.
I feel profoundly conflicted every time I glance over it.

But the thread has solid advice and admittedly an eye catching title.
I appreciate the mixed feedback here, everyone.
What skills, weapons, or tactics did you use for the Gunner quest that you might continue to use now, if any?
We had a maintenance on the 20th that addressed this, but it didn't solve it 100%. Thank you for the additional report. What type of enemy dropped the ammo in particular, if you can recall?
I personally swap them out depending on the overall look of my Agent. Gotta have matching accessories and all that, of course.
Originally Posted by ink3pointoh
If this isn't the truth, I know exactly how I want to set up my builds... but I'm constantly up against the dilemma of either having the brand set I need but not having it in the right slot (like how some gear only comes in Knee pads, or Backpack for example), or I have the right brand set but the attributes are wrong (like health on kill when i want armor) or I have the right colors for a build to unlike talents butthe colors are hella weak (crit dmg instead of specific weapon dmg or straight weapon dmg). The layers of RnG are ridiculous for anyone not spending all day grinding away. I get it, if we were allowed to change everything, then everyone would have min/maxed builds but damn throw us a bone or something lol...
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Originally Posted by CassiousCloud
In real life when you're on the losing end, it's time to back up and head to the fort..
That's how I always took it. When the outposts fall, consolidate power/resources and dig in for a final stand,

Interesting to think about... Mechanically it's similar to a boss unlocking new phases and new abilities/attacks as they get weaker. Maybe Control Points make more sense, maybe less. Who's to say?
Originally Posted by FunkAyFOO
Night time it is noticeably darker
Well I would certainly hope so.

Fantastic jokes aside, I don't believe there have been any changes made to the lighting system. Are you noticing this kind of darkness in areas with few lights or with no lights?
I personally think a lot (if not all) of the changes have been pretty positive for the game. That said, there are still large and important points of frustration for a lot of players. I think you'd enjoy coming back, but waiting until more has happened is always a safe bet too.
Originally Posted by Edgemoor
Both of my characters are receiving no blueprints from projects or vendor, or any other source. Of course the vendor could simply be hidden because I already have it.

EDIT: This is the post, for convenience: ...
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Originally Posted by SACAcidblood
Also, make Armour Kits useful at end game!
Could you elaborate on this please?
While I can't condone waking the up the family in the middle of the night, this does sound like quite the encounter.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
But maybe keep the screaming to a minimum.
I've been following reports on the Aces & Eights for a bit now, thank you for the additional info!
Real quick, what platforms are you each playing on?

24 Jun

Great advice in here, everyone - some really solid tips. If I may throw in my own two cents... Get a lay of the land before engaging. When reinforcements come, a lot of them will come from the same general location. Using grenades or other crowd control tools like Flame Turret can turn the second wave into a second puddle.

Play safe, play smart, and use good preparation when you can.
Originally Posted by PointyMarmot
This irritation has been posted here several times in the past, so surely they are aware of how much people hate it by now....or maybe not.
Once on high alert always on high alert... I'll make a note of this though.
I've seen some payers postulate it's meant to get you out of the BoO and back into the world though, which is a fun thought.
OP, it's just RNG being RNG and - as the two usually go hand in hand - confirmation bias being confirmation bias.

I wish you the best of luck with drops to come though.
I appreciate the feedback here, everyone. Been seeing threads about shotguns & PvP pop up left and right recently, so thank you for the reports.
Originally Posted by S44f
Have seen him yesterday - he was silently staring into wall.
I can relate.

Thanks for sharing the info everyone!
Originally Posted by PointyMarmot
Who cares? I mean there's all kinds of stuff you can wear that some consider 'goofy', but it's all based on personal style. I like wearing masks that aren't common (whether its one I got from the Dark Hours event or a hunter mask that isn't super common). I'm thinking about going with the full old school hip hop look, just because it's so dumb.
Every once in a while I remember I have a jacket with the sleeves ripped off or something. I think the new dream is to assemble a 4 man squad that doubles as a punk/grunge band.